
作者&投稿:杭砍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
在线等翻译 救命啊救命啊~


Track and field competition, the sport can be said to be the most important projects, the comprehensive level of a country's sports of the most important indicators, it also has been a Chinese sports as well as the weaknesses of the Asian sports. In the 2004 Athens Olympics, only one stroke 21-year-old Liu Xiang won the 110 meter hurdles champion, not only completed a zero breakthrough in China, is Asia's zero breakthrough.
Overnight, China's Liu Xiang became the most eye-catching sports a star, but also the hearts of many Chinese people's well-deserved hero. In the next four years, this young man, frequently reaching success. In many people's minds, Liu Xiang has become a symbol of the Chinese sports and representatives.
That the 2004 Games, Liu Xiang won a perfect standing at the success of the summit. However, we can see that this competition on the road, have never stopped one minute before. 110 meter hurdles in the project, has gathered Qunying, Cuba young young Luo Bosi is outstanding performance, not only frequent success, even in June this year, Liu Xiang broke the 12 second world record of 88. In contrast, Liu Xiang, the recent performance is not satisfactory, so many people worry that if this can keep the gold medal.
Then, the Beijing Olympic 110 meter hurdles first round of test run, Liu ..... committed a foot injury and he still insisted it was the first shot .... result of false start, then more serious foot injury, Liu Xiang But it is out ..... in the current Olympic Games left the last provides some background. Liu Xiang of withdrawal believe that all people are surprised. However, for a long time trapped in the injury of Liu Xiang, but he is out of the race, is not the choice. We should respect his choice.
There is a Chinese saying, not the success or failure of Lunying Xiong. Liu Xiang, even if this withdrawal, he is still my mind a hero. In these four years, becoming a hero, he has not proud of, have not given up, not lying on the merits before the book does not stop, but insisted the training sense, adhere to the narrow and rugged continue courageously on the road straight, This Liu Xiang, regardless of the success or failure are heroes. 或Track and field competition, the sport can be said to be the most important projects, the comprehensive level of a country's sports of the most important indicators, it also has been a Chinese sports as well as the weaknesses of the Asian sports. In the 2004 Athens Olympics, only one stroke 21-year-old Liu Xiang won the 110 meter hurdles champion, not only completed a zero breakthrough in China, is Asia's zero breakthrough.
Overnight, China's Liu Xiang became the most eye-catching sports a star, but also the hearts of many Chinese people's well-deserved hero. In the next four years, this young man, frequently reaching success. In many people's minds, Liu Xiang has become a symbol of the Chinese sports and representatives.
That the 2004 Games, Liu Xiang won a perfect standing at the success of the summit. However, we can see that this competition on the road, have never stopped one minute before. 110 meter hurdles in the project, has gathered Qunying, Cuba young young Luo Bosi is outstanding performance, not only frequent success, even in June this year, Liu Xiang broke the 12 second world record of 88. In contrast, Liu Xiang, the recent performance is not satisfactory, so many people worry that if this can keep the gold medal.
Then, the Beijing Olympic 110 meter hurdles first round of test run, Liu Xiang, also committed a foot injury he still insisted ..... .... result was the first shot false start, then more serious foot injury, Liu Xiang But it is out ..... in the current Olympic Games left the last provides some background. Liu Xiang of withdrawal believe that all people are surprised. However, for a long time trapped in the injury of Liu Xiang, but he is out of the race, is not the choice. We should respect his choice.
There is a Chinese saying, not the success or failure of Lunying Xiong. Liu Xiang, even if this withdrawal, he is still my mind a hero. In these four years, becoming a hero, he has not proud of, have not given up, not lying on the merits before the book does not stop, but insisted the training sense, adhere to the narrow and rugged continue courageously on the road straight, This Liu Xiang, regardless of the success or failure are heroes 或The track and field competition, may say that is sports' most important project, is the synthesis weighs a national sports level the most important target, actually also has been the Chinese sports and even the Asian sports athletic event in which one is weak. At 2004 Athens Olympic Games, year only 21 year-old Liu Xiang has won the 110-meter hurdles championship at one fell swoop, not only has completed China's zero breakthrough, is also Asia's zero breakthrough. between a night, Liu Xiang has become a Chinese world of sport most dazzling star, is also the hero who in many Chinese heart deserves. In the following 4 years, this young young fellow, creates the good result repeatedly. In many everybody's minds, Liu Xiang had already become the Chinese sports symbol and representative. in 2004 year's that gambling, Liu Xiang won perfectly stands successfully in the crest. However, we may see that on this path's competition, is one minute has not stopped. In the 110-meter hurdles project, it may be said that the groups of heroes converge, Cuban young young fellow Luobosi is the performance is splendid, not only keeps pouring in the good result, is in June, has broken Liu Xiang's 12 second 88 world record. , Liu Xiang's recent performance is not comparatively ideal, therefore many people worried, whether this gold medal can also preserve. then, Beijing Olympic Games 110-meter hurdles first round try when runs, the Liu Xiang foot wound violates .....He still insisted….Result first gun some people false start, by now the foot wound had been fiercer, Liu Xiang withdraws reluctantly ..... That is he the last back which stays behind in this Olympic Games athletic field. Liu Xiang's withdrawal, believed that all people are surprised. But, regarding for a long time was poor for a long time in wounded and sick Liu Xiang, the withdrawal competition was he reluctantly, also did not have the means choice. We should respect him the choice. the Chinese has words, does not discuss the hero by the success or failure. Even if Liu Xiang this time withdrew, he was still in my mind hero. Because in this 4 years, after into hero, he not arrogant, has not given up, has not lain down before the record of merits does not stop, but insisted that the steadfast training, insisted continues on the narrow rugged path to advance bravely courageously, such Liu Xiang, regardless of the success or failure is a hero. 或Track and field competition, the sport can be said to be the most important projects, the comprehensive level of a country's sports of the most important indicators, it also has been a Chinese sports as well as the weaknesses of the Asian sports. In the 2004 Athens Olympics, only one stroke 21-year-old Liu Xiang won the 110 meter hurdles champion, not only completed a zero breakthrough in China, is Asia's zero breakthrough. Overnight, China's Liu Xiang became the most eye-catching sports a star, but also the hearts of many Chinese people's well-deserved hero. In the next four years, this young man, frequently reaching success. In many people's minds,


