
作者&投稿:堂诚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

is an interesting cartoon.It tells about some funny and excited things happened when the animals were escaping from the disaster brought by the Ice Age.
Sid,Mani and Dig(就是那3只动物,我不知道怎么翻译,随便写的).They are friends and lived together quite happily in the forest.When they saw the iceberg were becoming to melt,they told others and managed to help them get out of the danger.
The film tells us that we must know to help the one who was caught in dangers and the friends should help each other.In addition,we should try our best to protect our earth.Don"t let the real Ice Age come!














"Ice Age 3" and the inevitable result of success is the assembly line - Feedback

     And compared to Episode II, "Ice Age 3" In the view of somewhat improved, but the overall quality of this series of films on the downward trend is still hope that producers stop there, or another bar for new ideas, but the people will certainly not listen to me, means for misappropriating campaign will be carried out in full swing. Cast aside the theme of the film itself, the merits and the plot arrangements, reasonable or not, just from the technical level, painfully convinced people that make money. It can be said of "Ice Age 3" is represented by a large number of Hollywood animated film created by the bizarre color scene of the fairy tale world of "amazing" to describe is not at too much, but I see "Ice Age 3" the greatest feeling, not only in Here, I am more impressed by the Hollywood animated film production concepts with strong technical support of this concept has almost reached Transformation.


      As animated films generally have anthropomorphic and fantasy colors, almost from the creation time, space, role constraints, Earth and even the universe can be of any species into the animated film, and to speak, human beings can be carried out in all its activities. From this point of view, extremely broad drawn animated films, as opposed to live-action film, it is reasonable for its story demands much more relaxed. But this does not mean that they can be written and directed nonsense, others do not mess things up, basically you should be given to the successful stories in, and tell you to read the laugh easily, and people put money away, bin. "Ice Age 3" It is very intuitive to see that the Hollywood animated story books written and directed several major magic weapon, put it plainly, is a production line, according to the routine production, virtually no run, where the poor are poor not to go.


      Magic one: the role of adult sexual

     , "Ice Age" series are extremely persistent in pairs of squirrel nuts, as the film an important clue, which is almost become a sign of this series of films, "Ice Age 3" is no exception, but also arranged into a female squirrel. First of all, only on the mother squirrel shape, we see is a mature form of beauty, male squirrel to see female squirrel that Indecent expression, as well as the combination of two squirrels and contradictions of having no not according to adult the evolution of thought and life. This creative approach, in the Hollywood animated film almost everywhere. Animated films have been the main audience is children, but precisely because of these "image of the child," which incorporates elements of the adult's performance, in the form and content of great contrast given rise to a strong entertainment tastes, and thus film has become young and old salt Yi had. In contrast to our animated feature films, to a large extent, are confined to the children's world, not daring to introduce adult thinking, makes our animation looks very "mental handicap" and is only suitable for children, adults all day long if staring at "Haier Brothers" Look, I am afraid we have to be as "mental handicap" had. Of course, this situation has improved in recent years, but still can not relax hands and feet.


       Magic 2: the broad themes

       Hollywood's gang marching were that, with unrestrained imagination, almost all worldly things into their creation among small, "Horton and Anonymous" in the micro-organisms, large "ice age" in the dinosaur mammoth Like, from the "In Search of Nimes" in the deep ocean to the "WALL-E" in the vastness of the universe, from the "Madagascar" in New York's Central Park to "The Lion King" in the vast grasslands of Africa, from the Arabic legend "Aladdin" China Story "Mulan" and so on, can be said that as long as you can think of the area, almost all were involved in Hollywood animation. As a result, as long as technology licensing, Hollywood animation on the endless subject matter, while the technical support is exactly the problem the most is not an issue. It is this breadth of subject matter to create on the guarantee of the Hollywood animated film is forever full of magic, you can not think of the story will always occur, and these topics sufficient to accommodate the breadth of global culture, this let's get the soft admire American culture The underlying strength and strong technical support. And our domestic animated film is always escape from the traditional subject matter, a "row sky" for decades, has always been an insurmountable peak, it is not glory, but rather sad. Some people will say that our animation technology, immature, this is true, then we are not in the 3D field advantage in the plane animation technology should not be a problem, right? Japan's a lot of good animated films are flat, showing that the content is always greater than the form. "Gray Wolf and the radiant" seems to tell us a ray of hope, I hope this is not a flash in the pan.


