
作者&投稿:倚雯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"Egret" be sheet of five big USA shortstory. That within this story, Sylvia's new friend is excited because of seeing white queer one bird is abnormal , Sylvia is able to tell his bird where to live? In "an hour story ", young one woman has been informed that the husband passes away grievous news. Third stories are titled as "good luck" , talking is story of famous one Englander. Fourth stories are that talking is story of metropolis resident "a lifetime of John · Huopujinsi".

I. Robinson Crusoe’s courage and passion

Always, Robinson Crusoe was not satisfied with his status quo, like most of us. However, few of us have the courage to make any change. That’s why most of us can hardly make any progress. But once Robinson Cruose had a dream, nothing can impede him.

Early at his teenager hood, he got the strong will to go to sea. Though, he might be well introduced, and had a prospect of raising his fortune by application and industry, with a life of ease and pleasure, if he chose to stay at his father’s house and his native country. Losing 2 of his 3 sons, Robinson’s father would certainly not allow his only beloved son going to sea and sufferings miseries. Being an obedient child, and due to the love of his father, Robinson was hesitant at once. But he finally chose the life he wanted and broke away from the life of ease and pleasures the 1st time.

By the 2nd time he went to sea again, he was a rich and thriving man with a plantation in Brazil, leading a life of ease and pleasure. But he sailed again. He just couldn’t stop himself from going to sea, because that was his interest and the life he wanted.

Any one who wants to succeed must have such passion on their jobs or careers as Robinson’s passion for going to sea. If they are not interested in their current jobs at all, they must take courage to stop wasting their time on such things, and focus on the right things. This is the foundation of achieving success.

II. Robinson’s great creativity and working capacity

Robinson is a man with great creativity and working capacity. He had spent more than 20 years on the isolated island. In order to survive, he ceaselessly thought about how to get enough food. During those years, Robinson learned to raise goats and plant plants. He also learned to make furniture by himself. When he left the island 28 years later, the island was much like a manor or an island country.

Creativity and working capacity are especially important today. They are two criterions by which the employees’ performance is judged in most companies. People who don’t have little creativity and working capacity can hardly achieve great accomplishment.

B. Shortcomings

No body is perfect. Robinson also has shortcomings. Sometimes he was irresolute; He was not confident enough; He was fetishistic, although his belief had done him much good.

Robinson was not born to be a successful man and a hero. He learned and gained as he grew. He was a coward when he encountered storm the 1st time. But he was brave enough when he struggled to landed on the isolate island. He was making progress.

Robinson’s shortcomings were not too serious to impede him from achieving success. Every one has shortcomings. But once we know it’s a shortcoming we should try to overcome it. Only by this way we can improve ourselves.

Robinson was the representative of the bourgeois of the 18th century. It was the time when bourgeois grew stronger and stronger. Defoe paid a tribute to bourgeois by creating such a rational, sturdy, clever, kind, and successful man.

Robinson Crusoe is a lighthouse for the ambitious people. It’s also instructive for average people. After reading this book, we should know how to face up to life.

This book tells the outlaws, usually a gambling, drinking, fighting, but a child, the son of sarkozy who cut tommaso rocchi, changed their lives. Sal childbirth after dying, the men in the camp to assume the burdens of taking care of the children. The prospectors vulgar in children, the infinite love for the children, entitled "lucky". Indeed, this name also brings good luck for the camp. Wealth, docile, justice and morality, all this earth politeness, the best thing to a roaring people's side, camp they suffered a baptism of the soul, and to defend the world of all things the most precious, straightforward men and even their lives. On the face of it, they are of no care gamblers, bandits, but not with ordinary people, "the most gentle manner; the strongest man hand; only three fingers on the gunners only the best eye" these at crucial moments, but stand in the reader left an indelible impression.

Tramp with the good quality, who sacrifice themselves to help others
even in corner, there still have love and happiness
即使在世界的角落中 也存在的爱和欢乐

luck camp
The luck of roaring camp 咆哮营的幸运儿 《咆哮营的幸运儿》[美] 哈特 代表作《咆哮营的幸运儿》(1868)描写粗犷的淘金者中间诞生了一个婴儿,于是处处欢乐,一切都获得新生。作者通过淘金者生活的一个特殊镜头,发掘出蕴藏在流浪汉身上牺牲自己、帮助他人的善良品质,似乎畸零人的世界有着说不尽的温...

Luck of Roaring Camp咆哮营的幸运儿

今天由Harry Monroe 给各位介绍Bret Harte的小说:The Luck of Roaring Camp《咆哮营地的幸运儿》。Roaring Camp是加利福尼亚最热闹的一个淘金小镇:100多名来自美国各地的男人们带着发财的想法,涌向这个不大的营地,在这里做短暂的停留。在这些淘金者中,许多都是罪犯。他们非常危险,这个本来安静的山里...


the infinite love for the children, entitled "lucky". Indeed, this name also brings good luck for the camp. Wealth, docile, justice and morality, all this earth politeness, the best thing to a roaring people's side, camp they suffered a baptism of the soul, and to defend th...


