
作者&投稿:狄彩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


A: ah ~ ~ What a beautiful city!
B: yes ah, I did not expect the honor to the United Kingdom actually really fun!
A: look at the wheat fields over there really beautiful ~
(C enters the stage, and to hand over his eyes, B)
C: Oh, Guess Who am I? (For A: boo ~ ~ ~)
A: (laughs)
B: XX?
C: does not
B: XX?
C: does not. (Open hands) I did not expect that you will come here to play ah? Glad to see you, my friend!
B: God (JESUS), C is also the UK how do you play it?
A: yes ah yes ah!
C: I am in the company outstanding, so we got a chance to study abroad! So we came here, so you can see me.
A, B: My God!
A: you leave the university, and found what ah?
C: Foreign Trade Corporation ah! Good but also very exciting work!
A: really great, you are indeed still in college, when and as good!
B: Shi ah yes ah.
C: Thank you, compliment, you are doing about it?
A, B: I?
B: you are first-come, good, A
A: Thank you, ah ~ ~ I am now in a private company as an interpreter, every day to read a large number of documents in English, then translated into Chinese, it is boring. However, wages high, Hehe.
C: Small miser ah, (A: Hehe) B you?
B: I have Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) to do attendants, if there is a foreigner, I called them to do some translation work, as usual few foreigners to patronize our stores, so I am not busy! But the wage is not high.
C: Oh, you we are all easy to ah, as a typical Gemini girls ah, I particularly admired the work of low-intensity!
B: Ah, if I can, I really want to exchange with you!
C: Oh, then you will now continue to study hard bar.
A: I hate to study ~ ~ ~ the past is now also in the future, or!
B, C: Ha ha ha Haha, we are ah ~ ~
C: Well well, do not say that these, and this time I come to it, mostly shoot some scenery, as a souvenir as soon as I have in the back, so stay here for two years as those who do, let me take you have a good surf bar!
A, B: is extremely fortunate!
C: see, those are farms, standing there wearing red clothes, the person is a farmer!
A: Do they just do not work ah?
B: 恩恩, there, look at a very busy person ah ~ and Chinese farmers, not the same!
C: Of course, this is in the UK! ! Two small stupid, here are all mechanical, so we do not have tired, the farmer like the boss, they hired a farmer to farmer!
A: farmers do?
C: It is autumn, ah, so at this time, it should be difficult to see.
B: Good cozy ah! !
C: Of course, a few years, I believe that China's countryside, let's also the way they are!
B: longing ~ ~ ~
A: ah, I think we can do it!
A, B: Oh! Time is up!
A: We follow the tour to the UK! So we have to leave!
C: I wish you a pleasant journey, good-bye!
A, B: Good-bye!

