泊秦淮 许渊冲的英译版本

作者&投稿:夫备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
想知道柳永《蝶恋花》许渊冲先生英译的版本 词是“伫倚危楼风细细”这首~

Butterflies in Love with Flowers
Liu Yong

I lean alone on balcony in light, light breeze;
As far as the eyes sees,
On the horizon dark parting grief grows unseen.
In fading sunlight rises smoke over grass green.
Who understands why mutely on the rails I lean?

I’d drown in wine my parting grief:
Chanting before the cup, strained mirth brings no relief.
I find my gown too large, but I will not regret;
It’s worthwhile growing languid for my coquette.

(许渊冲 译)

唐• 王维


Don Wang Wei
When those red berries come in springtime,flushing on your Southland branches。
Take home an armful, for my sake, as a symbol of our love.

What shall I say of the great peak? The ancient dukedoms are everywhere green,
Inspired and stirred by the breath of creation, with the twin forces balancing day and night.
The chest raw stratus, Juezi into bird.
When shall I reach the top and hold all mountains in a single glance.

The moon goes back to the time of Qin, the wall to the time of Han, and the road our troops are travelling goes back three hundred miles.
Oh, for the winged general at the dragon city. That never a tartar horseman might cross the Yin mountains!


Under the crescent moon a light autumn dew has chilled the robe she will not change.
And she touches a silver lute all night, afraid to go back to her empty room.


The last day, hill to the sea.
Clouds, when I look back, close behind me, mists, when I enter them, are gone.
A central peak divides the wilds and weather into many valleys.
Needing a place to spend the night, I call to a wood-cutter over the river.

Mooredon the Qinhuai River
Cold water and sand bars veiled in misty moonlight,
I mooron River Qinhuai near wineshops at night.
The songstress knows not the grief of the captive king,
By riverside she sings his song of parting.
Mooring on the Qinhuai River
The chilly water is shrouded in mist and sand bathed in moonlight,
As I moor at night on the Qinhuai River near taverns.
The singsong girls are ignorant of the tragedy of a lost regime,
They are still singing the Backyard Flowers beyond the river!
*Alluding to Jade Trees and Background Flowers, a song composed
by the last emperor of the Southern Dynasties, which was later
consedered a bad omen.

mooredon the qinhuai river

Mooredon the Qinhuai River
Cold water and sand bars veiled in misty moonlight,
I mooron River Qinhuai near wineshops at night.
The songstress knows not the grief of the captive king,
By riverside she sings his song of parting.

夏津县15959431784: 《蜀道难》许渊冲 英文翻译 -
吁治可利: 《蜀道难》du许渊冲_有道翻zhi译 翻译结果: Xu yuan-zhong "intones difficult" intone_有道词典 intone 英 [ɪn'təʊn] 美dao [in'təun]vt. 吟诵版;吟咏 vi. 吟诵;吟咏 更多释义权>>[网络短语]intones 吟诵 Joe Intones 乔吟诵

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夏津县15959431784: 求个许渊冲先生水调歌头的英文翻译,以及一首外文诗,在婚礼或者朗诵时用的 《LOVE》? -
吁治可利: 网页链接 上面的这个链接是百度文库的,是许老先生的中英文对照版的《水调歌头》 婚礼上我推荐你莎士比亚的《十四行诗》第18首,我把原文和译文都给你 我自己婚礼上,我就是为我老婆朗诵的这首,因为我老婆是学英语语言与文化的,我...

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吁治可利: Butterflies in Love with Flowers Liu YongI lean alone on balcony in light, light breeze; As far as the eyes sees, On the horizon dark parting grief grows unseen. In fading sunlight rises smoke over grass green. Who understands why mutely on the rails...

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吁治可利: Where the bright moon is rising along with the tide. “春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生.”他站在辽阔到分不清哪里是海岸线的水边,在熏风里望见明月凄楚地随潮涌翻滚而来,好像听不见浪涛的呱噪和海鸟的悲鸣,行云流水地营造了他自己不被打扰的安静和美景. 是了,春江某种程度上成了他情愫的归宿,寄托了他的情成就了他的美,顺便再给我们精彩回放了那晚的夜色妖娆.月色美,在诗人的乡思离愁里,却如蚌体内的珍珠,是凄苦的延伸和凝固.

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