
作者&投稿:禽魏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

creat miracle
例如:The smart boy believes he can creat miracle.
2.处处依赖父母 英语怎么说(depend)
depend on/upon one's parents everywhere
例:It is no a good idea to depend on your parents everywhere when you are grown up.

3.在高峰时段 用 in/at/during rush hour/hours哪一个更常用呢
The traffic jam always makes during the rush hours/hour after work.

4.有无from day to night 一说?
按照中文思维应该有,但是英语一般来说,是用day and night表示"从早到晚,夜以继日"

(1)I need (a number 47) bus.(对括号中的部分提问)
What number bus do you need?

(2)You'd better go there now.(改为否定句)
You'd better not to go there now.

(3)He drives the car very slowly.(改为感叹句)
How slowly he drives the car!

(4)Tom is taller than Mary.(改为同义句)
Mary is shorter than Tom.

(5)The game begins at four.(改为一般疑问句)
What time does the game begin?

(6)Tom sits in the front row.(where...提问)
Where in the row does Tome sit?

(7)The students mustn't open their eyes.(用The students keep..开头)
The students keep their eyes shut.

(8)Beijing is very far away from here.(改为同义句)
Beijing is not close from here at all.

(9)The girls can have eight guesses.(How many...提问)
How many guesses can the girls have?

(10)Mother stands on my left.(Who...提问)
Who stands on my left?

(11)What did you use your pen for?(Why...提问)
Why did you use your pen?

(12)It's better to do something late than never.(用Better开头)
Better late than never if you want to do something.

(13)I'm sorry,but I can't come to your birthday party.(I'm afraid开头)
I'm afraid that I can't come to your birthday party.

(14)The earth moves round the sun.(Does the earth开头)
Does the earth move around the sun?

(15)We have a good time at the birthday party.(We enjoyed开头)
We enjoyed the birthday party.

(16)How heavy the snow is!(What开头)
What a heavy snow!

(17)Jack felt very happy at the party.(Did Jack开头)
Did Jack feel very happy at the party?

(1)Don't worry the meeting.
Don't worry about the meeting.

(2)There will be snowy in tianjing next week.
There will be snow in Tianjing next week.

(3)I'd like you answer my questions.
I'd like you to answer my questions.

(4)The students are writing careful in the classroom.
The students are writing carefully in the classroom.

(5)I call Joan amoment ago.but there was no reply.
I called Joan a moment ago, but there was no reply.

(6)This sweater looks like your.
This sweater looks like yours.

(7)Does your uncle like draw picture?
Does your uncle like drawing picture?

(8)The bag is five yuan.
The bag costs five yuan.

Whee, what a sunny day! After having a wheat and oat breakfast. Therefore, I decided to Tian'an Men square with my friend, Jimmy. We went to a cab, in great mood, like the fast running wheel, however, there was a black wallet on the backseat of this cab and the driver didn't find it obvisouly. I opened the wallet, and find out there was totally 10,000 RMB. I decided to give it to police station. Jimmy said," how could that be?" It is a great amount of money. But I still insisted on my final decision since my conscience felt like whipped up if I didn't return it. That's my experience happened on this National Day. Don't you feel proud of me? I am appreciated.

Whee, what a sunny day! After having a wheat and oat breakfast. Therefore, I decided to Tian'an Men square with my friend, Jimmy. We went to a cab, in great mood, like the fast running wheel, however, there was a black wallet on the backseat of this cab and the driver didn't find it obvisouly. I opened the wallet, and find out there was totally 10,000 RMB. I decided to give it to police station. Jimmy said," how could that be?" It is a great amount of money. But I still insisted on my final decision since my conscience felt like whipped up if I didn't return it. That's my experience happened on this National Day. Don't you feel proud of me? I am appreciated.



问题的英文单词是什么 问题的英文单词怎么念
1、问题的英文单词是question,读音:英[?kwest??n]、美[?kwest??n]。2、n.问题;疑问;(待讨论或处理的)事情;议题;课题;怀疑;困惑。3、v.正式提问;质询;问;表示疑问;怀疑。4、例句:Id like to come on to that question later.我想以后再讨论那个问题。I spent most time on the first qu...

1.此句考查的是非谓语动词。因为smell是系动词,因此常用动名词的形式表被动,这是在考试中常见的,请切记!此句的意思是:这些卖得不错的蛋糕,味道不错。2.因为有时间Mary 1,2003,因此现在来看是过去的事情,而此句的意指是过去发生的事情对现在产生了影像,因此用过去完成时。同时再结合句意。...

A句是正确的,句中的it代指上一句话的内容。而B句中的they代指my temper和myself。作者应该想表达“我需要控制自己的脾气和自己”这件事情很重要,而不是想表达“自己的脾气和自己”这两样东西很重要。

第一句——主语是Chen Dong and Li Ming 是两个人,当主语大于等于两个人时就不用三单。 如果把主语改为Cheng Dong 的话,就用goes 第二句——正确的就应该是he likes playing 你没错 不知道你几年级了,就把一些难一点的知识点一起告诉你了吧 1、当主语中有as well as,with, ……介词短语...

your dreams are waiting to be realized.don't waste time making excuses.reach for your peak, your goal!焦虑最浪费精力问题拖的越久就变得越沉重不要事事都太计较过平静的生活,不要活在悔恨之中不要自我设限你的梦想等着你去实现不要浪费时间找种种借口攀登你的颠峰,追求你的目标 ...

