帮我翻译几句英语 拜托

作者&投稿:宗政信 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.When a gift is received in the United States ,the receiver is almost always expected to open it in front of the giver and admire it .

在美国,当收到一份礼物时,大多数情况下送礼者希望接受者当面打开礼物欣赏。【be expected to……被期望去做某事;in front of 在……面前,在……前面。】

2.No wadays, Chinese calligraphy has developed into a precious 【此处你打错了,应该是愤慨的两个词:a precious】traditional art.


3.Nobody knew him ,but the host went to meet him, and took him to the bar for a drink.


4.That deed was only superstitiously believed to be decisive.

那种做法只是被迷信地称作坚定。【superstitiously 迷信的,被邪教控制的; decisive,坚定的】

5.The application interview is to be held in the reception room of the company.

聘用面试将在公司的接待室里举行。【application interview聘用面试;be to do,表示将要做某事; the reception room是接待室的意思。】

You know that's I'm still waiting for you 你知道我还在这等你的

Another day Another night 一晚后的有一天

Now living without your love 现在没有你的爱的活着

You know my heart's beating for you 你知道我的心只为你而跳

Another way Another line 另一条路另一条线?

ut living without your life 但是没有生命的活着

spread my wings 张开我的翅膀

one more chance 再一次机会

years ago 几年前

So living without you near 所以活着没有你

The last time we made love 那我们最后一次的做爱
you said that you love me true 你说你真的爱我
I'm missing your tender touch 我想念你那温柔的触摸
I'm missing your ...我在想你的。。。



达尔罕茂明安联合旗13458002985: 帮我把几句话翻译成英文..拜托了...尽可能的地道一点...谢谢...
望奇安络: 1 please tell me if you need anything else. 2 Have you seen JANE? I want to say something to him. 3 Would you please help me send the card to him. 4 What did you talk just now? 5 We say it in Chinese. 6 I like listening to his song because I like his voice.

达尔罕茂明安联合旗13458002985: 求高手帮忙翻译几句英文,拜托了,非常紧急!! -
望奇安络: 1.I would like to participate in all kinds of competitions both on campus and off campus since I was very young,such as competitions of dancing ,singing and elocnting.2.I am proud of every result.3.The opportunities for coming into contact with stage are all valuable possessions of mine.【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!

达尔罕茂明安联合旗13458002985: 帮我翻译两个英语句子 拜托 -
望奇安络: I need him like I need the air to breathe 我需要他就好像需要空气来呼吸 You're my best friend ,forever 你永远是我最好的朋友

达尔罕茂明安联合旗13458002985: 英语翻译,拜托.
望奇安络: 1.I lost my way,I can not find the way home 2.I hope you can help me 3.I admire you very much

达尔罕茂明安联合旗13458002985: 帮我翻译一下英语,拜托 -
望奇安络: 翻译过来的正文是:Forget to have how long Didn't hear you again Say the story of[with] your favourite to me I thought for a long time My beginning was panic BE is not I do amiss again what You cry to say to me BE all bogus in nursery tale I ...

达尔罕茂明安联合旗13458002985: 帮我用英语翻译这几个句子 拜托了 很急的~
望奇安络: 1.I'm very pleased with your job! 2.You always speak exavtly! 3.You are successful in your business! 4.I feel respect for your job! 5.You are very humorous. 6.You are successful in your business! 7.How clever the child is ! 8.You look very great today! 9....

达尔罕茂明安联合旗13458002985: 帮我翻译为英文!拜托!
望奇安络:懂我的人 不必解释! There is no need to explain to people who knows me.不懂我的人 何必解释! There is no use to explain to people who knows me.

达尔罕茂明安联合旗13458002985: 拜托!翻译成英文
望奇安络: Thank you for your help, I won't forget you for ever. Wish you in a good age!

达尔罕茂明安联合旗13458002985: 拜托英语高手帮我翻译几个很简单的英语句子!
望奇安络: 1. The day before yesterday, our school held its 28th Games, we are very happy frame of mind. 2. Race has just begun, we Yu Zhiqiang of the ban on access to the men's 100M of the first, and we are proud of. 3. Unfortunately, the third day because of...

达尔罕茂明安联合旗13458002985: 帮我用英语翻译一段话,拜托!!
望奇安络: On 14 Feb, a new kindergarten was set up in Changsha. It provides all courses in English. The buildings looks like a townhouse in which classrooms are like hotels. The school fee is in excess of RMB7000 per month, making it the most expensive...

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