
作者&投稿:孟古 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Daddy,

Time flies and the holiday ends before I can realize. I will be away from you again when you read the letter. For the first time, I feel sad because of leaving you. To be frank, I used to have little affection on you. I told others that I didnt like my father. But this time, I can feel the your real love. During the past days, our affection should be improved greatly.

When I came here, I even didnt want to talk with you. But now, with the approach of my departure, I feel so sad. Anyway, we are father and daughter and we have the same blood inside. Thank you again because you made me feel father’s affection again, which looks so far away from me for long time. The affection is not very deep but warm. I hope I havent made any trouble here. Maybe at the very beginning, you were not willing to welcome me. But now, I do hope you really dont appreciate my leaving. I dont want to go because of you.

I was so happy during the past days, especially when I stayed with you. Maybe it is because I am really eager for time together with you in spite that I can only own you for only less than twenty days. I hope you treated me sincerely these days and love me from your heart as well.

I dont know whether you will remember these days after my departure but I will. Daddy, I am so sorry because I never called you daddy these days. This is because I havent use the word for too long time and this will make me uneasy. In fact, for several times, I did want to call you daddy. Please dont blame me, I know, from now on, I will accept you and love you. Thank you, for so many years, this is the first time that I feel the real existence of father.

Best regards

Yours Sincere Daughter


The total price goes up for the price raising of the software. Customer asked for the same price as the one on last year's contract. Therefore, new discount needs to be applied. 外语请多用被动语态,悲剧的中国人的英语全是主动语态,老外看不懂的。

【应该是第一次给这个老外回信吧。其实没必要这么认真的。不用上来就这么推心置腹的谈人生哲学(如第二段 有关内心不内心的)。因此对第二段稍作了修改。如果只是简单跟人家交个朋友的话,似乎没必要把所有事都拉到民族关系上。所以第三段似乎意义不大。当然,篡改了不少原作。如果不喜欢,大可不必采纳。】

Hello there. It is nice to hear from you!

圣诞节由于我身体不太舒服,所以不打算出去玩. 但也不全是坏事。我准备留在宿舍,看本书。也许这比在酒吧里消磨时间来得好。
Unfortunately, due to my poor health, I am not going out this Christmas. But I guess it's not all bad. I am going to stay in the dorm and try to read a book. I suppose it might be a better way to waste my time than going to a pub or something.

As you said, I am a freshman. Currently, I am still working on fitting into my new life (and I trust you understand by that I meant socializing) but of course, study is always my first priority .However, I am pretty amazed by your job and it is such a great thing that you are doing.

Speaking of hobbies, I quite like reading and watching movies. I tend to reflect on what happens in the stories and these reflections really help me with my own life.

As for how to learn Chinese, here are three advices:

1尽量讲中文. 并且我也会十分愿意帮助你。
1.Speak Chinese as often as possible and keep in mind, I would be more than willing to help.

2. Use cue cards. You can get them from any bookshops under ‘early learners’.

3. Watch Chinese movies and of course, with subtitles on

Merry Christmas to you too and looking forward to your reply.


Very happy to hear from you! Christmas is not due to physical discomfort, there is no out of play, but I think the true meaning of holidays is not in the crowd, but the inner satisfaction and happiness, so I read one person at school, but also feel very satisfied
From your letter, I feel your friendship to our Chinese friends, but also felt the love of your own country. Although the two countries have so many different, but the people are friendly and are similar, and I see from the film in your country of people and things are cordial people aspire to
I did a college freshmen, so communication is not wide. Not like you are doing with such a worthy cause, the moment I can only read into the most important position. But I admire you, can do such a great cause
I am a very ordinary person, if any hobby, it is probably reading and movies, reading intelligent people, film people think
As to how to learn Chinese, I'll give you the following three recommendations
1. More with Chinese friends to make some simple conversation
2. Can buy some of children's literacy with the book or card
3. A look at some Chinese movies
Also wish you Merry Christmas! Look forward to your reply

i'm so glad to hear from you. i didn't go anywhere during christmas because i wasn't feeling very well. i think the aim of the festival is not in the crowded place. but instead, which is your truly feeling of satisfaction and happiness from your heart .

