
作者&投稿:孟莘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Please remember the love I once had for you

I'll always keep you in my mind

you are among my best memories

如你所说的 不要把我忘了就好
As what you said, as long as you never forget me~

It was my favorite time when I was with you~

1,our spring is very warm, but sometimes a bit of rain.2, I like cold weather, but he likes hot weather.3,Are you come from England? No, we come from the United States of america. 4, Stella is what country? She is french. She is from Paris

The wind scrapes the face like a knife against the egg-white.

Wind outside pain like a knife

Wind in their faces, like pain, like a knife。


不是机械翻译,用心翻译的 .他们去过哪儿了?Where have they been?2.那个戴墨镜的男人是谁?Who is the man with sun-glasses?Who is the man wearing sun-glasses?3.我怎样才能抱答你好心的帮助呢?How can I return your kind help?4.你是不是认为夫妻应当分担家事?Do you think that a ...

I won't go to school tomorrow.9.你下个月将完成这项任务吗?Can you finish this task next month?10.我这个暑假要打工。I will take a part-time job this summer holiday.11.我们很快就要考试了。We will take exams soon.12.他们明天一大早到。They will arrive tomorrow early morning....

【原文】1.青岛是一个美好的玩的开心的地方 【翻译】Qingdao is a wonderful fun place 【原文】2.我迫不及待地打开礼物 【翻译】I am unable to hold myself back to open the present 【原文】3.我计划去那美丽的地方 【翻译】I plan to go to that beautiful place 【原文】4.我刚刚完成...

1、与以英语为母语的人交谈是非常有益的体验,从中我们能学到许多东西:We can reap a lot from the rewarding experience of communicating with native speakers of English.2、芬奇先生冲进她的房间,朝着她喊到:“难道你就不能把音乐关小一点?”Mr. Finch burst into her room and shouted at...

我要买两张十月八日上午从上海到北京的来回机票,一个月以后回来。I'll buy two return tickets from Shanghai to Beijing leaving on October 8 and coming back in 1 month. 当天不可能来回,否则后面部分没法解释。此外,这是说给朋友听的,如果是给售票员,应该: Two return tickets ,please...

很高兴为你解答!1. I left my glasses at home tonight 2. We all went to the park except Jimmy he was going to look after his sick mother 3. My mother is angry with me because I didn‘t finish the homework 4. My parents told me speak English as much as possible\/as I ...

直译:how to say? XX, you are really as beautiful as the sakura.更大胆的表白:Well, I must say, XX, you never know you are so beautiful as the sakura.

1:巧合的是 to our suprise,2:在宇宙中的1894年 1894th year in the universe,3:十亿光年 a billion light-year 4:飞行员 pilot 5:舰长 Captain 参考资料:百度知道

i hope i can work somewhere near the west lake and then i will be able to have jogging around it.

1.尽管家庭很困难,可是父母还是支持我继续求学,这使我很感动!Although we are poor, my parents still support me for further study, so that i am very moved.2.我的弟弟已经失学了,可是我还是在上学,这使我很残惭愧,所以我更得需要努力学习报答父母他们。My brother was out of school, ...

长治县17566153298: 汉译英(一个超简单的句子)我家有两个卧室,四个阳台,一个餐厅,一个客厅,一个厨房和一个卫生间 -
斗购护天:[答案] My house has two bedrooms,a dinning room,a living room,a kitchen and a washing room.

长治县17566153298: 中译英一段话很简单~今天,我们来种树.首先,找一块适合种树的土地,在这块土地上用铲子挖一个洞,将树种下去,然后,用土把它埋好,最后给这棵树浇... -
斗购护天:[答案] Today,we are to plant trees.First,find a piece of land suitable for planting trees in this land with shovels dug a hole and will continue trees,and then buried it with good soil and finally to this tr...

长治县17566153298: 几个简单句子请帮忙汉译英1.太阳石地球上一切生物能量的来源2.太阳给我们提供光和热量3.因为有了太阳和月亮,我们才有白天和夜晚 -
斗购护天:[答案] 1.The sun is the energy source of all living things. 2.The sun provides us with lights and energy. 3.We have days and nights just because of the sun and the moon. 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.请尽快采纳.

长治县17566153298: 汉译英!很简单的小句子!急用,快快快!!!!!!!!! -
斗购护天: 权1 When Hong Kong return to the People'e Republic of China, I was playing with my friends and my family was watching TV.2 All the Chinese people were very happy.3 China was in charge of Hong Kong again.4 I think it's been hard for Hong Kong to return to China, but she still came back to her mother's arms.

长治县17566153298: 汉译英,比较简短的一段话,求大虾帮忙翻译,不要在线直译的.拜谢~! 在线等! -
斗购护天: Hi,Dennis,1. Shawn and I are from a hunting company instead of Avaya HR department.2. It was Jae Choi(supposedly he will be the person you report to) who called you this morning. He gave me feedback through phone that he had a quite pleasent...

长治县17566153298: 一句话汉译英,超简单,求助! -
斗购护天: Even if do the surgery, the chance of restore her binocular vision also less than 40 percent .

长治县17566153298: 急求帮忙翻译一篇信件.汉译英!!!很简单的几个句子,只是本人英语水平太烂.先拜谢!内容如下: -
斗购护天: 很抱歉那么晚才给您回信.我到现在还没有收到试卷.你可以通过邮箱再给我发一遍吗?我的邮箱是:XXXXX.谢啦.I am so sorry that reply you so late. I haven't received any exam paper so far. Could you send me a copy of it by e-mail? My e-mail address is XXXXX. Thanks.

长治县17566153298: 帮我翻译一个很简单的句子,谢了(汉译英)
斗购护天: We have different hobbies.

长治县17566153298: 汉译英几个简单的句子. -
斗购护天: 1. Which things on the floor.2. Please bring these books to your teacher.3. My baseball in the bed.4. The keys in the drawer.5. My notebook in there? It under the table it?6. This is my math book.7. You be able to take to school for it?8. My identity card...

长治县17566153298: 求会英语的朋友帮个忙,汉译英,翻译的句子如下:那个男孩你让我懂了想念也是一种痛你让我变得更坚强我会记住你给我的一切最后,祝你快乐梦里见 -
斗购护天:[答案] 1.Thank you,the boy!2.You made me understand.3.Missing is a kiind of torture.4.You made me become stronger.5.I will remember whateveryou have given to me.6.Finally,wish you be happy all day.7.See you ...

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