A: Ah ~ ~ it was a beautiful city!
B: Yeah, it would really have had the privilege to England.
A: see it's a beautiful ~ field
(c combines with hands covered her debut b's eyes)
C: Hehe, guess who am I? (on a: sh ~ ~ ~)
A: (tho)
B: XX?
C no
B: XX?
C: right.(I will spread the two-handed) fancy you would come here for pleasure? it was nice meeting you, my good friend!
B: God (JESUS), and C you play in the UK?
A: Yeah!
C: I'm company performance, so I got a chance to go abroad for further! so I came here, so you can see me.
A, b: my God!
A: after you leave the University, found what job?
C: foreign trade company! great but also very stimulating work!
A: absolutely wonderful, you sure enough or and was as good!
B: Yeah Yeah.
C: thanks, now then, what kind of work?
A, b: I?
B: you on a first-come, A
A: thank you, well ~ ~ I am now in a private companies as an interpreter, and daily to read a large number of English-language file, and then translated into Chinese, it is deadly.However wage is very high, hehe.
C: small a miser Ah, (a: hehe) B and you?
B: I in Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) waiter, if there is a foreigner, and I will give some translation work they are doing, because we have the usual foreigner patronizing our store, so I'm not very busy at the moment but it is not high.
C: Hehe, you easily Ah, all of us as a typical Gemini special girl, I longed for that kind of low intensity work!
B: Ah, if possible, I'd like you!
C: Hehe, that you would be to continue to work hard.
A: I'm tired of learning is ~ ~ ~ once upon a time, it is still in the future!
B, C: El hahahaha, we also yeah ~ ~
C: OK OK, not to say that, this time I can we take some, mainly as a memento of the scenery, as soon as I turn, so as to stay here for the past two years alone, and let me show you a good tour!
A, b: pleasure!
C:, those are the farm, standing over there dressed in red and the farmer is the man!
A: they could it be that do not have to work?
B: 恩恩, there is to see that man is busy it and Chinese farmers are not the same!
C: of course, this is in the United Kingdom!!!, two little fool all of the mechanization of here, so we all farmers without very tired, just like the boss, they hired the farmer to work the land!
A: the farmer?
C: it was autumn so at this time, it should be difficult to see.
B: good pleasant Ah!!!
C: of course, in a few years, I believe that we are also in the country of China it!
B: yearning for ~ ~ ~
A: well, I believe we can make it!
A, b: Oh, time is up!
A: we follow then traveled to England! so we have to go!
C: I wish you a safe journey, goodbye!
A, b: bye!


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沧州市17851208623: 翻译(信息转换与传播行为) - 搜狗百科
辕策霸灵: 翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为.翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程.其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号的翻译.其中,在甲语和乙语中,“翻”是指的这两种语...

沧州市17851208623: 请解释一下“翻译的概念” -
辕策霸灵:[答案] 翻译,是指在准确通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为.从翻译的运作的程序上看实际包括了理解、转换、表达三个环节,理解是分析原码,准确地掌握原码所表达的信息;转换是运用多种方法,如口译或笔译...

沧州市17851208623: 翻译的英文单词是哪个 -
辕策霸灵: 翻译的英文单词是translate、interpret. 一、translate 英 [trænsˈleɪt] 美 [trænsˈlet, trænz-, ˈtrænsˌlet, ˈtrænz-] vt.& vi.翻译;转化;解释;被翻译 1、translate的基本意思是“翻译”,常指把一种语言译成另一种语言.引申可作“转化”“...

沧州市17851208623: 翻译是什么意思 -
辕策霸灵: 翻译,是指在准确通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为.

沧州市17851208623: 什么是翻译 -
辕策霸灵:[答案] 翻译,英文Translation,是指在准确通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为.语言是为了适应人类社会传达感情、交代事件等事务而诞生的.为了不同语言之间的相互交流而产生了翻译工作.

沧州市17851208623: 什么是翻译? -
辕策霸灵: lz说的不准.翻译应该是指:在准确通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的活动.

沧州市17851208623: 翻译都分哪几种 -
辕策霸灵:[答案] 一、 语内翻译 intralingual translation 语际翻译 interlingual translation 符际翻译 intersemiotic translation 二、 口译 oral translation 笔译 written translation 机译 machine translation 三、 专业性翻译 specialized-subject translation 文学翻译 literary ...

沧州市17851208623: 比较好的翻译网站
辕策霸灵: http://site.baidu.com/list/104fy.htm Yahoo在线翻译 ( 英语 翻译成 中文简体,可输入150个字 ) 金桥翻译 ( 最多可输入300个字 ) 英语->简体中文BETA简体中文->英语BETA

沧州市17851208623: 英语翻译的定义 -
辕策霸灵: 翻译,英文Translation,是指在准确通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为.翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程.其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号的翻译.其中,“翻”是指对交谈的语言转换,“译”是指对单向陈述的语言转换.“翻”是指对交谈中的两种语言进行即时的、一句对一句的转换,即先把一句甲语转换为一句乙语,然后再把一句乙语转换为甲语.这是一种轮流的、交替的语言或信息转换.“译”是指单向陈述,即说者只说不问,听者只听不答,中间为双语人士,只为说者作语言转换.

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