
作者&投稿:德泻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 求范文 英语高手来!!!!! 速度 在线等!!!~

I have two good friends. They are Chen Wei and Lin Hong. Chen Wei is 12, She is as old as Liu Hong. She is a girl of cheerful humour.She likes sports very much. Liu Hong has a very calm temperament. She likes reading books. They have the different hobbies. Chenwei has two big eyes, but Lin Hong's eyes are bigger. They are all very lovely. Chen Wei does better in PE than Liu Hong. She runs faster than Liu Hong and she jumps higer too. Liu Hong is better at Chinese than Chen Wei, She often helps me with my Chinese. We are all good friends.


1.Twist the handle to right and you will open the door.
2.I met with an old friend in the alien country.
3.Critics complimented this work to be original.
4.He didn't even give a little fig for the neighbors'groundless talk.
5.She credited her parents with his success.



Will complete the studies I know the knowledge to be solid, practical ability, has the high overall quality, most importantly I have steadfastly am willing to do, the positive attitude to harbor self-confident me to recommend itself to you to hope that can exhaust ability the hope in your firm to be able to study unceasingly in reality displays own initiative, the creativity by might and main for company's development addition brilliance, and can realize own life value in your firm .
I not only understood some principle knowledge in this study process moreover also to exercise began to operate ability respect the leadership, if I could fortunately become the company my first goal am an outstanding staff no matter any post loved the hillock professional is my pursue and the goal if I cannot not be able to enter your firm temporarily I not to be discouraged in the present I will try certainly even more hard .

In the learning process, I not only learned some original rational knowledge but also exercise the ability to operate the respect, if I can lead to become a member company of my first goal is to do a good employee no matter what position is I love and respect the pursuit and target if I can temporarily cannot enter your company in the future, I also will not be discouraged, I will work harder

I will finish school of knowledge and practice ability, has high comprehensive quality, the most important is I have sureness, positive attitude with confident I recommend oneself hope in your company exhaustability hope in the practice of continuous learning initiative and creativity into full play to add luster for the development of the company and make their life values in your company

In the learning process, I not only learned some original rational knowledge but also exercise the ability to operate the respect, if I can lead to become a member company of my first goal is to do a good employee no matter what position is I love and respect the pursuit and target if I can temporarily cannot enter your company in the future, I also will not be discouraged, I will work harder

1.文天祥 2.曹植 3.李白

光阴似箭---形容时间过得极快。流光易逝---形容时间过得极快。白驹过隙---白驹:白色骏马,比喻太阳;隙:缝隙。象小白马在细小的缝隙前跑过一样。形容时间过得极快。岁月如流---形容时光消逝如流水之快。日月如流---时光像流水一样迅速消逝。日月如梭---形容时间过的很快 乌飞兔走---形容光...


1、大娘说的话蕴藏着这样一个道理:事物的发展是有规律的,如果 我们违反了规律,结果恰恰相反,就如同“拔苗助长”一样,不 但帮不了它,反而害了它。如果我在场,我想对大娘说:大娘,你真有见识,你对女儿的劝告是完全符合道理的,我真佩服你。2、只有靠自己的努力才能长久的生存下去 .就是...

1.Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天 2.January 一月份 February 二月份 March 三月份 April 四月份 May 五月份 June 六月份 July 七月份 Auguest 八月份 Septemper 九月份 October 十月份 November 十一月 December 十二月 ...

韩语高手进 帮忙给翻译几个韩语句子~
1.nan yier(一后面加儿化音)bu luo ha nen ge a ni ya 男 一儿 不落 哈嫩个 啊你呀!2.a ni (比较口语化,也有不是的意思)啊你 (你不要发3声,发轻声)3.yi jia xi gi (一般是年龄稍大的人对稍小的人说的,同龄之间还是不用为好,不尊敬的成分比较多。开玩笑的时候...

两种声音”一种指的是母亲的赞扬声:精彩极了。另一种声音是父 亲的严格要求声:糟糕透了 “交织在我的耳际”是那两种声音在耳边不停回荡的意思。“精彩极了”是一种鼓励的爱;“糟糕透了”是一种严厉的爱 这段话写出了“我”对母亲“精彩极了”的赞扬声和父亲“糟糕透了”的批评声都有一个...

{有一些人\/-憧憬-(她们的)过去,但是(过去的)东西\/-是-永远不会再回来<了> ,}{因此,我们\/-感到-将来<的渺茫>,[从不]-把-希望-寄托-<在将来>,进而[对生活]-丧失了-信心。} 多重复句:{}两分句是因果。第一个{}内是转折复句,第二个{}内是递进复句。-谓语中心语- <补语> (...

