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您好, 不确定您是包括成份在内都要全写成英文句子, 但正规一点是可以参考以下翻译:

Clay One, which has wAl2O3 greater than sixty percents, owns a very well capability in bonding, as well as, it highly improves the feature on melting of the coal ash.




there are many festivals in china and spring festival is my favorite. that's because all the family members will come together during the festival. it is a happy thing. the spring festival is the longest holiday in a year. during the festival, the whole family will make dumplings and glue puddings. how warm it is! at that time, the children will receive red envelope with money from the older generation. people dress in red and go shopping. the children will join together to let off firecrackers, make snowman and play with snow. you can have the delicious New Year cake during the holiday. and you can also watch the amazing spring festival evening in cctv.
happy new year to all of you!

In China there are many festivals each year, one of my favorite holiday is the Spring Festival.
Because the New Year, when all my family and will be returned home, everyone gathered in one feel very happy.
Lunar New Year holiday is the year's longest holiday. Chinese New Year and family together when dumplings and glutinous rice balls to do, feeling very warm. Chinese New Year, when the older child will receive a red envelope; people will wear red, new clothes, went shopping together; children may get together with firecrackers, snowman, snowball fights. Chinese New Year, they can eat sweet rice cakes. Chinese New Year, when China Central Television, will broadcast a very exciting very interesting New Year's Gala.
I wish you every year have been very happy New Year!

英语中,"m2"通常被用作"second marriage"的缩写,直译为“第二次婚姻”。这个缩写词不仅涵盖了其英文原意,还在各种场合中广泛使用。它的中文拼音是"dì èr cì hūn yīn",属于Miscellaneous(杂类)类别,主要应用于个人生活和法律领域,比如在描述家庭关系或者法律文件中提及第二次婚姻的情况。举例...


M2 (反映货币供应量的重要指标):广义货币供应量(M2)是指流通于银行体系之外的现金加上企业存款、居民储蓄存款以及其他存款,它包括了一切可能成为现实购买力的货币形式,通常反映的是社会总需求变化和未来通胀的压力状态。温馨提示:以上内容仅供参考。应答时间:2021-06-09,最新业务变化请以平安银行官...

m2是什么意思 解析m2的含义和用法?
M2是“平方米”的缩写,它是国际单位制中用于测量面积的单位。人们常用它来描述物体或区域的面积大小,如土地面积或房屋面积等。M2的全称是“square meter”,中文翻译为“平方米”。1. 能量密度:在科学领域,M2也可用来表示能量密度。例如,流明(lm)是光通量的单位,而光通量密度的单位则是lm\/m2。

M2:反映货币供应量的重要指标,广义货币(Broad money)是一个经济学概念。M0、M1、M2、M3都是用来反映货币供应量的重要指标。M1反映着经济中的现实购买力;M2同时反映现实和潜在购买力。若M1增速较快,则消费和终端市场活跃;若M2增速较快,则投资和中间市场活跃。中央银行和各商业银行可以据此判定...

英语中常见的缩写词"M2"实际上代表的是"Metri P?tra?i",中文翻译为"Metri P tra I"。本文将深入探讨"M2"这一缩写词的含义,包括其对应的中文拼音,详尽的解释,以及在英语使用中的流行程度、分类、应用领域和实例。"M2"的详细解释是,它是一个国际缩写词,主要用于罗马尼亚语领域。这个缩写在英语...

M1, M2, M3是什么意思?
一、M1,M2,M3是什么意思!门1门2门3 二、逾期账龄m1m2M3各代表什么意思?这里的“m”其实是英文“Months”的首写字母,翻译成中文即“月”,所以“m1、m2、m3”是表示一个时间段。“m1”所指的时间段是“未还款的第二个账单日到第二次账单的最后还款日之间”。在这个时间段内,银行采取的是提醒...

M2 DECK roof 和 M2 PANEL roof 的区别,翻译为M2台式屋顶和M2板式屋顶...
应该翻译为:M2 DECK roof ——M2式屋顶 M2 PANEL roof ——M2式楼面(或者地面),都是指建筑面层做法,至于构造,材质,每平米大约的成本,哪些厂家提供,这个谁也给不了你答案,你需要知道M2相关的图集,里面有详细的构造和材质。至于成本,呵呵谁也没办法。如果两个都是指屋面,难道是一个是正置...

in red and go shopping. the children will join together to let off firecrackers, make snowman and play with snow. you can have the delicious New Year cake during the holiday. and you can also watch the amazing spring festival evening in cctv.happy new year to all of you!

小额贷款逾期账龄m1 m2 M3 各代表 什么意思?
这里的“m”其实是英文“Months”的首写字母,翻译成中文即“月”,所以“m1、m2、m3”是表示一个时间段。 “m1”所指的时间段是“未还款的第二个账单日到第二次账单的最后还款日之间”。在这个时间段内,银行采取的是提醒式催收,并且对未还款项进行罚息,收取滞纳金。 “m2”所指的时间段是“未...

裕民县18585604798: 有没有能把一段中文翻译成英文的软件啊? -
睢媚赛比: 有道在线翻译……这个可以整段翻译 有道桌面词典可以下载下来……翻译单词和短语

裕民县18585604798: 翻译一段简单的中文对话 -
睢媚赛比: A:Hello? B:It's me Jash A:What's up? B:I think we have to separate for a while A:Ok, I get it. B:Baby , I 'm sorry A:Don't apologize, it 's my fault. B:No..no...not like that, it 's not your fault, just for now , understand? A:Yeah,maybe you just need to ...

裕民县18585604798: 翻译中文一段话(英语)
睢媚赛比: 请使用这个译文: 你会在2009年4月15日前收到Lake Forest Academy学院通过联邦快递FedEx寄出的录取通知书文件袋.文件袋中含欢迎函,合同和电汇说明,以确保学费通过你的银行顺利打入.我们在收到下列各项之后:(1) 签字的合同...

裕民县18585604798: 一段英文翻译成中文:one thing many PhD students have in common is dissatisfaction.Some describe their work as "slave labour".Seven - day weeks,ten - ... -
睢媚赛比:[答案] 有一件事多博士生的普遍不满.一些将自己的工作描述为“奴隶”.七天,一天十个小时,低工资和不确定的前景.

裕民县18585604798: 翻译一段汉语谢谢!~ -
睢媚赛比: Hello,everyone!We look the same,doesn't we?In fact that we are twins.I am the elder-sister,and I like yellow.I am the younger sister,and I like pink.We're five-years-old ,and we are pupils in the Anda Baby kindergarten.Now,we will act a performance for you:《a tu li ta》Thank you!

裕民县18585604798: 翻译一段中文 -
睢媚赛比: One day, when I was walking on the way, my back was hit by a football suddenly. A boy ran to me and said sorry to me, "it doesn't matter", and then I said to him. I go on my way for a while, but the boy chased me, I felt doubt, however, that boy flapped my back and said :"Cleaning the soil on your clothes."

裕民县18585604798: 求翻译一段中文,不要全部照搬机译,最好连贯点
睢媚赛比: The network shopping into people's lives, make traditional shopping way has had a huge change. Increasing prevalence set up shop online, but at the same time also produces a credit risk. This paper analyzes the online shopping in the open a ...

裕民县18585604798: 帮忙翻译一段中文!
睢媚赛比:would like to know why . Give me a reason or an excuse . I still love you, I would like to know if you still love me . I'm going crazy, Do not torment me right? Can be one-time clear it? As if it will hurt if, and only once. What we can not be together .

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