寒假作文指导P26页 用英语写新学期新打算 第一个日常习惯 第二个学习计划 会得来

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我的新学期英语学习计划 作文 150~200字 要中文的~



喜庆、祥和的新春佳节伴随着短暂的寒假生活已经过去,新的学期已经到来, 满载着2010丰收的喜悦,步入了满怀憧憬的2011, 又将投入到紧张而又充实的校园生活中。

要定好目标,执着信念,永不言败,一起因目标而努力,因梦想而精彩,塌塌实实地一步步走下去。固然,成就和荣誉往往令人羡慕、钦佩,但是“千里之行,始于足下,”要想使理想成为现实,积累是必不可少的, 应该从现在做起,从点点滴滴做起,一步一个脚印塌实地朝着宏伟的目标迈进。
新学期打算 新的学期即将到来,为了使下学期的学习成绩进步、各科成绩优异、不偏科,在此做新学期的打算,如下: 一、做好预习。预习是学好各科的第一个环节,所以预习应做到:1、粗读教材,找出这节与哪些旧知识有联系,并复习这些知识;2、列写出这节的内容提要;3、找出这节的重点与难点;4、找出课堂上应解决的重点问题。 二、听课。学习每门功课,一个很重要的环节就是要听好课,听课应做到:1、要有明确的学习目的;2、听课要特别注重“理解”。 三、做课堂笔记。做笔记对复习、作业有好处,做课堂笔记应:1、笔记要简明扼要;2、课堂上做好笔记后,还要学会课后及时整理笔记。 四、做作业。1、做作业之前,必须对当天所学的知识认真复习,理解其确切涵义,明确起适用条件,弄清运用其解题的步骤;2、认真审题,弄清题设条件和做题要求;3、明确解题思路,确定解题方法步骤;4、认真仔细做题,不可马虎从事,做完后还要认真检查;5、及时总结经验教训,积累解题技巧,提高解题能力;6、遇到不会做的题,不要急于问老师,更不能抄袭别人的作业,要在复习功课的基础上,要通过层层分析,步步推理,多方联系,理出头绪,要下决心独立完成作业;7、像历史、地理、生物、政治这些需要背的科目,要先背再做。 五、课后复习。1、及时复习;2、计划复习;3、课本、笔记和教辅资料一起运用;4、提高复习质量。 做好以上五点是不容易的,那需要持之以恒,我决心做到答案补充 1.提前老师的讲解做考纲和全品的题目,前天晚上认真预习。多做深,精的题目,拓展思维。 2.每天坚持朗读外语作品,养成良好的语感。认真识记考纲后面的单词,严格避免中考因单词而失分。认真复习和预习全品的考点聚焦和附录,要求重点掌握语法,句型。注意活学活用。 3.循环复习和背诵常用原子质量表,元素化合价,酸、碱、盐溶解表,严格避免因为忘记它们而在中考中失分。认真识记和归纳老师给出的化学方程式,要求活学活用,知道反应条件,反应结果。 4.认真识记物理公式,物质常量,电学和光学是物理里我最薄弱的环节,我要跟随老师的总复习,认真,仔细的巩固电学和光学知识。根据考纲认真复习各点知识,按时完成作业,做笔记。 5.根据考纲认真复习历史知识点,在未来的2个多月里循环复习,加强记忆,认真记忆老师归纳的口诀,表格,利用它们能很好的记忆知识点,关注今年发生的时事,联系时事与中学历史的联系。 6.根据考纲与全品上面的题目和知识点循环复习,背诵。由于今年中考政治变得很活,所以不能死记硬背,要活学活用,认真参考其他地市的中考题目
新学期,无疑也为 提供了崭新的园地,但是需要提醒的是:荣誉的桂冠往往要荆棘编就,成功的道路往往由汗水铺通,征途决非一帆风顺。它需要忠贞不渝的追求,朝气蓬勃的热情,脚踏实地的努力,持之以恒的攀登。所以,要培养坚忍不拔、吃苦耐劳的精神。决心学习的人,得有经受磨练的思想准备,要有高远的志向,要有学习的热忱,在困难和挫折面前,不灰心丧气,把坚韧不拔的毅力体现在学习之中!
还应该培养优秀的道德品质。当 坐在明亮的教室里,手捧崭新的课本,听着老师的教诲,同学们, 是否想到了 正受到社会各界给予 的帮助及关爱呢? 的老师、父母以及社会上与 素不相识的人都默默地关注着 ,而中国自古以来就有“滴水之恩将涌泉相报”的古训:父母养育了 , 应该感谢父母;老师给予了 知识,提高了 的能力, 应该感谢老师;他人关心帮助了 , 应该感谢他们。学会感恩、知恩图报是中华民族的传统美德,值得 不断发扬和继承!