From your letter, i can feel that how friendly you are to chinese. Also i can feel your adorable to your own country. Maybe there are so many differences between to country, but treat other people friendly is the same faith. From the films about richman, which makes me feel want to know more about that.

i am surely a new university student, my social life is not very much. Not like you , you have a really fantastic job. i think all i should do is learning all the stuff that i need. But i am very admire you, that you have such successful business.

i am an ordinary person. My hobbies are reading, watching films. Reading books makes people more wisely while films make people think more.

About how to lear chinese, i have three suggestions below,

1. keep communicating chinese friends and try to talk some more chinese

2.you can by some nursery cards to help you to learn

3.watch some chinese movies

i wish you a merry Christmas , too .

i am looking forward to your reply.

恩。。不知道满意不 - - 有的I 没大写。。 - -很懒转换的哈

It is so nice to hear from you! I did not feel well at Christmas time, so didn't go out much. I feel that the true holiday spirit will not be found in the crowd, but the blessing and self-content from the inside. I was happy being alone at school and did some reading.
From your letter, I can feel your passion to our countrymen, and your love of your own country. Although the two countries are very different, people’s compassions are all alike. I learned from the movies that your people are very friendly and adorable.
I am a college freshman who don't have a lot of friends. In the meantime, I will only concentrate at the school. I admire that you have such a great career. Your job is a meaningful mission.
I'm a very ordinary person who has only 2 hobbies: reading and movies. Reading makes a man wise and movies make a man think.
As for how to learn Chinese, I have 3 recommendations:
1. Practice Chinese by talking with Chinese friends
2. Get some Chinese children's books or flash cards
3. Watch some Chinese films
Also wish you a Merry Christmas! Looking forward to talk to you again.

I'm so glad to hear from you!I didn't hang out during christmas caus I didn't feel very well.But I believe the true essence of festival is not being in the crowd,but the feeling of fulfillness and happiness deep in one's heart.So I did reading in the school alone and I do felt happy.

Through the letter,I see your friendship and kindness toward Chinese people and your deep affection for your own country. Though the two countries differ a lot from each other,the friendess of their people are much more alike.And things and people of your country in the movies are so attractive to me.

I am a new fish at college,and I don't make a lot of friends.I admire you for you having such a meaningful job.Until now ,studying is still my top priority,and let me say that again I admire your great career.

I am just a ordinary man,if you speak of any interests,that i think will be reading and watching movies.Because I believe reading gains people more wisdom and watching movie makes people think.

Talking about how to learn Chinese,here are my three advices:
1.Do daily dialogue with Chinese
2.Start learning Chinese with cards and books made for little kids to learn single word.
3.Watch more Chinese movies.
Merry Christmas!Hoping to hear from you soon.


glad to receive your letter!Because of the cough.I do not go our for a good time on christmas .But I do not think that the happy is not in crowd ,but in our heart.When i read books alone ,feel hapy too.
I relise that you are friendly for chinese people and you love your country very much from your letter .Although there are many different between both country ,people have similar welcome ,I know that your people is also very friendly from the movie,
I am a colledge ,do not have a wide relation .and put the study in the first situaion ,and i knew that you have a meaning job,proud of you ,because you can do a good job.
I like reading and movie .reading can let us be wise .and movie let us think ,
About how to study chinese ,give you three suggestion as listed:
1 more easy chatting with chinese people
2buy some simple reading card and books and try to read them
2watch some chinese movie .
wish you have a happy christmas
Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you, but we were, after all, two borders. We are on the network far the most best friends. This is my heart has been recognized. I also want to know you more. However, it is difficult to communicate our language. I write a letter for each. Are all good people to...

Remember, let me continue to be touched.Good luck.

Hello, your letter, I have received, my English not good, but I have to see the basic.First of all, for your illness, I say sorry to, I hope you can recover soon.But, I cannot guarantee that what you said is true, because the society has many cheats now use this meth...