独立主格分为逻辑主语和逻辑谓语。名词或代词作为逻辑主语,现在分词、过去分词、动词不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语等作为逻辑谓语。独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子主语不同,它是独立存在的,一般用逗号与句子分开。逻辑主语+名词:Many people come to visit the city, most of them foreigners.很多人来...

1.except 接的成分是插入语的性质,谓语看主语。在本文章,except 是强调前面的。主语是nobody,所以后面用knows。2.“Reading English magazine and novel ”这是一个典型的分词结构,谓语是要用单数的。意思是“阅读英语杂志和小说”这件事对学习有帮助。3.看and前后接的是什么成分。如果是修饰同一...

Transcript of 2008 Fall就足够好了,因为学期跟季节直接挂钩,而年份有了就行了,不要加academic year,transcript是对的,成绩单就该这么说 名字的话不要加点

一、①Would you like some potato and tomato noodles?这里,some 后面所接的名词应该是复数形式。而noodles正是some所修饰的中心名词嘛,当然是复数加S形式啦。况且noodle一般是复数形式的,你不可能只吃一条面条吧。:“potato and tomato ”在这里是作为noodles的定语啦,相当于形容词,所以不用复数...

1.What would you like to share with or give to your friends?My friends are worth a lot to me. They are treasures in my life. If available, I would like to give my friends enough support to help them realize their dreams. For example, one of my friends is keen to ...

轮台县19393359901: 简单的英语问题 -
道顷增效: 1, 有in face of,意思: 面临(不顾,公开反对,在...面前) 例句: You should keep calm even in face of danger.(即使面临危险,你也应当保持镇静.)2,没有 at lesson的用法,要用in, 比如 in this lesson, you will learn about some common chemistry reactions.同时,lesson一般做主语用 比如 : the chemistry lesson today talked about the most basic organic reaction. 像你要的这种在课堂上的用法,一般用class.

轮台县19393359901: 两个简单的英语问题1.“不要紧、没关系”用英语怎么说?2.Thank you.You help me with my Chinese. (变为同义句) Thank you -- _ - me study Chinese. -
道顷增效:[答案] 1.“不要紧、没关系”It doesn't matter. 2.Thank you.You help me with my Chinese.(变为同义句) Thank you for helping me study Chinese.

轮台县19393359901: 一些简单的英语问题
道顷增效: 该吃晚饭?It's the time for dinner. 你想采写面包吗?Would you like some bread? 安太小了,不能上学Ann is too young to go to school. 布莱克太太经常帮助我们学习英语Ms Black always help us learning English. 你昨天花了多少时间做作业 How ...

轮台县19393359901: 问几个简单的英语问题
道顷增效: 用am、is、are填空. 1:there---is----a girl in the class room 2:--------what---is----your name?----I'm--Bob 3:how many cups--are----there 4:------how---are--you?--I'm----fine,than k you

轮台县19393359901: 一个超简单的英语小问题 -
道顷增效: 问need I recite it?意思是需要我背诵吗? 回答是当然,你必须背,那么就应该是,yes,you must 否定回答就是,No,you needn't

轮台县19393359901: 一些简单的英语问题 -
道顷增效: 1、句型转换 (1)I need (a number 47) bus.(对括号中的部分提问) What number bus do you need? (2)You'd better go there now.(改为否定句) You'd better not to go there now. (3)He drives the car very slowly.(改为感叹句) How slowly he ...

轮台县19393359901: 几个简单的英语问题21What - d - toher?Ahappen
道顷增效: 1.正常提问时都是说What happend to her? 2. having spent = after she had spent这是分词作状语的用法,比较难.表示做完某事时,都用having done的结构,如果正在做就用doing.这句话的意思是,在水里泡了一个晚上后,她游上了岸.里面含有的意思是she had spent the night in the water,那么要是用分词作状语的话就得用having spent了. 3. up是副词 表示 “向上” to是介词,表示“到达” 这句话是说我们一直想上爬,爬到山顶上.

轮台县19393359901: 问一个很简单的英语问题在西方 Sunday(星期天)被称作一个星期的第一天 而在我们中国 星期一才是第一天 那么在做英语题目时 究竟以那个标准来做题呢 -
道顷增效:[答案] 当然是以西方为准,因为英语是人家的语言,语言习惯自然也要遵循西方的习惯,没错的

轮台县19393359901: 关于英语的简单问题
道顷增效: 1.因为 late 是形容词,接在BE动词后面作表语而Does是用于行为动词(如: like / dance / sleep / go 等)作谓语时的助动词 2.因为这里的open.是形容词,意思是"开着的",表示状态,作补语,用来补充说明 the windows 的情况 3.因为副词前面不需要介词, 这里的 there / home 都是副词,所以不加介词to

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