
作者&投稿:国妻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

坦白讲我英语并不是很好,来之前也做了一些准备工作。但是我个人能力很强。从毕业到现在,很多软件都是自学的 。只要一点时间,我会很快努力适应工作。

Frankly I English isn't very good, before did some preparations. But my personal ability is very good. From graduation to now, many software is self-taught. As long as a little time, I'll try to adjust to work.

我个人认为,只要能不断前进,就一定积少成多,不断突破 。一个人能力要比他现在所会的更重要。当然努力是必须的。

Personally, I think, want to be able to keep moving, will certainly many a little makes a mickle, constantly breakthroughs. A person ability than he is now will is more important. Of course effort is needed.


My situation that's about all.


Reasons for leaving, change a space for development. Because the company internal structure adjustment. Each competent replace, work content also change. After graduation in a sanitary ware Co., LTD r&d project designer.





Liu Weiguo


朗读:纯正普通话发音 不要装洋味

两个字的是;比如:张三就应该写:Zhang San

三个字的是;1.单姓,比如:李小言就应该写:Li Xiaoyan
2.复姓,比如:诸葛亮就应该写:Zhuge Liang
四个字的是;1.单姓,比如:李雨中生就应该写:Li Yuzhongsheng
2.复姓,比如:司马相如就应该写:Sima Xiangru

书写:Liu Guowei(注意后两个音节不得分开写,第一个字母和第四个字母必须大写,倒数第三个字母小写!)

Liu Weiguo, 发音和中文一样的

Liu Guowei 发音和汉语拼音一样

Liu Guowei后面维国不能分开

显然他们迷路了。(obviously)Obviously they got lost.你能分辨出韩国人和日本人吗?(tell)Could you tell the difference between Korean and Japanese?坐在火车上的时候,我们看见了那座山。(glimpse)we glimpsed that mountain while we were on the train.他病了,可是他仍然继续工作。(continue...

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Dear Mr.Bush,Welcome to Fuzhou, Fuzhou is a beautiful city with a long history. There are many places of interest worth visiting. Here's a plan for a two-days tour in the city.Day 1: In the morning, you will go to Gushean Mountain, There you will enjoy the beautiful ...

1.The train to Guangzhou will delay the time of departure.2.Guests are fully enjoy the best service that hotel offers.3.The depth of swimmers' diligence determins their performance in the Olympic Games.4.The cup is filled with with hot water,and patients can reach it....

香港是一个商业经济发达的地区,Hong Kong is an area of developed business and economy,贵校的商学院的办学水平也闻名于亚洲。The teaching level of your business college is also famous of Asian.随着内地经济的发展,商业人才的需求量会越来越大,With the development of inland economy, the ...

我发现这本书对初学英语的人很有用 6.I find it hard\/difficult to learn English, but I'll try my best to get over the difficulties 我发现英语很难学,但我会尽力克服困难。7. She was pound of her taking part in the EF cup English speech contest and winning the first prize 她...

38. In the mid-1800s, a French industrialist who distilled alcohol from sugar beets ran into a problem when some of his fermentation vats stopped producing alcohol. He asked a scientist for help, and this resulted in one of the most important scientific discoveries ever made. Who ...

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洪泽县18457876141: 跪求英语翻译 -
殷勤辰山海: 1. You'd better not talk loudly in public places (had better)You 'd2. In this country, (queuing time) will never be allowed to jump the queue when the (forbid)Queue-jumping is3. forbid you do, you do not do (allow)when4. You line up, be sure to tell ...

洪泽县18457876141: 跪求翻译成英语
殷勤辰山海: 1, although he learning difficulties, but he is particularly hard to learn.2, as long as the work hard, you can also to follow others had wealth and happiness.Three, my aim is to become a good lawyer.4, the teacher asked me, I realize that Tom didn't come to class today. 5, Susan sat there, look quite sad.

洪泽县18457876141: 跪求翻译..英语
殷勤辰山海: A:您需要帮忙吗 Can I Help You? B:是的,我想在你们旅馆定一个房间. Yes, I would like to set in your hotel room.A:先生,你需要哪种类型的房间? President, you need the type of room? B:有洗澡间的单人间there is a single bathroom

洪泽县18457876141: 跪求英语翻译
殷勤辰山海: Technical College 泰克你口 口咧鸡 though死肉 bad grades吧的 葛rie z told interested hobbies still delicious things 偷的 因吹死体的 后比z 死特有 地里说死 sing z

洪泽县18457876141: 跪求英语翻译
殷勤辰山海:at least do not hate

洪泽县18457876141: 跪求英语翻译
殷勤辰山海: 1. will you have chance to go university next year? 2. What's your worries? 3. All classrooms should be cleaned daily. 4. Strolling is good for health 5. We should put all our concentration on our studies

洪泽县18457876141: 跪求英语翻译
殷勤辰山海: Now it's the most precious moments(或者time) in your life.

洪泽县18457876141: 跪求英语翻译
殷勤辰山海: No one can have another life.Not bad. 就是还不错~~美国人都这么说么

洪泽县18457876141: 跪求英文翻译
殷勤辰山海: 1.是他的粗心导致这起事故的发生 It is his carelessness that led to the accident.2.我想知道他为什么没有到场 I want to know why he was absent.3.当他醒来,他发现一只老虎对他怒目而视 When he woke up, he found a tiger glaring at him.4.那就是他迟到的原因 That's why he was late.5.王鹏盼望赢回他的顾客 Wang Peng wishes to win back his customers.

洪泽县18457876141: 跪求翻译英文
殷勤辰山海: 1. 廉价商品店 = budget store 2. 普通百姓 = common people, peasant 3. 平民作风 = plebeianism 4. 人人都说 = everyone says 5. 融洽 = harmonious 6. 盛气凌人 = put on airs and bully others 7. (爱)上头版新闻的人 = regular guest on the front ...

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