out-patient department 门诊部
In-patient department 住院部
Nursing department 护理部
Admission office 住院处
Discharge office 出院处
Registration office 挂号处
Reception room, waiting room 侯诊室
Consultation room 诊察室
Isolation room 隔离室
Delivery room 分娩室
Emergency room 急诊室
Ward 病房室
Department of internal medicine 内科
Department of surgery 外科
Department of pediatrics 儿科
Department of obstetrics and gynecology 妇科
Department of neurology 神经科
Department of ophtalmology 眼科
E.N.T.department 耳鼻喉科
Department of stomatology 口腔科
Department of urology 泌尿科
Department of orthopedic 骨科
Department of traumatology 创伤科
Department of endocrinology 内分泌科
Department of anesthesiology 麻醉科
Department of dermatology 皮肤科
Department of infectious diseases 传染病科
Department of pathology 病理科
Department of psychiatry 精神科
Department of orthopacdic surgery 矫形外科
Department of cardiac surgery 心脏外科
Department of cerebral surgery 脑外科
Department of thoracic surgery 胸外科
Pharmacy dispensary 药房
Nutrition department 营养部
Diet-preparation department 配膳室
Therapeutic department 治疗室
Operating room/Theater 手术室
Blood-bank 血站 Supply-room 供应室
Disinfection-room 消毒室
Dressing room 换药室
Mortuary 太平间
Record room 病案室
Department of plastic surgery 矫形外科
Department of physiotherapy 理疗科
electrotherapy room 电疗科
heliotherapy room 光疗科
wax-therapy room 蜡疗科
hydrotherapy room 水疗科
central laboratory 中心实验室
clinical laboratory 临床实验室
bacteriological laboratory 细菌实验室
biochemical laboratory 生化实验室
serological laboratory 血清实验室
X-ray room X光室
doctor’s office 医生办公室
nurse’s office 护士办公室

Peritoneoscope surgery specialty

Peritoneoscope surgery technical guidance and training

peritoneoscope project construction fund, equipment aid

Can provide the hotel type housing, the independent office, with the air conditioning, laundry cleaning service, providing the technical assistant

Spiral CT, the color ultra, the entire automatic biochemistry meter, the electronic gastroscope, the heart first aid machine, the breath machine, the multi- parameters guardianship meter, purifies the operating room, the high pressure oxygen

自动车のアクティブ制御, 自动运転・队列走行制御など一连の移动ロボットや车両に関する研究を行っています.具体科研项目有远隔操控系统和虚拟系统等,是人与机械相互作用体系的研究,对机械手的把持操控和对人的手的机能解析等的有关操控的研究,及对宇宙飞船的机械人,移动机械人,五人...

