
作者&投稿:左丘宰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

想要知道有关你的一天: Want to know about your day

载他上班: Take he to work

请不久写信:(请马上回信) Please write soon

最良好的祝福: Best wishes


对抗赛 Tournament
奖杯 Trophies(或者直接有 CUP)
纪念杯Memorial Cup

标准房Standard Housing
双人房Double rooms
商务房Housing Business
豪华房 Deluxe
标准城景大床房King bed Housing Standards Board

单人船票 Single tickets
过境费 Transit fees
贵宾房 Guesthouses
夜总会歌舞表演入场券Tickets for performances nightclub

The French remy Martin 97 red 法国人头马97年干红 Staple food 主食类 yang chow fried rice 扬州炒饭 Ribs rice 排骨饭 steaky pork ribs rice, 五花肉饭 roast duck dinner 烧鸭饭、Barbecued pork rice ,叉烧饭 the pig food, 猪扒饭 cook the meal, 牛腩饭 meat meal, 猪手饭 cut...

1 两箱书 two cases\/boxes books 2 四篮子鸡蛋 four buskets eggs 3 三副眼镜 three pairs of glasses 4 女医生们 women doctors \/ fanale doctors 5 一条裤子 a pair of trousers \/ a pair of pants 6 两杯牛奶 two glasses of milk 7 十滴红墨水 ten drops of red ink 8 一组...

纪念杯Memorial Cup 奖金Bonuses 标准房Standard Housing 单人房 双人房Double rooms 商务房Housing Business 豪华房 Deluxe 标准城景大床房King bed Housing Standards Board 单人船票 Single tickets 过境费 Transit fees 贵宾房 Guesthouses 夜总会歌舞表演入场券Tickets for performances nightclub ...

1.华联商厦 a mall of Hualian 2.步行街 walking street 3.钟楼 bell tower 4.澄江福地 Chengjiangfudi 5.商业圈 commercial district (如果写的不是专业型特别强的作文,我建议用shopping center)6.每周有一次音乐喷泉 There is a music fountain showing once a week.7.香樟大道 Xia...

1、City Landscape(山水之城),Ancient City(古老之城),Motion City(动感之城),City of Passion(激情之城)2、Hill is proud and(山是傲骨),Water is the tenderness(水是柔情)3、Capital three times three open, directly under the three(三次建都,三次开放,三度直辖)...

康奈利.福吉: Cornelius Fudge 哈利.波特: Herry Poter 罗恩.韦斯莱: RonWeasley 亚瑟`韦斯莱: Aurthor Weasley 赫敏.格兰杰: Hermione Granger 戈德里克.格兰芬多: Godric Gryffindor 罗伊纳.拉文克劳: Rowena Ravenclaw 赫尔加.赫奇帕奇:Helga Hufflepuff 萨拉查.斯莱特林:Salazar Slytherin 格林迪洛: Grindy...

副主任医师 Deputy Director of Physicians 副所长 Deputy Director 项目主管 Project manager 艾滋病防治所 AIDS prevention as

设计所所长President of design institute、设计所副所长Vice President of design institute、副总工程师Vice Chief Engineer、技术质量处处长 Chair of technique quality department、技术质量处业务主管Business Manager of technique quality department、保密委员会办公室主任Chair of committee on confidentiality...

这几个词语翻译成英文标准化的应该怎么说? 大衣,短外套,风衣,上衣,下...
大衣:1.overcoat 2.cloak 3.topcoat 短外套jacket 风衣Windbreaker 上衣:coat 下装:bottom 打底衫Bottoming-shirt 连衣裙dress

glory: 荣誉,光荣,桂冠。(在此是因为做出成就或有价值而赢得的好的be far removed from the masses and reality 取自海词在线词典 virtue goodness morality excellence 美德,这些词均可 libretto lyrics song lyrics honor当它取以下两个意思时,只能用复数。其它情况是单数!作为荣誉或尊敬的标志而...

美姑县19436808220: 把下面词语翻译成英文!急!1.跑步2.打篮球3.打羽毛球4.踢足球5.游泳6.打乒乓球7.打台球8.打高尔夫 -
佐剑匹服:[答案] running play basketball play badminton play football swimming play table tennis play snooker play golf

美姑县19436808220: 英语翻译请问以下词语的英文翻译是什么:腔肠动物,软体动物,哺乳类动物,棘皮动物,单细胞动物,环节动物,扁形动物,线形动物,节肢动物,两栖... -
佐剑匹服:[答案] coelenterate,mollushm,mammalia,echinodermata,monoplast,Primitive creaturesannelid,platyhelminth,nematomorpha,arthropod,amphibians,reptile,phycophyta,bryophyte,ferns,angiosperms,gymnosperms

美姑县19436808220: 把下列词语翻译成英语.1,洗衣机 2,饮用水 -
佐剑匹服:[答案] washer/ wash machine drinking fountain/water dispenser/

美姑县19436808220: 翻译英语单词把下列词语翻译成英语1.眼睛2.嘴巴3.耳朵4.鼻子
佐剑匹服: 1.眼睛 eye2.嘴巴 mouth3.耳朵ear 4.鼻子nose 5.脚 foot 6.手hand 7.哭 cry8.笑 laugh 9.医院 hospital 10.窗户window 11.土豆 potato 12.茄子aubergine 13.尺子ruler 14.西红柿tomato 15.蔬菜vegetable 16.家具 furniture

美姑县19436808220: 下列词语的英文名称:思想家.读者.作家.胜利者.发明家 ?谢谢!感谢你们`! -
佐剑匹服:[答案] 思想家 thinker 读者 reader 作家 writer 胜利者 winner 发明家 inventor

美姑县19436808220: 十万火急,求下列词语的英文翻译,要标注清楚,高悬赏!!!!1创刊2畅销3发行量4册数5内容6版本7牙痛8希腊语9称重10说明11淋浴12讨价还价13即刻14就我个人而言15好奇的16突破17准备
佐剑匹服: 创刊 the first issue 畅销 the best seller 发行量circulation; 册数copies; 内容contents; 版本edition; 牙痛toothache; 希腊语 Greek; 称重weigh; 说明instruction; 淋浴shower; 讨价还价 bargain;即刻 instantly; 就我个人而言 personally; 好奇的 curious; 突破 breakthrough; 准备 prepare

美姑县19436808220: 求下列词语的英文表达: -
佐剑匹服: Later-year graduate student.(仅供参考) Jollification Mid-Autumn Day Enjoy the glorious full moon Suffered

美姑县19436808220: 求以下几个词的英文翻译 -
佐剑匹服: 浮士德 英文名称:Faust 《少年维特之烦恼》The Sorrows of Young Werther 包法利夫人 英文名称:Madame Bovary 《红与黑》《Red and Black》《巴马修道院》(The Charterhouse of Parma)

美姑县19436808220: 求下列词语的英文翻译
佐剑匹服: kitchen accountant,chief cook of administration,assistant of chief cook of administration,night shift cook,shift cook

美姑县19436808220: 把下列词语翻译成英语 1.最近的;近来的2.艰苦的3.教育4.大学5.保持6.新闻7.电话8.这样的9.明亮的10.日常的 -
佐剑匹服: 1recent; recent 2hard 3education 4University 5 keep 6 news 7telephone 8such 9bright 10daily

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