
作者&投稿:菜馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

final question, 或者 last question for translation to English

1.dessert 2.invite 3.mental pressure 4.waste 5.provide 6.(表并列)and 或者(表递进)but alse 7.rely on或者backing 8.develop 9.independent 10.fair 11.because 12.neghbour 13.illness 14.fall 15.independence 16.reasonable 17.unreasonable

1.It is too big for them to carry it.
2.There are four people in our family including me.
3.All are here except John.
4.One night, they successfully captured this city.
5.It is impolite to make fun of others.
6.I will try my best effort to win this game.
7.She has gone to America.
8.He has got his books.
9.Have you have your lunch?
10.Have you ever been to Shenzhen?
11.I have never eaten mooncake.
12.I have been here since 1999.
13.The movie has been on for 10 minutes.

1. For them to carry it too big
2. My family has four people, including me,
3. In addition to John, we are all in this
4. One night, they succeeded in capturing the city
5. To open other people's jokes are rude
6. I will do its utmost to win the match
7. She has to go the United States (not back)
8. He has got his book of the
9. You eat it?
10. Have you ever been to Shenzhen, do?
11. I've never eaten moon cakes
12. Since 1999 I have been in this
13. The film is released 10 minutes of the

1)To them, it is too big to bring along everywhere they go.
2)My family has four members including me.
3)Everyone is here except John.
4)They conquered this city one night.
5)It is impolite to make a joke out of others.
6)I will try my very best to win this competition.
7)She has already left for America.
8)He has already gotten his book.
9)Have you eaten?
10)You went to Shenzhen before?
11)I have never eaten mooncake before.
12)I have been staying here since 1999
13)The movie has been played for 10 minutes


1.Ill news comes apace. [谚]好事不出门, 坏事传千里。2.Among the blind the one-eyed man is king. 山中无老虎,猴子称大王(锉子里头拔将军)3.Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.船到桥头自然直。4.The early bird catches the worm. 早期的鸟儿有虫吃。5.A word spoken ...

1.It is too big for them to carry it.2.There are four people in our family including me.3.All are here except John.4.One night, they successfully captured this city.5.It is impolite to make fun of others.6.I will try my best effort to win this game.7.She has gone ...

1. American and English, like?2. The American accent and an English pronunciation, like?3. The English education in schools accept is English?4. In the cram school of American education is also accept?5. Whether rejection British English?6. Think English is the mainstream American...

求中翻英!!!可以翻的口语一点(勿用百度 谢谢!!! 1.我认为我们有很多共同...
1、I think that we have much in common,so we will have so many topics to talk.2、He is my favorite style.

how long haven't you been to the zoo when will this kind of life come to an end it's a great joy to be alive.have one more apple.thus it turns to this being the wishes you wish for it OK.that's my answers.我是外语系09级新生,希望能为你带来帮助!

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更新2: 多谢诸君的登入与作答 为在下带来莫大的帮助, 在往后的日子, 还有很多英文方面的问题要向诸位网友请教呢! 在此深深地向各位致谢 愿上主亲自报答各网友在作答过程中所付上的热诚和劳苦!口语 或可这么说: 1) So you've (just) learned how to write this word; and now ...

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有蚁依膦:[答案] 1.It is too big for them to carry it. 2.There are four people in our family including me. 3.All are here except John. 4.One night, they successfully captured this city. 5.It is impolite to make fun of others. 6.I will try my best effort to win this game. 7.She has gone ...

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有蚁依膦:[答案] It's raining outside. We'd better stay at home and read books. Do you often chat on the phone? I think the first thing you should do is to try to understand your parents.

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有蚁依膦:[答案] Is that your family's picture? Look!Lucy and Kate are here.

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有蚁依膦:[答案] I like reading books that ____ ____ ____ ____ my work. are closely related with

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有蚁依膦:[答案] 1、Please take your time to eat,I take the lead on the. 2、The people in your country to do things very strict. 3、stomach,insomnia,will close. 4、Body recovered. 5、I very much appreciate your wisdom. 5、Welding,welding expert.

扎囊县18623736889: 英语翻译今天又是一个新的开始(中翻英) -
有蚁依膦:[答案] Today is a new start 绝对正确

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