      Magic 3: Content of entertaining

      Of course, Hollywood's biggest selling point is its animated entertainment. Take the "Ice Age 3" in the sloth Sid, this is a slick, both ways, but there is a kind-hearted soul Ichii little bully image, he almost is "Ice Age" series, the heart and soul is this series the largest entertainment spots. He has all the weaknesses of ordinary human beings, but it is ordinary human beings with basic human nature, it is this grass-roots nature of the film as a whole to ensure the PFP, which is why people find fault no matter how to film, you had to laugh after reading the smile, you smile, the money did not, and that even if the film a success. Interestingly, almost all of the animated Hollywood film has one or two similar to the role of Sid, such as "Shrek" series in the ass, "Mulan" in the series of wood to be long, "The Lion King" series of gorillas and Later, it emerged that the two clown - Ding Man and Peng Peng, the emergence of these roles greatly enhanced the film's fun colors, and some have even become masters, to be perceived as extremely impressed with the "hero." This would be good thanks to Hollywood animation producers the ability to manufacture and trafficking in entertainment, and this ability is almost industrialization, forming a production line. The role of the basic routines have been identified, as long as the role of the creation of a walk according to this routine, basic to success. As long as amused everyone can you say? You do not see is a Lehe do?


      Magic four: the plot to be human

      Personally think that this is almost the soul of animated films, personification of this work well, and out of something, it could be fine. "Ice Age 3" and there was a Don Quixote-like figure similar toMagic 2: the broad themes

       Hollywood's gang marching were that, with unrestrained imagination, almost all worldly things into their creation among small, "Horton and Anonymous" in the micro-organisms, large "ice age" in the dinosaur mammoth Like, from the "In Search of Nimes" in the deep ocean to the "WALL-E" in the vastness of the universe, from the "Madagascar" in New York's Central Park to "The Lion King" in the vast grasslands of Africa, from the Arabic legend "Aladdin" China Story "Mulan" and so on, can be said that as long as you can think of the area, almost all were involved in Hollywood animation. As a result, as long as technology licensing, Hollywood animation on the endless subject matter, while the technical support is exactly the problem the most is not an issue. It is this breadth of subject matter to create on the guarantee of the Hollywood animated film is forever full of magic, you can not think of the story will always occur, and these topics sufficient to accommodate the breadth of global culture, this let's get the soft admire American culture The underlying strength and strong technical support. And our domestic animated film is always escape from the traditional subject matter, a "row sky" for decades, has always been an insurmountable peak, it is not glory, but rather sad. Some people will say that our animation technology, immature, this is true, then we are not in the 3D field advantage in the plane animation technology should not be a problem, right? Japan's a lot of good animated films are flat, showing that the content is always greater than the form. "Gray Wolf and the radiant" seems to tell us a ray of hope, I hope this is not a flash in the pan.


      Magic 3: Content of entertaining

      Of course, Hollywood's biggest selling point is its animated entertainment. Take the "Ice Age 3" in the sloth Sid, this is a slick, both ways, but there is a kind-hearted soul Ichii little bully image, he almost is "Ice Age" series, the heart and soul is this series the largest entertainment spots. He has all the weaknesses of ordinary human beings, but it is ordinary human beings with basic human nature, it is this grass-roots nature of the film as a whole to ensure the PFP, which is why people find fault no matter how to film, you had to laugh after reading the smile, you smile, the money did not, and that even if the film a success. Interestingly, almost all of the animated Hollywood film has one or two similar to the role of Sid, such as "Shrek" series in the ass, "Mulan" in the series of wood to be long, "The Lion King" series of gorillas and Later, it emerged that the two clown - Ding Man and Peng Peng, the emergence of these roles greatly enhanced the film's fun colors, and some have even become masters, to be perceived as extremely impressed with the "hero." This would be good thanks to Hollywood animation producers the ability to manufacture and trafficking in entertainment, and this ability is almost industrialization, forming a production line. The role of the basic routines have been identified, as long as the role of the creation of a walk according to this routine, basic to success. As long as amused everyone can you say? You do not see is a Lehe do?


