
作者&投稿:黄翔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 当你需要用英语询问别人“你怎么了”时,有三种常见的表达方式:1) "What's wrong with you?", 2) "What's the matter with you?", 和 3) "What's the trouble with you?". 这些短语在不同的语境和情境下都能传达关心和询问对方状况的意思。

例如,当朋友面色苍白,你可能会说:"You look rather pale. What's wrong with you?",而如果你看到朋友似乎有些异常兴奋,你可能会用:"Hi, buddy. What's the matter with you?"。如果你怀疑对方可能喝多了,你会问:"What's wrong with you? Are you drunk?",而询问近期的变化则可以用:"What's the matter with you lately?"。

"What's the matter with you?" 这个表达更正式一些,比如在对话中,当对方说有点头疼,你可以说:"What's the matter with you?--Just a bit of a headache; nothing serious.",而如果是在开玩笑的场景,可能会带点调侃:"What's the matter with you, Simon? Can't you take a joke?"。


你怎么了的英文表达:1、What happened to you 2、What's wrong with you 词汇解析:1、What happened to you 英文发音:[wɒt ˈhæpənd tu ju]中文释义:你怎么了 例句:What happened to you? Were you sick?你怎么了?不舒服吗?2、What's wrong with you 英文...

你怎么了英语三种表达方式如下:1、whats wrong with you。2、whats the mtter with you。3、whats the touble with you。英语是一种西日耳曼语,在中世纪早期的英国最早被使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。它是由德国人命名的,该部落是后来迁移到大不列颠地区的日耳曼部落之一...

您好,“你怎么了“有很多中说法,我把我知道的都给您列出来 1 What's wrong with you?2 What's the matter with you?3 What's the trouble with you?4 What happened to you ?5 What's up ?6 What's come over you

三个空格应该填 matter 、with、 him 整句话:What's the matter with him?意思:他怎么了?希望能帮到你

当你需要用英语询问别人“你怎么了”时,有三种常见的表达方式:1) "What's wrong with you?", 2) "What's the matter with you?", 和 3) "What's the trouble with you?". 这些短语在不同的语境和情境下都能传达关心和询问对方状况的意思。例如,当朋友面色苍白,你可能会说:"You look...

“你怎么了”用英语表达是:What's wrong with you?相近意思的表达还有:1、What happened to you?2、What's come over you ?3、What's the matter with you?相关短语:1、你的电视怎么了 What's wrog with your TV?2、我说你怎么了 I said how could you ; I said how do you ;...

怎么了孩子们 用英语怎么说
what‘s up, children?

"她怎么了?\/她发生什么事了 "What's the matter with her? \/ what happened to her


adj. 错误的;搞错了的;失常的;不适当的;不道德的 adv. 错误地;出问题;不正当地 n. 恶行;犯罪;不公正的行为 v. 不公正地对待,委屈;诽谤 词汇搭配:WRONG PATTERN 图案错误 ; 样版错误 ; 纸板错误 ; 式样错 bark up the wrong tree 精力用在不该用的地方 ; 错怪人 ; 目标错误 ; ...

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