过渡句,爸爸说:“荷花的好处的确很多,但有一样最可贵。荷花虽然生长在污泥里,可是开出的花是那样清爽干净,它不怕污泥,而在污泥中勇敢地生长着。”中心:做人就要像荷花那样。无论在多么恶劣的条件下,多么复杂的环境中,都要坚持正义,保持高尚的品格,不要做那种随波逐流的人 出污泥而不染:...

关于珍惜时间的成语有:分秒必争.争分夺秒 时不我待 稍纵即逝 电光石火 只争朝夕 悬梁刺骨 凿壁偷光 囊萤映雪 闻鸡起舞 废寝忘食 十载寒窗 牛角挂书 韦编三绝 惜时如金 争分夺秒 争先恐后 奋起直追 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴.莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲.光阴似...

松桃苗族自治县13351871622: 英语高手进帮忙下3篇阅读理解英语高手进,帮忙下3篇阅读理解,悬赏
之黛格力: 不给你翻译了,大意是一个人偷东西,陪审团有一个朋友,他想让朋友帮忙尽量判个轻刑,结果其他陪审员要求无罪释放时,这个朋友为了承诺,竟执意要求判轻刑. 所以答案除了最后一个是第三选项,其它都是最后一个正确.

松桃苗族自治县13351871622: 翻译句子,英语高手进来帮忙1.Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled2.This was the period when Einstein began the ... -
之黛格力:[答案] 1 实际上,所有的物体都会热胀冷缩.2 就在这个时期,爱因斯坦开始了研究,并且因而提出了相对论这一著名学说.3 我很高兴来到北京,并且能够在这里感谢中国政府和人民对我的热情友好.4 不到长城非好汉.5 我们可以用水壶测...

松桃苗族自治县13351871622: 求求各位!英语有不会的!帮帮忙!英语高手进!50高分悬赏 -
之黛格力: 1.have it 2. add to3.microscope4.extract to5.which is valuable6.didn't until也不知道你要问哪个词组的具体用法,这种题目的话应该会给词组中的关键...

松桃苗族自治县13351871622: 英语高手们请进来帮忙讨论一下这个话题.高分. -
之黛格力: Surely I'll choose the most heavy one for the reason that he maybe weighs twice as other people. If he jumps off the boat, then there can be one more pe...

松桃苗族自治县13351871622: 请英语高手进来帮忙 -
之黛格力: 我在思考问题.(think) Leave me along, I'm thinking. Don't bother me, I'm thinking. Don',她不断地以头撞墙.(hit) That womam is crazy, she kept on hitting her head on the wall, the children are sleeping. 2.别打扰我;m thinking. 3.孩子们不断地蹦...

松桃苗族自治县13351871622: 英语高手来!!!!帮忙做题,给高分!!!! -
之黛格力: 1.problem2.never3.interested4.get away5.eyes6.run7.tired8.have9.think10.missed1.find2.desert3.enough4.useful5.make6.carrying7.moving8.another9.friendly10.trouble

松桃苗族自治县13351871622: 英语高手帮帮忙啦……x高分、
之黛格力: come along到达,一起来,进步.come about发生(不及物动词).come across偶遇.come at攻击.come from出身于.come out出版,开花.come over过来,克服.come to达到,苏醒 谈到(可以有when it comes to当提及到…,come to ...

松桃苗族自治县13351871622: 很急!~英语高手进、高分求一篇自我介绍 -
之黛格力: 哈...说喜欢写作还不写呢,看来也是懒蛋~ ^-^Hello everyone, I'm glad to be here and introduce myself to you. My name is (你的名字), or you can just call me...

松桃苗族自治县13351871622: 高分求英文高手或英文教育专业的进来帮忙.关于英语句子各成分之间的关系,有没有相关的顺口溜.如题,本人最近开始自学英语.基础只在中下程度.而且最糟... -
之黛格力:[答案] 你提到的这些口诀我很困惑,老外也不懂英语里面的这些东西,除非是学习语言研究的,学语言靠的是感觉和积累,你可以看看语法书讲的都很清楚,自己领悟,其实很多高手都知道这句话怎么翻译,这个词必须得放在哪个位置不可缺,...

松桃苗族自治县13351871622: 英语阅读啊!高分啊 !!英语高手进! -
之黛格力: 1.When did the story happen? It happened long,long ago.2.How did he do something about the noise? He put some cotton in his ears. 3.What's the meaning of"t...

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