
作者&投稿:伊豪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My major is civil engineering.
2. 我的专业是土木工程表示本科或专科。
I am majored in civil engineering for Bachelor's degree/Associated degree.
3. 我的专业是土木工程表示硕士或博士。
I am pursuing Master's degree /Doctor's degree of the major of civil engineering.

civil engineering ; civil works
土木工程拓展署 Civil Engineering and Development Department ; CEDD
土木工程技术 Civil Engineering Technology
土木工程材料 Civil Engineering Materials ; Materials of Civil Engineering ; Management


Descriptivegeometry TheoreticalMechanics
Mechanics of Materials
Engineering Geology
Engineering Survey
Structural Mechanics
Rock and Soil Mechanics
Soil Mechanics
Steel Structure Design Principles
Concrete structure design principle
Concrete and Masonry Structure Design
Construction Technology
Project Supervision
Civil Engineering and CAD
Program Design and Application Structure
Load and structural design principles
In-situ testing and detection of curriculum design
Structural Dynamics
Geotechnical Engineering Testing Technology
Engineering wave theory and analysis method
Strengthening and reform of engineering structures
Numerical Analysis

1. To visit and understanding of practical in-situ concrete construction technology, processes, to help measure in-situ concrete slump, concrete pouring process of checking whether there is cellular, hollow phenomenon.
Reinforcement learning framework structure, banding, lapping, welding, construction technology, check whether the quality of its construction meet the specification requirements.
2. To inspect the physical quality. Problems are identified, to help engineering identify the causes and propose solutions
And preventive measures, and to assist construction workers read construction drawings. To assist on-site during the construction works to solve the technical focus and difficult problems. Check on the construction site safe and civilized construction of the proposed rectification to the Engineering Department comments.
3. The completion of on-site discharge points, surveying, drilling, sampling, in-situ testing, on-site geological documentation and laboratory testing on the basis of the preliminary work, transfer of information collation. Compilation drilling engineering geology and engineering geological cross-section integrated histogram Fig. involved in the preparation of geotechnical engineering investigation report and the site safety evaluation report。

1、通信工程 通信工程专业(Communication Engineering)是信息与通信工程一级学科下属的本科专业。该专业学生主要学习通信系统和通信网方面的基础理论、组成原理和设计方法,受到通信工程实践的基本训练,具备从事现代通信系统和网络的设计、开发、调测和工程应用的基本能力。2、软件工程 软件工程是一门研究用...

道路工程专业英语第二版Text1Civil Engineering翻译

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哪位可以帮忙翻译下 土木工程专业英语的一段话.感谢,紧急.
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专业英语(土木工程专业“路桥方向”)文章 求翻译
在朝派ruban和郊区areas径流水域公亩处理通过a系统的排水srructures引去参考向某样的人雨水道和他们的appurtenances.The排水问题存在增加在朝派这些areas主要对于两reasoms:the不能透过的本质的区域创造a非常高度runoff;and那里存在很少寄宿为天然的东西流泪courses它存在常常becessary向收取整个猛袭waterinto ...


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释武舒窗: 答:地球的力量,s的引力行为对我们的身体垂直向下,给我们的体重.风力,这能够变化幅度,往往会把我们推横向联合,因此具有大小和方向的力量.与此同时,,,,,,,影响之力取决于它的位置.举例来说,一扇门都可以开启或关闭...

阜宁县17671688726: 土木工程专业英语翻译,在线等,急急急
释武舒窗: civil engineering

阜宁县17671688726: 请教土木工程专业英语的翻译 -
释武舒窗: 而且搀杂残余物如脉石英,沉积环境以及其形成时的古气候.The latter two factors have a varying tendency to reduce the proportion of unstable material,主要是脉石英.There is a presumed dearth缺乏 of material in those grades transitional to ...

阜宁县17671688726: 英语civil engineering怎么翻译? -
释武舒窗: civil engineering 土木工程 土木工程 [ tǔ mù gōng chéng ]生词本 基本释义 [ tǔ mù gōng chéng ]房屋、道路、桥梁、海港等工程的统称.

阜宁县17671688726: 土木工程的英文怎么写? -
释武舒窗: The civil engineering

阜宁县17671688726: 土木工程专业的翻译 -
释武舒窗: 专业的翻译:Descriptivegeometry TheoreticalMechanics Mechanics of Materials Engineering Geology Engineering Survey Structural Mechanics Rock and Soil Mechanics Soil Mechanics Steel Structure Design Principles Concrete structure ...

阜宁县17671688726: 土木工程专业英语的翻译,急急急,求大神帮忙 -
释武舒窗: 结构工程师很早就认识到部件延展性, 即是 (member rotation, 具体学术名我不知道,大概是 “部件旋转力或扭力”), 在钢筋混凝土结构中去重新分配受力时间和吸收动态,地震和爆炸载荷的重要性. 真正的理解回转原理是一项艰巨的任务主要因为钢筋混凝土的复杂和多变的行为特性, 而这种困难体现在对于它缓慢却稳步的研究进程. 在这篇论文中, 将对钢筋混凝土的回转原理的三个构成部分进行描述. 这种由于对钢筋穿透产生的回转将会用不完全相互作用理论来进行数学量化, 这个过程取决于成键特性.然后用得到的结果跟已发表的实践性方法所得到的结果进行比较. 最后, 一个由于钢筋断裂所产生的枢纽长度将会用数学方法建立起来.具体专业名词不太懂了.

阜宁县17671688726: 翻译土木工程专业英语,重谢 -
释武舒窗: 14.Basically有两种类型的建设水坝,泥瓦工和堤防.前发明的波特兰水泥,大块的石头被切断通常用来建造水坝,但今天砖石建造水坝是钢筋混凝土.浆砌石拱坝往往是建立以控制迅速流动的溪流河谷狭窄有良好的岩石为基础.一个很好的例子...

阜宁县17671688726: 土木工程专业英文翻译,急急急! -
释武舒窗: 的原因,未能传统建设进程,提供时间和费用往往来源于以下. ( 1 )未能在A / E组提供可靠的预算estmates期间和之后的设计阶段. ( 2 )缺乏专门知识的施工设计阶段. ( 3 )承包商无法团队执行良好的管理做法在施工阶段的项目. ( 4 )线性...

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