      Magic four: the plot to be human

      Personally think that this is almost the soul of animated films, personification of this work well, and out of something, it could be fine. "Ice Age 3" and there was a similar to the Don Quixote-like figure - weasel Buck, this role is to embody a deeper level of what the human body, it is a pursuit, a kind of self-sacrifice the spirit of the pursuit, although the role of absurd, but we must admit that this spirit can be found in humans did. The most commendable parts of Hollywood animation is able to in the subject of ridicule in some token of entertainment among the speak out, tell you to laugh over later, have to aftertaste, rather than mechanically preaching. Impressed me so far are found in "The Lion King", the Scar Simba looking to escape the shadow of a small, murky against coyotes (if I remember correctly) said: "Kill him!" -- This scenario is an animated version of Huo Tuotuo to underworld boss looks like and tells the people pondering infinity. In "Horton and Anonymous", the final outcome shows that truth is often rests in the hands of the few in the film world and the micro-macro eventually attributed to a better world, but in reality are often difficult to achieve such a happy outcome, thus making video more profound meaning as a whole. "WALL-E" has even more in the end of the world of human desire for love plot and vividly applied to the robot's shoulders, watching film seems to have become a spiritual sublimation process. In contrast China's animated films, were always going to preach, even more ridiculous is that we have the traditional culture and education, moral sentiments of education, patriotic education is often temporary preaching, rather than know how to nurture learning fun, is kingly.


       In addition is the leading technology of animation, this is for all to see, no talk.


      "Ice Age 3" can not be considered an animated classic, but it has all the characteristics of the Hollywood animated films, animation realistic, young and old, sentimental, entertainment full. Can be said that the Hollywood animated film industry has formed the scale of pipeline operations, as long as the script without getting technical support is without question. In recent years, Hollywood's animated films, even though there are high or low quality, but almost a complete failure few examples. Because out of things on the line, all with a few of the above-mentioned characteristics of the people recognized only in the integration of these features have a level of points, but it is not sufficient to guarantee that appeared certain to win, and the rest is just profit how much money a problem.


      Therefore, "Ice Age 3" They are not necessarily more successful, but the money earned clever, this genius of animated film, the Chinese people need to learn as much as

《冰河世纪》观后感1 我看冰川时代3的时候,我感觉像是在看一部搞笑片,因为笑声的太大了,而且是那种别人替你在笑的感觉,但这笑声不是视频里带的,是电影院里观众自发的笑声,我想这是这部系列电影的导演都很爱笑吧。下面让我简介内容吧一下。 冰河时期快要结束了,解除了冰天雪地的寒冷,享受着温泉跟和金灿灿的日...

看完这部电影后,我觉得我应该学习曼尼的果断、勇敢、临危不乱、急中生智,学习爱利的适应环境能力强、接受能力强,学习剑齿虎的朋友义气和敢于挑战困难的精神,学习树懒的热心,学习松鼠乐观、不畏艰险的精神与目标坚定、坚韧不拔。 看完《冰河世纪2》,我最大的感触就是要保护环境、保护臭氧层。臭...

回答:随着人类生活质素的不断提高,人类的贪念也越来越大,人类经常过分地捕杀动物从而破坏了自然环境。 就拿我最近看的电影《冰河世纪》来说吧,这里面讲述了长毛象—曼尼的爸爸妈妈被人类给捕杀后,曼尼离开了同类而过着孤独的生活。后来,曼尼在往北的路途中为树敕—希德解散决了困难,于是,希德为了让曼尼...

