
作者&投稿:斗复 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How to Keep Safe in P.E. class
Last week in our P.E. class, one student had a serious stomachache
caused by abnormal postures. During last term in the P.E. class a
student had a bad fall from the parallel bars due to lack of safety
measures. The fallen student had one of his legs broken and could not
walk without the support of double crutches. We should learn some lessons
from these accidents and pay attention to safety in doing physical
exercises. While doing some physical movements on the parallel bars or
balance beam which usually involve some dangers, the student should
be protected by some other students or the teacher standing by his side as
the bodyguards. Or we should put a thick soft mattress under these apparatus.
If we do so, when any students fall down from these apparatus, they will not
hurt themselves seriously. The teacher in charge of the P.E. class, should tell
the students what points the students should pay attention to while doing
some movements involving some dangers. If both the students and P.E.
teachers pay attention to safety and take some preventive measures in the
class, harmful accidents in P.E. classes can be avoided.

How to Keep Safe in P.E. class
Last week in our P.E. class, one student had a serious stomachache
caused by abnormal postures. During last term in the P.E. class a
student had a bad fall from the parallel bars due to lack of safety
measures. The fallen student had one of his legs broken and could not
walk without the support of double crutches. We should learn some lessons
from these accidents and pay attention to safety in doing physical
exercises. While doing some physical movements on the parallel bars or
balance beam which usually involve some dangers, the student should
be protected by some other students or the teacher standing by his side as
the bodyguards. Or we should put a thick soft mattress under these apparatus.
If we do so, when any students fall down from these apparatus, they will not
hurt themselves seriously. The teacher in charge of the P.E. class, should tell
the students what points the students should pay attention to while doing
some movements involving some dangers. If both the students and P.E.
teachers pay attention to safety and take some preventive measures in the
class, harmful accidents in P.E. classes can be avoided.

In the physical education class , students are most likely to have physical collisions and injuries during activities .
1. Educate students to have a sense of safety . During the practice , pay attention to their own safety , and also the safety of other students .
2.Teach students how to protect themselves when they are in danger .
3. Before the exercise , let the students make adequate preparations to avoid spots injuries .
4. Teach students how to deal with sports injuries after they occur . When sports injuries occur , students can handle them correctly . When the injuries are more serious , they should be send to the hospital immediately .
5. When students do exercises with a certain degree of danger , the teacher should repeatedly emphasize safety issues , so that students pay enough attention .





在体育课上,教师一般会安排展示环节,通常会取得预设的效果,但有时也会出现意外:有些学生,由于胆小等原因不愿意出来展示;有些学生因为紧张示范失误。对于这两个意外,如果教师缺乏应变能力,就会使课堂展示面临“尴尬”。 一、学生不愿展示 案例一:市公开课上,一位教师上《正面双手传球》,紧张的...


但是,我想,在他冲上前去的时候就已经决定死也不放手,这是他自己的选择,就要坚持,尽管他有可能会被一起拉下去,但他肯定不会后悔,既然决定了就不能放弃。 但上天帮助了他们,那个工人和车上所有人都活了下来。可是,那个工人因为用力太大,时间太长,超越了极限,他永远失去了双臂和一条腿。



从小学开始,我就对体育课有着深深的恐惧。每次听到体育课的铃声响起,我的心就开始紧张起来。我害怕被老师喊到前面表演,害怕被同学嘲笑,更害怕自己的身体素质不好。这种恐惧一直伴随着我,直到我进入了大学。挑战的机会 在大学的体育课上,我遇到了一位非常好的教练。他不仅教授了我们基本的运动技能,...

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