Yours,xxx 全是自己翻译的,大意是没错的,希望能帮到你。

你好。很开心收到你的来信!Hello there. It is nice to hear from you!圣诞节由于我身体不太舒服,所以不打算出去玩. 但也不全是坏事。我准备留在宿舍,看本书。也许这比在酒吧里消磨时间来得好。Unfortunately, due to my poor health, I am not going out this Christmas. But I guess it...

Hello Mr. President,I'm a middle school student from China, it really takes my whole courage to write this letter to you, and it's a great honor to me if you could read it in the midst of pressing affairs, thank you.I've been attracted to you since you declared to run...


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not so cold as the last year. I am afraid of the cold, but i like snow very much. As i remembered, i have seen the snow in hubei province when i was young, it's very supernatural and very beautiful.Best wishes for you!Sincerely yours,Hyde 参考资料:纯手工翻译的哦~~...

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辉县市14768864965: 请帮我把这封信翻译成英文~谢谢 -
浦娅硝酸: Hello Mr. President,I'm a middle school student from China, it really takes my whole courage to write this letter to you, and it's a great honor to me if you could read it in the midst of pressing affairs, thank you.I've been attracted to you since you ...

辉县市14768864965: 帮我把这封信翻译成英文~谢谢
浦娅硝酸: JOHMM DEPP HelloI is a flower heart of the guy, but I love you for nearly half a year, I think, my letter to you then to half a year. Ha ha, although not very long, but I promise you I will love you for a lifetime. Really good love you. My password is your ...

辉县市14768864965: 谁能帮我把这封信翻译成英文?谢谢! -
浦娅硝酸: Merry Christmas! We were allowed heartily to enjoy this to belong toour holiday! Brothers In the European champion league tournament, we succeeded haveentered the elimination series, how exciting news!Cheers! We were allowed to raise glass ...

辉县市14768864965: 请帮我翻译这封英语信谢谢
浦娅硝酸: 尊敬的先生, 这是新的一天,耶和华我们的神已经给我们,不是由我们的义,但被他的怜悯和恩典,所以让我们举起他的名字为他超过所有其他的名字也能解决所有的问题,在我们面前,对他说声谢谢. 你今天好吗?希望你是一个良好的健康...

辉县市14768864965: 请帮我把这封信翻译成英语.
浦娅硝酸: Dear teacher ,Thank you for teaching me with all your efforts in these years and make me knowledgable."Chun can dao si si fang jin, la ju cheng hui lei shi gan " which means , "The silkworm died until it spun up, and the tears start drying when ...

辉县市14768864965: 请帮我用英语翻译下这封信 谢谢了
浦娅硝酸: Dear Mark, Hello, I am your student Betty, from Lan Zhou, China; do you still remember me? Probably not, but I surely remember you. We all miss very much since we returned from Singapore, and we really miss the time when you gave us lectures. ...

辉县市14768864965: 请帮我把这封信翻译成英文.谢谢.急需.
浦娅硝酸: 我知道.我们之间有太多的坎坷和太多的艰难.I know, there are too many frustrations and difficulities between us. 但是我依然不想放弃你.以及我们之间的一切回忆.我知道.你是真的很累.我也一样.一路走过来.每个人都会觉得疲惫.But I ...

辉县市14768864965: 请帮我把这封信中翻英 谢谢
浦娅硝酸: It has been a long time since the last time. How are you doing now? I am so sorry that I haven't replied your letter. Because my computer(laptop???) was broken last month and I was getting ready for exams. I apologize for the delay. Hope you can ...

辉县市14768864965: 求把这封信翻译成英语,注意语法,不要百度有道的.. -
浦娅硝酸: dear asian girlspardon me for i dont write you in german ,instead of in english,my purpose is english is convenient for to read it,before i become the head of state of the empire,my life was tough and tortuous,during my middle school years,my school ...

辉县市14768864965: 请帮我把这封信反译成英语...谢谢!!
浦娅硝酸:know that today is your birthday, July 7 I will always remember this day, you know that I have your heart? » Hopefully, before I left I discovered that you can to your liking, happy birthday! ! !

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