
作者&投稿:丛邵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ "Oh my god!" my mom shouted. I was lying on the ground, my face was white, and it looked really creepy.
"You must be sick!" My dad told me.
" We must go to the hospital!" my mom mentioned. So, we went to the hospital, and met the doctor. He said that I had the birdflew, and will have a chance of dying, so enjoy my life now.


1、I have a high fever. I want to go to the hospital.我发烧了,我想去医院。2、I'll go to the hospital with the doctor.我跟医生去医院了。二、come to the hospital 1、They did not come to the hospital because they wanted to see me.他们到医院来,不是因为要看我。2、Why ...

要做的第一件事是找医生做一次全面的检查。35. You have better go to see a doctor about the cut. 对于这个伤口,你最好去看医生。36. You should see a doctor, attacks of asthma are quite dangerous. 你应该去看医生,哮喘病发作是很危险的。37. I think you need to see a doctor for your ...

Go to get a physical examination of yourself from a doctor if necessary

英国留学 生病如何看医生
想要去英国留学同学注意了,一个人在国外生活免不了会有生病的情况,那么怎样在英国看医生呐?下面就给大家好好的聊一下。英国的医疗系统和看病程序跟国内的非常不一样,我刚来的时候没有人告诉我,等到生了病才赶紧着满处找医生,抓瞎,弄的自己很头疼,所以向大家提前介绍一下在英国如何看病是绝对会很有帮助的。 1...

因为他突然牙疼,所以爸爸带他去看医生 Because he suddenly had a toothache, so my father took him to see a doctor suddenly 英 [ˈsʌdənli] 美 [ˈsʌdn:lɪ]adv.意外地,忽然地;奄;勃;霍然 toothache 英 [ˈtu:θeɪk] 美 [ˈ...

八年级英语汉译英 在医生的诊所 看望住院的姨妈 2008年奥运会 记得做过...
1 at the doctor's\/clinic 2 to see one's aunt in hospital 3 2008 Olympic Games 4 remember doing sth. \/ remember to do sth.5 in history

看GP时,通过电话或网络预约,告知病情后,医生会开处方。处方单需到药店拿药,但可能需要等待。如果病情紧急,可以尝试Urgent Appointment或Walk in Centre。非紧急情况可能需要排队等候。紧急情况下,直接去A&E急诊或拨打999寻求帮助。希望这些信息能帮助留学生在英国顺利就医,保持健康。更多信息可在"...


我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 你好!医生doctor英[ˈdɒktə(r)]美[ˈdɑ:ktə(r)]n.博士;医生,大夫;神学家;医疗设备;vt.医疗,行医;vt.修理,装配;假造;搀杂;修改,修饰;[例句]Ihaveanappointmentatthedoctors.我在诊所有个预约。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收...

2、就诊 当天到达诊所后,要到前台报到登记或自助登记,然后安静等待。注意看前台的大屏幕,是否显示了自己的名字及要去的房间号,做好就诊准备。医生看完病后,会根据病情开处方,或是提醒你多长时间再来复诊。ps:就诊前有必要把自己的病情提前梳理一下,以便能简洁明了的告诉医生。3、买药 当你经历...

盐亭县14788919920: 生病了要去看医生.英语作文加翻译(90字) -
喻狠心脑:[答案] Yesterday,I felt very tired.When I was in class,I felt sleepy and could not listen to the teacher carefully.And I did not want to eat anything at home.I went to bed early.This morning,I felt dizzy and...

盐亭县14788919920: 设想一天你生病了,去看医生.英语作文急需,求求你们了! -
喻狠心脑:[答案] Today I felt ao sick.So my mum took me to the hospital.When I saw the doctor in white,I was so nervous.The doctor examined my body and togne and took my temperature.He told my mum I had a serious cold...

盐亭县14788919920: 设想一天你生病了,去看医生.英语作文急需,求求你们了!!!!! -
喻狠心脑: Today I felt ao sick. So my mum took me to the hospital. When I saw the doctor in white, I was so nervous. The doctor examined my body and togne and took my temperature. He told my mum I had a serious cold. So I must be given an injection. I ...

盐亭县14788919920: “我生病了,去看医生”为话题的英语作文. -
喻狠心脑:[答案] A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours during the vacation, I've been looking forward to winter ... 请随时提问 有问必答这篇作文希望对你 有帮助 没有的话 我在去英语作文大全里面帮您找找看一定会有你喜欢的作文哈 不过...

盐亭县14788919920: 英语作文:你是麦克,你生病了,你去看医生,你必须卧床休息,你想向李老师请假两天,请把你的情况告诉李老师.提示开头:Dear Miss Li,I feel sick.提示... -
喻狠心脑:[答案] Dear Miss Li, I feel sick.I am sorry that I can,t go to school. I have to go to see the doctor.I have to lie downand rest. I want to ask for two days'leave. Thanks. ...

盐亭县14788919920: 求一篇生病看医生的经历的英语作文 -
喻狠心脑: Today, mom and dad are not at home, I feel uncomfortable, cough, runny nose, I think I have a cold. I think I grow up now you should go to see a doctor, so I took usually saved pocket money to see a doctor. To the hospital, I learn of his mother in the ...

盐亭县14788919920: 找一篇关于生病去医院的过程的英语作文.(初二) -
喻狠心脑: Last Saturday,I don't felt well.I think,I had a cold.So I went to the hospital to see a doctor.The doctor took my temprature and check me over.He said I got a cold.But don't worry.He gave me some medicine and let me have a good rest.I went home after give money.

盐亭县14788919920: 英语作文写一个病假条,日期是2008年9月18.内容是:我喉咙痛要去看医生,本周大部分的工作我已完成.看... -
喻狠心脑: Mr Johnson I have a sore throat to go to see the doctor this week, most of the work I have finished. See the doctor I&缉供光佳叱簧癸伪含镰#39;ll call you, give you inconvenience please understand.Leave people:Nancy 采纳~

盐亭县14788919920: 关于生病看医生的英语作文 -
喻狠心脑: A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours during the vacation, I've been looking forward to winter holidays. People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation, too. Then, is it fair that people have the same amount of ...

盐亭县14788919920: 英语作文,提示:可能感冒了,要看医生,多休息,多喝开水,早睡早起,多运动,保持身体健康,60 - 80词 -
喻狠心脑: If you have a cold,maybe you should drink a lot of water,it is good for your illness.Of course,you can lie down and rest,too.If you do not feel well,you must go to see a doctor.The doctors will give you some good advice to feel better soon.Maybe you should take some medicine and you have to pay lots of money for them.

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