《冰河世纪3》——观后感 从两只松鼠的开场到两只松鼠的结束将此故事做了一个引导的作用。整个故事给人有种从外界进入一个环境美丽但确又有着难以想象的冒险,最后战胜敌人最终boss鲁迪救回朋友到了自己的家园完美结局。整部影片的故事情节很生动,让人的心里有随着故事发展起伏和夸张的似人情感表现出角色...

今天我们一家人来观看《冰河世纪4》,第一次能和爸妈分享看动画片的快乐,心中颇感激动! 灯光熄灭,扑面而来的巨大的冰川和那只淘气又倒霉的小松鼠立刻将人们拉回到了遥远的冰川世纪,使我们忘记了夏天的闷热。随着这只松鼠的脚步,一场因为它的灾难就此拉开了序幕... 地球板块被这只贪婪的松鼠...

求一篇《冰河世纪1》英语观后感 100字左右 最好有中文对照,高一水平...

自身的价值可能会在不经意间迸发。 如此一部精彩的电影,不仅仅带给了人们视听的享受,还有诙谐幽默的语言、滑稽搞笑的动作以及人生的哲理。 希望明年还能在大荧幕上看到这群可爱的动物们,带我们畅享在壮观的冰河世纪,用他们团队精神在轻松快乐的气氛中再度化解危机!



因此《冰河时代3》拍得未必多成功,但赚钱赚得高明,这种高明之处需要中国动画电影人多多学习。 "Ice Age 3" and the inevitable result of success is the assembly line - Feedback And compared to Episode II, "Ice Age 3" In the view of somewhat improved, but the overall quality of this series ...

隆尧县15235808209: 冰河世纪1观后感英文 初二100词 -
爰所芬司: The movie was totally funny and the graphics was superb. Especially, Sid the Sloth was the funniest of all and his voice was also funny. My favorite characters were Diego and Soto because of their Saber tooth and they were so superb in the movie. ...

隆尧县15235808209: 谁有<<冰河世纪>>的英文读后感? -
爰所芬司: Ice Age 冰河世纪 英语影评 It's not particularly surprising to be disappointed by any computer-animated film not bearing the Pixar logo. In fact, until Shrek, 2001's rollicking success, I wouldn't have even believed it could happen. What is ...

隆尧县15235808209: 要一篇冰河世纪的英语读后感 -
爰所芬司: feel this is a very funny movie.I like the funny parts most. I think this is an excelent and successful movie because it's very funny. When the Mammoth beat the two rinosauras, I felt so happy!I think the Mammoth is very friendly.

隆尧县15235808209: 观冰河世纪有感的英语表示观《冰河世纪》有感的英语表示 -
爰所芬司:[答案] My Feeling to the Ice Age 意思对了就行~

隆尧县15235808209: 请教高人帮忙写一篇英文观后感,250字的《冰河世纪3》
爰所芬司: I and my friends attended an early press screening for the third Ice Age installment ...enormous and sometimes menacing dinosaurs, one which our friends would need to ...

隆尧县15235808209: 冰河世纪系列用英文书写观后感 七上 -
爰所芬司: Put on 3D glasses and wonderful pictures one by one in front of me to show. Is that persistent favorite Pine Cone squirrel chasing him, jump to jump to, actually being dumped to the heart. Squirrel circus clown-like, catch-up on the geocentric chestnut...

隆尧县15235808209: 求一篇冰河世纪2的观后感(英语写的80 - 120字)求一篇冰河世纪2的观后感(英语写的!80 - 120字) -
爰所芬司:[答案] is an interesting cartoon.It tells about some funny and excited things happened when the animals were escaping from the ... they told others and managed to help them get out of the danger. The film tells us that we must know to help the one who was ...

隆尧县15235808209: 求一篇冰河世纪2的观后感(英语写的80 - 120字) -
爰所芬司: <IceAgeⅡ>isaninterestingcartoon.IttellsaboutsomefunnyandexcitedthingshappenedwhentheanimalswereescapingfromthedisasterbroughtbytheIceAge.Sid,ManiandDig(就是那3只动物,我不知道怎么翻译,随便写的)....

隆尧县15235808209: 冰河世纪1的观后感英文40字 -
爰所芬司:[答案] .

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