
作者&投稿:谯舒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

哇, 你工作到凌晨两点??!?! 实在是太晚啦! 你那天的作息时间是怎么样的? 你应该小心些. 勤奋工作不是什么问题, 而且容易做到. 如果我应付不过来, 该休息就休息, 但是我总能想办法完成任务的.

我喜欢冷一点的天气. 这种天气更适合我. 下次别出去那么晚了. 我真是挺为你担心的. 还有, 我给你发电邮不是很方便. 你能不能给我发个电邮让我给你打电话. 因为我可以用电话接受电邮, 我能立刻给你打过去.

[注: 写信人对收信人的关切溢于言表! 有这样的朋友真是福气呀!]









请各位高手帮我汉译英 急```
I've got a high school certification. Now I'm studying English. Due to my poor English, I hope to be admitted to your school before 2009, but I still have some other questions.For example: What kind of visa will I get if being admitted into your school? F1 or F2?Do ...

起初,我试图不哭,并试图对他们的谩骂为自己辩护, 试图当他们问的时候告诉他们真相。"是什么促使你去做这样一件可怕的事情"? 无论我怎样解释,他们变得更加愤怒 他们因为自己的耻辱感而大发脾气,他们为了任何想要恢复的目的为了个人报复来打我屁股. “我再也无法在这条街上抬起头了!” 妈妈哭喊着,而...

汉译英 急需 请各位高手帮忙
Devil Is bound to be the devil has a heart angelic isolation and the world where I find happiness Find the corner of love Frustrated Happiness Angelic devil 还可以译成:The devil But the devil is destined to heart and has an angelic world where my happiness isolation Looking for ...

The public health closes each person and the entire society'sblessing. Regarding tobacco's rational choice is the socialcivilization and each citizen morals mature symbol. Annotation: Xiao Wei: From "the non- standard" looked the public health thesignificance - visits Daniel Verkler ...

According to the relevant oversea investment policies of Chinese government as well as the market prospect, economic benefits, fund resources and product technical scheme of the oversea investment project, the investing enterprise makes decisions independently, takes its own responsibilities and ...

In the economic globalization, China's accession to the WTO context, multinational companies investing in China increased year by year, and a positive adjustment to China investment strategy, thus showing a number of new trends and characteristics. In this paper, the investment of ...

it was August 8th 2008 yesterday a grand sports meeting(估计你要说体育方面的~~~)it ranks first at present a wonder of flutter I nearly fall in love with him(如果说话方是男的话应用I literally like him)the holiday\/vacation in 2008 ...

You are a kind and polite kid who realise your success through your deligence.I am very proud of your deligence.I believe that you still has many shining point which hasn't been found.I hope that you can dig it out very soon.You are the best!希望对楼主有所帮助~~

Education is one of the words of our time.教育是我们这时代的一个关键词。A man without an education,many of us believe,is an unfortunate victim of unfortunate circumstances deprived of one of the greatest 21st century opportunities.我们大部分人都相信,一个没有受到过教育的人就如是...

D: What's the matter with you?P: I have a sore back. Can you help me?D: Sure. It's eay. You need to exercise every day.P: Oh, I'm afraid I can't. I don't have any time.D: En, for your health, I'm afraid you have to do some exercise.P...

开县15293621761: 英译汉,请大家帮帮忙 -
窄尚心律: 1. 在工作(中) 2. 觉得是(像) 3. (梦想)实现 4. put up 举起; 抬起(最常见) Please put up your hand if you have any questions. 谁要有问题, 就请举手. 建立; 竖起 I want to put up a fence between our property and our neighbor's. 我要在...

开县15293621761: 请英语高手帮我英译汉几句话! -
窄尚心律: 1 故事发生在清晨 2 Yukon trail 是一条通向Chilcoot Pass的小路 3 我们从这篇文章中了解到故事中的男人对待任何事都有着实事求是的态度英译汉首先要翻译出句子表达的意思,其次不需要逐字翻译,尽量用简明扼要的话

开县15293621761: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下(英译汉)!
窄尚心律: 1.英语的第一个字母.2.表示第一的符号.

开县15293621761: 英译汉问题~请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢绝机译.非常感谢.翻译的满意的话一定把所有的分送上.(虽然总共也没多少分).很着急,再次感谢~~~Many of ... -
窄尚心律:[答案] 我们领域中许多上乘作品都是受主流学科的影响.似乎最弱的研究人员们忽视了一个真相,我们在建筑工业上面临的问题通常是我们已在其他方面遇到过的例子.我问作者和自己的研究人员一个反复的问题就是,这个问题(就是目前...

开县15293621761: 汉译英翻译.请英语高手们来帮忙. -
窄尚心律: Great changes have taken place in our nation since 1976.We are all struck by the beautiful scenery of THE WEST LAKE.Many houses in this city have been on fire in the earthquake.Professor went through the student's paper carefully.The ...

开县15293621761: 英译汉词组,请各位高手帮帮忙
窄尚心律: 你不用在意中文意思,sort code / routing no.不过是银行的一个代码,在加拿大常用以你的情况,只要提供swift code给对方就能了一般来说欧洲认iban no.,美国认aba no.,加拿大认sort code/routing no.,不过swift code是国际通用的,只要提供swift基本就够了

开县15293621761: 请各位高手帮忙翻译一下这句话(英译汉),希望意思精准些,谢谢啦~ -
窄尚心律: 书呆子虽然不一定很健壮,但是许多运动员也许非常聪明

开县15293621761: 汉译英,英语高手请帮下忙!
窄尚心律: I hate the most crazy copy of this life, and life will change 800! Who had no cheating, damned is not changed, besides copy or copy, no self-respect!

开县15293621761: 英译汉高手进`~~~~~~~谢谢~!(急需)
窄尚心律: at night,mom and i were taking a walk in the snow when a black-white wild cat jumped out from grass.as father once told me that wild cat would scratch people, so i stood there still. but it loitered my feet and legs softly, shooting very poorly. mom ...

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