
作者&投稿:典庄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
如果可以,我希望有个人能够很疼很疼我 。请帮翻成英文、谢谢~

If possible, I hope to be deeply cherished by someone.

I left a
Chang Zhou T
I pretend not to see you
Like I did not know
Cajianerguo the
Therefore, I
The pain of the heart
Tears of the whereabouts of a
As if the whole world
I left a cold everywhere
Who left me a sing what I understand
Every day you said you will accompany me
We Qianguo hand
Hugged you have to me
woo ...
The pain of the heart
Tears of the whereabouts of a
As if the whole world
I left a
Apathy are everywhere
I left a
Who understand what I sing
Every day you said you will accompany me
We Qianguo hand
Hugged you have to me
I left a cold everywhere
Who left me a sing what I understand
If I let you make mistakes what a sad
I forced penalties
What I have is better than ignoring

我觉得这两者是非常的重要。I think these two are very important. 明确的观察消费者的需求和动机的特点,有助于帮助品牌经营者充分了解消费者的需求心理。 A clear observation of consumer needs and motivations of the features that will help to help brand managers fully understand the psychological needs of consumers. 这样才能够加强与目标消费群的沟通。 Only in this way can enhance communication with the target consumer group. 只有我们了解了这些才能影响消费者的购买抉择,或了解竞争对手的目的。 Only if we understand this can affect consumer purchase decisions, or learn about the purpose of its competitors.

I think these two are very important. A clear observation of consumer needs and motivations of the features that will help to help brand managers fully understand the psychological needs of consumers. Only in this way can enhance communication with the target consumer group. Only if we understand this can affect consumer purchase decisions, or learn about the purpose of its competitors.

27.你能帮我找到失去的手表吗?(无词)Could you help me to find my lost watch?28.我可以填写这张申请表吗?当然可以。(无词)May I fill in the application form? Sure.29.小王必须在9点前到这儿吗?不必。(无词)Should Xiaowang be here before 9? No.呵呵~~``这练习还真有点多啊~...

在明年,我解决为音乐的 XXXInstitute 应考, 而且已经准备一个完整的戏剧节目。当 Xue-Qin 的自我出发, 我知道那你 - 世界-有名的钢琴家大大地和教育家。 我热望在一个早的年龄对你的学生变成,但是因为我不在美国,它已经不能够了解我的希望。XXX 我现在住在城市。 星期六自从星期日以后是二天的...

一数学题目 希望大家帮帮我
一个最简单的方法就是假设只有一个盖,那么经过四次之后肯定还是原来哪个地方。如果用数论强行证明的话,那么,由于翻两次,瓶盖口还是恢复到原来的地方,等于没翻过,所以只需要考虑最后的数据。要把9个同时翻转必须转9次,而每次只能是4的倍数,所以无法达到 ...


没有前途。一。市场上的这种小型机械已经很多了 二。人们已经习惯了 一些固定的机械和手工面食的习惯了。三。你的推销路子又不明确。四。在前边我所有观点推翻的基础上,你的产品又不具备规模。所以一环牵动另一环,市场的生存空间太狭窄。

ロマン语れば一晩(ひとばん)中(ちゅう)疲(つか)れ知(し)らずの all night long 恋(こい)する暇(ひま)もないよ 波(なみ)が押(お)し寄(よ)せてくる 记忆の中(なか)を泳(およ)いでも 现実(じつ)は cool and dry 爱(それ)を确かめたくて 何処(どこ)に彷徨(さまよ)い...


看了楼上的,不是机翻就是查字典翻的 完全无法看懂,发出去有损中国人面子 >.< 大神我帮你翻翻。。。Dear Sir\/Mdm,first of all, i would like to start by saying a big thank you to all of you for your concern which is much appreciated.i am a disabled student from China. I ...

希望大家能帮我解决下现在的烦恼. 100 我们是在网上认识的..都是一个地方..她约我出来见个面..喝点东西..不久我们就在一起了..当时我问她你是喜欢我哪?她说..我喜欢你长得帅..可爱..我笑了笑...她又问..那你喜欢我哪?当时我... 我们是在网上认识的..都是一个地方.. 她约我出来见个面.. ...

2008 college entrance examination results came out, I am disappointed that more did not resign, because the university did not complete his goal, although not get the job, but that is not willing to ~ points out a few days later, apart from anything else, I immediately went to...

惠济区19557554713: 希望大家帮我翻译成英文,谢谢了~~~ -
采哲阿莫: Because they thought dreaking beer is the symbol of man, not including boy.

惠济区19557554713: 希望大家帮忙翻成英文,谢谢了~~~~~~~~~~~~ -
采哲阿莫: The splendid magical lighting around the activity through the night makes the four-dimensional scene of the party stage full of strong sense of future world.3D scenes are shown and displayed through the giant electric rolling screen,which is so ...

惠济区19557554713: 请大家帮忙,帮我把这句句子翻译成英文,谢谢 -
采哲阿莫: 你好正确的翻译是这样:Accumulation of knowledge is more important than knowledge innovation. . .希望能帮助你

惠济区19557554713: 希望大家帮我翻译成英语.以后我将会成为一名会计师,对于我以后的职业,我希望我的劳力与我的报酬成正比,并且希望有一定的假期用来旅游.也希望能遇... -
采哲阿莫:[答案] Later I will become an accountant, for my future career, I hope my labor is proportional to my reward , and hope to have a holiday to travel. And i hope to meet a good boss.

惠济区19557554713: 希望大家帮帮忙,帮我把一句话翻译成英语,谢谢!
采哲阿莫: Blue, in the sky is so clear transparent, it represents the hope. Blue, in the ocean is so dark and sedate, it is representing mature.

惠济区19557554713: 我想请大家帮我把一句中文翻成英文 这句话是这样的“感谢你一年来带给我的快乐,我想用一生去报答!” -
采哲阿莫:[答案] Thank you very much indeed for the happiness you have brought me in the past year ,I would like to return the favor with my lifetime.

惠济区19557554713: 希望大家帮我翻译一下,谢谢!终于到了我最期待的这一天! “I am most looking forward to finally come to this day!“这个好像不是很对. -
采哲阿莫:[答案] Came finally this day I most looked forward to. 这里用的是倒装语句.后面接定语从句.

惠济区19557554713: 请大家帮我翻译成英文,非常感谢 -
采哲阿莫: Lastly, what I want to say is that eveything has two sides, and everyone please open your eyes, facing it rationally.希望对楼主有帮助.

惠济区19557554713: 英语作文按要求写,带上翻译!谢谢,帮我者重谢!希望大家能帮帮我!谢谢!急急急~~!
采哲阿莫: This is me, My favourite day is (Saturday, Because I not need to go to school and I can have a nice and leisurely day on Saturday.) I (always get up at eight on Saturday morning.And Then I have noodles for my breakfast on Saturday. After breakfast, ...

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