
作者&投稿:仝樊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




sorry, my english is bad。 你可以用中文写好,在网上找个有道翻译直接翻译成英文,然后在检查下。

Ten years on I am coming back to pick my way through the ruins and write about how my motherland is doing. Ten years from now, I'll have a whole new list of things I wish I knew in my 20's.In ten years, I'll look back at my childhood dairies and laugh.& my kids mightthink they're funny, too. I have always thought about showing my treasured postcards to my future familyand telling them the stories of those trips and experiences.
That is me in 10 years. The most should be grateful that you, my future love, I am sure you here, I do nothave to reach in a corner, in one, our eyes never meeting place.

In ten years,I think I'll be a reporter.I'll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.I think it's really a beautiful city.As a reporter,I think I will meet lots of interesting people.I think I'll live in an apartment with my best friends,because I don't like living alone.I'll have pets.I can't have any pets now because my mother hates them and our apartment is too small.So in ten years,I'll have many different pets.I might even keep a pet parrot!I'll probably go skating and swimming every day.During the week I'll look smart,and probably will wear a suit.On the weekends,I'll be able to dress more casually.I think I'll go to Hong Kong on vacation,and one day I might even visit Australia

帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 在日常学习、工作和生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是我收集整理的20年后的我优秀作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 20年后的我优秀作文1 例如十年后,...

是否想过,20年后的我,会是怎样的呢?在这些年里家乡发生了许多变化,试着用 作文 的方式描述出来吧!下面是我为大家带来的20年后的我作文精选10篇,希望大家能够喜欢! 20年后的我作文1 未来,充满着未知。2041年,我已经成为了一位妈妈,有一个调皮的女儿,那又是怎样一番情景呢? 5点多的时候,我便起了床,穿...

急!英语作文翻译 王晓华男生于1992年6月15日家住东方市滨海路56号 从2...
急!英语作文翻译王晓华男生于1992年6月15日家住东方市滨海路56号从2006年9月至09年7月就读东方市第一中学自09年9月至12年7月在东方职业技术学院学习专业电气技术曾获得10,11年度奖学金并于11年通过计算机考试获得证书12年1月至4月在ABC公司实习个人兴趣爱... 展开 知道...

采纳率:0% 帮助的人:99.4万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 岁月会侵蚀每一个人,他的面容、他的思想,而我只能用现在的想法去畅想一个二十年后的我。下面给大家分享一些20年后的我 作文 600字5篇,希望对大家有帮助。 更多关于20年后的我的相关内容推荐↓↓↓ 20年后的我作文精选10篇 20年以后...

[b][url=\/link?url=s4v9uaNBntjxC78gR9klaQd_XpkbbLnUooVhBD8o8OYMJ5S8cG__EHdscI *** SkxZeWxFqCG8IDd6x6eUPw90Aa]2015[color=#cc00]考研英语大作文[\/color]写作十大模板集锦[\/url]、、[url=\/link?url=TDYh3wokE6sXgNBZUw2KTrO3JHhveWmzBmhzwQDHhPlLaOdYGhlOv3ycMeo0B5L__9yLKbdOQhrlmbtXd...

英语作文 描述五十年后的家会变成什么样 拜托想想啦、谢了谢了_百度...
Previously, we county is various aspects most backward county, most people live at very low levels, the county on both side of the street house low shabby, the road is narrow and rough.改革开放后,尤其是近几年,我们县城发生了翻天覆地的变化。Since the reform and opening up, ...

采纳率:0% 帮助的人:29.9万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 在学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?下面是我帮大家整理的20年后的我六年级作文,欢迎大家分享。 20年后的我六年级作文1 在美丽的万宁市,...

《2011年高考:2011北京高考英语作文题目:成功与失败》由liuxue86.com我在高考期间特别更新,文章更新时间为:2011年06月09日 02时45分.2011北京卷作文延续了往常的传统。第一篇情景作文,仍然是四幅图的,题材也是和学生的生活息息相关。继去年"李华"同学帮助爷爷奶奶之后,今年,他又帮助了亲爱的老师...

20年后的我六年级作文 在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是我收集整理的20年后的我六年级作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 20年后的我六年级作文1 天地悠长,青山常在,绿水长流。时光易逝,...

帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 想象作文 想象作文给了学生更为广阔的思维空间,是学生比较感兴趣的作文形式。在他们看来,想象作文好写。的确,完成一篇想象作文不难;但是,要写好想象作文,却有一定的难度。针对学生作文的现状,怎样指导学生写好想象作文呢? 【一】、生活是想象作文的基础 学生...

榕城区13841537380: 用将来时写一篇英语作文 -- 十年后的我 -
乌疤戊酸: s me of the ten years laterTen years later I will become more taller and more healthier. I will not afraid of asking for help or questions during the classes and I will not afraid of the dark and any other danger things at all. And maybe I will have a big house and three little cute kids .That'

榕城区13841537380: 求一篇主题是“十年后的我”的英语作文!! -
乌疤戊酸: =================以下由blue_surf为您回答================= 英语作文主题:1.weneedhealthyfood2.loveoffriends3.internet:howitaffectsus4.mydream5.makethemostofourdays6.englishandi7.ifiammymother8.lifeinthefuture9.myhero(...

榕城区13841537380: 十年后的我(英语作文,要带翻译) -
乌疤戊酸: my lift in 10 years In ten years.I will be tall and thinner .I will be report.I will work on beijing.I will near some beauliful clothes.I will keep adog as my pet.I think I win live a happy lift

榕城区13841537380: 英语翻译初二英语作文有关,十年后的我,(如生活水平,工作,环境,家庭,爱好等)60~80词 -
乌疤戊酸:[答案] My future life in 10 yearsHello,everyone! What do think your life will be like in 10 years? Well, I will be a popular and famous singer and I will sing around the world. I will buy a big villa for my...

榕城区13841537380: 求一篇 关于十年后的我 的英语作文 -
乌疤戊酸: In ten years,I think I'll be a reporter.I'll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.I think it's really a beautiful city.As a reporter,I think I will meet lots of interesting people.I think I'll live in an apartment with my best friends, ...

榕城区13841537380: 英语作文10年以后的我50字,要翻译 -
乌疤戊酸: Now, I am sixth grade student. After ten years later, I will be a college graduate and apply for the first job in my life. I think I will be a teacher, because it's my dream. I will teach my students with all my heart. Maybe I will meet some problems...

榕城区13841537380: 初二:英语作文 十年后的我 80词 -
乌疤戊酸: In ten years, think my life is very good. I will be a doctor, so I will help people in ten years. In the future, I think I will live to be 200 years old .And I will have a sports car and I will have a big house. AND in ten years people won't use money, everything will be free. The city is very big and too dirty.

榕城区13841537380: 英语作文《十年后的我》 -
乌疤戊酸: 十年后,我认为我将成为一个医生,因为可以帮助到很多的人,我想去巴黎居住,听说那很美,我将和我最好的朋友住在公寓里,那时候,小孩不用上学了,他们在家里通过电脑学习,我的家里也有了机器人,可以帮我们干很多家务,我未来的...

榕城区13841537380: 英语作文有关10年后的自己100字 -
乌疤戊酸: Everyone wants to know their future, but nobody knows it. I hope my future will like that. I think I will be an excellent lawyer in the future. I help many people who is in difficulty. I will help the people are in need, no matter they are rich or poor. Then I think I...

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