新学期,新征程,新面貌, 把握住2011个美好的春天,把理想化为宏图,把计划付诸行动,荡起理想的双桨,与学校同舟共济,破浪前行,展现学子的风采,奉献青春的智慧。

The first school terms already pass away, new school term already arrival, I need to readjust oneself to a certain extent with all energy in studying , studying conscientiously , making great efforts to study from now on. Therefore I need to have a good prospectus to come to tutor from now on ,I study , that is: Prepare lessons before studying first. Before throwing into studying carefully, first with asking the content studying to browse one time speedily, know to study basically content and structure, to be able to understand and be to digest the content studying in time. Be in the important place , slow the course studying a bit. Fully utilize classroom time. Need to coordinate a teacher in time on the classroom , be ready for note coming to help self to remember the content that the teacher instructs, especially important being needs to think independently active , can keep abreast with teacher's thought and rhythm. The note composing on the classroom needs to be reviewing in time after class, not only needing to review the important content that the teacher instructs on the classroom, want to review those still feeling the blurred cognition too. Persist in fixing a date to review note and the textbook , make some pertinent examination questions and. Look for a quiet , comfortable local to study. Library, quiet but do not have a disturbance. Begin when studying , ought to be absorbed in homework, be sure to be able to not "live in the Cao camp but with one's heart in the Han camp ". Form fine studying being accustomed. Give up carelessness studying in the past , the bad habit studying such as watching TV as well as writing school assignment , writing as well as asking about , not thinking independently. Work out feasible studying plans and observe strictly. Lay on self studying life strictly according to that the school work and rest time draws, besides except school hours, late time for individual study finishes composing every section school assignment , write down 5 English individual words, the mathematics preparing time as soon as seal is this , the exercise reviewing Benzhang content , making appropriate amount, is additionally consolidated. Say all necessarily unlucky subject text by heart. Make use of out-of-class time to read the China-foreign masterpiece much , reinforce writing , widen ken. Prepare lessons before giving lessons , look for the place , upper class hour not knowing to study, resolve the place not knowing , review , Review what you have learned and know what is new after giving lessons.

寒假作文指导P26页 用英语写新学期新打算 第一个日常习惯 第二个学习计...
I need to readjust oneself to a certain extent with all energy in studying , studying conscientiously , making great efforts to study from now on. Therefore I need to have a good prospectus to come to tutor from now on ,I


hi,I m amy 。 Teday I my weekend。In my weekend I sometimes watch TV in my room I ofen do my homework。

I Miss My Friend Last year, I went to Guilin for travel. On the train, I felt so bored. A girl who sat next to me was reading a book, which caught my attention. I asked her about the book, I found that I had read it before and then we discussed about the novel. ...


一般暑假作业老师不会差的那么仔细 那么多量呢 老师有那么多功夫吗?一般暑假作业本上的作文我们都不写



p26 1、 c 2、 a 3、 b 4、 d 5、 c 6、 c 7、a 8、b 9、(1)②③ ② (2)传粉 (3) 雌蕊 (4)子房 胚 p27-28 1、 c 2、 a 3、 d 4、 b 5、 a 6、 d 6、① 表皮 ② 叶绿体 ③ 叶脉 ④ 筛管 ⑤ 水和无机盐 7、(1)①⑤ 营养 (2)叶绿体 (3)[ ③] 叶脉 (...

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