3 、《咆哮营的幸运儿》 The Luck of Roaring Camp 1868\/ 布赖特・哈特 BRET HARTE 发生在一个采矿营地的极为感伤的故事。那个营地收养了一个“印第安宝宝”,他们起名为“幸运儿”。我第一次读到它,是在普林斯顿大学参加一个名叫“美国西部文学”的讨论会上,当时一点都没有感动。在我的读后感(写作日期为...

19、Francis Bret Harte哈特1836-1902 The Luck of Roaring Camp咆哮营的幸运儿---乡土文学作家 20、 William Dean Howells 威廉·狄恩·豪威尔斯1837-1920 The Rise of Silas Lapham赛拉斯·拉帕姆的发迹;A Modern Instance现代婚姻; A Hazard of Now Fortunes时来运转;A Traveller from Altruia从利他国来的旅客...


leagues under the sea)罗宾汉 (robid hood)汤姆索亚历险记 (THE ADVENTURES OF TOM Sawyez)初三学生 编辑 白鹭 华盛顿广场 福尔摩斯短篇三故事 咆哮营的幸运儿 劝导 白牙 黑骏马 杨柳风 高塔里的房间 真尼城堡的鬼 绑架 三个火枪手 森林王子 王子与贫儿 鲁宾逊漂流记 亚瑟王与圆桌骑士 ...

高平市15969336236: 咆哮营里的幸运儿英文读后感 -
尤姜健奇: This book tells the outlaws, usually a gambling, drinking, fighting, but a child, the son of sarkozy who cut tommaso rocchi, changed their lives. Sal childbirth after dying, the men in the camp to assume the burdens of taking care of the children. The ...

高平市15969336236: 咆哮的幸运儿 读后感(英文) -

高平市15969336236: 征集英文读后感!!
尤姜健奇: 看看这里http://www.diyifanwen.com/qitafanwen/duhougan/20070512161904362.htm

高平市15969336236: 英语读后感 急需!
尤姜健奇:sjg921 [智慧天尊] After reading it,the first feeling happened to my heart is that it just likes a fairy.Though it may constructed basing on current century,it appears a certain happiness which seldom seemed in that world like<The count of Monte Cristo>...

高平市15969336236: 劝导读后感英文版初二水平 -
尤姜健奇: 企鹅英语,短小精悍,有较简单,有分年级.初三的一共有13本,但每本才600个词左右. WHITE FANG 白牙 THE THREE MUSKETEERS 三个火枪手 KIDNAPPED 绑架 PERSUASION 劝导 BLAKE BEAUTY 黑骏马 ROBINSON CRUSOE 鲁宾...

高平市15969336236: 咆哮营的幸运儿 - 搜狗百科
尤姜健奇: The luck of roaring camp 咆哮营的幸运儿《咆哮营的幸运儿》 [美] 哈特代表作《咆哮营的幸运儿》(1868)描写粗犷的淘金者中间诞生了一个婴儿,于是处处欢乐,一切都获得新生.作者通过淘金者生活的一个特殊镜头,发掘出蕴藏在流浪汉身上牺牲自己、帮助他人的善良品质,似乎畸零人的世界有着说不尽的温暖.小说风格幽默中带有抒情,善意的椰揄透露出作者深切的同情.

高平市15969336236: 急需《咆哮营的幸运儿》《白鹭》<劝导><高塔里的房间》英文梗概!!!!! -
尤姜健奇: 《白鹭》是美国五大短篇小说之首篇.在这个故事里,西尔维亚的新朋友因看到一只奇怪的白鸟而兴奋异常,可西尔维亚会告诉他那只鸟住在什么地方吗?在《一个小时的故事》中,一位年轻女子得知了丈夫去世的噩耗.第三个故事题为《好运...

高平市15969336236: 有没有稍微简单一点的英文原版小说,能够初三水平大致看得懂,不要太幼稚的 -
尤姜健奇: 我把名字给你吧..我买的都是实体书..名字写给你..不过你还得自己找一下咯.咆哮营的幸运儿;白牙;黑骏马;高塔里的房间;深林王子;白鹭;华盛顿广场;三个火枪手;劝导 额..都是我们初中时候买的课外读物..不知道符不符合..

高平市15969336236: 急需《咆哮营的幸运儿》《白鹭》 -
尤姜健奇:[答案] 《白鹭》是美国五大短篇小说之首篇.在这个故事里,西尔维亚的新朋友因看到一只奇怪的白鸟而兴奋异常,可西尔维亚会告诉他那只鸟住在什么地方吗?在《一个小时的故事》中,一位年轻女子得知了丈夫去世的噩耗.第三个故事题...

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