英语翻译 帮一下忙 急!(在线等1小时)
Being absence of these conditions ,It's difficult for us to conduct this experiment.One's successment is measured by his contribition to society.He applied to one of the college of the U.S, hoping that he will be enable to study untill get the degree of doctor.Only thirty ...

帮个忙,翻译一下. 快...多谢!

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请帮我翻译一下这篇简介吧! 谢谢啦
Water Pouring festival Qingming Festival is a world cultural heritage drain Dujiangyan Irrigation Project located in Dujiangyan city folk customs. Lunar calendar year of the Ching Ming day, to celebrate the completion of Dujiangyan Irrigation Project and maintenance for production into the ...


临清市15890306118: 英语作文翻译,麻烦快点,等着救命!帮忙把这个小短文翻译成英语,要求无语法错误. 一个阳光灿烂的周末,Sam和Tom去商店买东西,当他们感到有些口... -
蓬旺丽泉:[答案] Asunlightbrightweekend,SamandTomgotothestoretogoshopping,whentheyfeltwhensomeyearningforbuyadrink,hasdiscoveredathiefsuddenly.Heislookingaroundinalldirections,thinksnobody,thenhasputinbottleofmilksthe...

临清市15890306118: 麻烦有能力的朋友帮我将下面那句话翻译成中文,等住救命的,先谢谢了
蓬旺丽泉: “sorry I really can not understand what you speak chinese?and I have something to tell you can you call me?”“对不起我真的听不懂你说的汉语是什么意思,但是我有事要告诉你你能打电话给我吗?”

临清市15890306118: 请用英语帮忙翻译一下! -
蓬旺丽泉: 1. My suggestion is to try to remember from 8 to 10 words every day2. Practise everyday English every day3. what is the three basic questions in learning of English4. Teacher Wang suggested that we listen to English songs per day5. Li Tao asked about how to improve English

临清市15890306118: 请帮忙翻译一下...很急呀!等着救命了!在线等!帮忙译成英语,谢谢大家了,辛苦了!我们每个人都在接受着别人的爱,来自朋友的,家人的.同时我们也应... -
蓬旺丽泉:[答案] Each one of us in the love of others, from friends, family. At the same time we should learn to return and pay. We love the heavy responsibility to those who need our help and help our people, so that our life will be worthwhile ..

临清市15890306118: 英语作文翻译,麻烦快点,等着救命! -
蓬旺丽泉: A sunlight bright weekend, Sam and Tom go to the store to go shopping, when they felt when some yearning for buy a drink, has discovered a thief suddenly. He is looking around in all directions, thinks nobody, then has put in bottle of milks the ...

临清市15890306118: 帮我翻译几句话 等着救命
蓬旺丽泉: Difficult I do not fear you! Edison the reason that becomes a great inventor not because the life gets down is the talent, but is because he does not fear the difficulty, dares facing difficultly, therefore in a his living encounters the countless difficulty all ...

临清市15890306118: 日文的救命怎么说 -
蓬旺丽泉: 额 我问我的同事 他说日本人好象没有这个词 倒是有 ヘルプ -->help 因为救命在中文里的意思是求求你帮帮我的意思的引申吧 所以只要翻成迫切需要帮忙类的意思就可以了

临清市15890306118: 救命啦,中文译英文啦~ 一定要快快翻译好哦,我急用啦,明天就没用啦.会加分啦 -
蓬旺丽泉: From this story, I have learned that we should be a down-to-earth person. We should do things seriously rather than giving lip service. It is more important that doing things ppractically. At the same time, success depends on positive attitude.Attitude ...

临清市15890306118: 在线等救命 !((翻译下这小段诗歌!)) -
蓬旺丽泉: . ...Give me a seed 我为一颗颗荒芜的心灵插上新绿 I planted one finally deserted New Green Mind 给我一缕阳光 Ray of sunshine to me 我用爱去点燃跳动的田野 I love to beat the field lighting 让星火传递星火 To allow transmission of Spark Spark ...

临清市15890306118: 请帮我翻译一下句子.
蓬旺丽泉: Help!Please help me!

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