
作者&投稿:龚治 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.I am OK recently.It is also very hot in Beijing.Will you come to Beijing during Olympic Games?If you will,I am pleased to treat you to eat the delicious food in Beijing .
2.Did you arrive in America now?Enjoy your short beautiful time at home.I like your dog very much,and what's its name?Remember to bring back as many photos as possible.Expect your coming back.

The university students is in the important stage of their life.In this stage,they will increase knowledge、inform initial world outlook and life outlook.Thy should have thire ideal and belief to decide everything around them is right or wrong,this will influce all their life.Enforcing the education of socialist ideal with Chinese characteristics; ideal and faith,breaking barriers of socialist ideal with Chinese characteristics; ideal and faith.It is very important to find a different way to solve the problem.


Glad to make friends with you! My school life is colorful. All my subjects are fine except for maths.In my spare time i would like to go to the library with my classmates or just listen to some music.My spoken English is not that good, i always have difficulty in expressing myself fluently. Do you have any suggestions to help me? I will make good use of my time to study well,and participate in various social activities.That's it,looking forward to hearing from you!

I'm very glad to become friend with you through internet. My life in school is quite splendid. I achieve fine scores in all subjects except for math. In my spare time, I like to read books with my classmates in library or to listen to music. My oral English is not that great, because I can't always express the things I want to say influentially. Do you have any good ideas to help me with? I really need to use my time well to study, and to participate various social activities. Okay, that's it, looking forward to your replies!

I am very glad to be your friend,i have colourful life in school,and all my subjects are great,except maths.in spare time i like to go to library with my classmetes or maybe just listen to music.my oral english is not so good,always can not be able to express what i want to say fluently,do you have any advice to help me with my english,i will take good use of time to study,and participate various social activities.All right!that's it,talk to you next time.Looking forward to you letter!

It often snows in winter, and there used to be heavy snow on the roofs, playgrounds and roads.It snowed heavily last night, I saw some people \/ pedestrians slip and fall on the snow on my way to my grandma's. "Damn the weather!" People grumbled.After lunch, my sister ...

手动帮你翻译的,绝对地道没错误.Glad to make friends with you! My school life is colorful. All my subjects are fine except for maths.In my spare time i would like to go to the library with my classmates or just listen to some music.My spoken English is not that good, i a...

汉译英:你能帮我把这串钥匙 带给Tom吗?他需要它.
Can you help me to take this bunch of keys to Tom? He needs it.【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

中译英,那位亲能帮我把这段话翻译成英语??关于农民工工资拖欠的_百度知 ...
Facing the problem of wage arrears for migrant rural China's complex social problems, preventing the problem of wage arrears for migrant rural is the construction of a harmonious society in China, maintain social stability in the face of very important issues, prevent wage arrears for ...

如果这句话是你需要自己写的作文或者报告,可以翻译为Technology forwards advance 如果这句话是你要做的翻译题,就翻译为Technology forwards the future 翻译也是讲场合的.下次你要提问最好把你要翻译的这句话的背景说一下,不然你得到的回答是不地道的....

你好!我就读于**学院雕塑系第二工作室。I’m a student in the Second Studio of the Department of Sculpture, **College.在众多造型艺术中,雕塑以其真实、立体的空间而有别于其他造型艺术。Among various plastic arts, sculpture stands out by its trueness and solidity.这要求我们具有良好的...

Messi, don't cry; your tears we'll shed for you. We want that child who always stands strong to remain so forever.Should we see the Number Ten shirt of Argentina stained with red eyes, it would pain us greatly.Despite some disappointment in the outcome, you remain our pride...

Modern people are watching movies at the same time, also must watch the ads in the movie. In the movie implanted a lot of advertising, which is the result of film concessions to commercialization. But for film compromise caused by people, responding to the ads I think it is ...

We must work together to co-ordinate to help victims of the flood.3.公司决定放慢开发新产品的速度。(pace)The company has decided to cut the pace of developing the new product.4.如果你乘飞船进入太空,你必须调整自己,以适应失重状态。(dajust)If you ride on a spaceship into the ...

I (Madam Wang) used this medcine for curing blood vessel disease and decreasing blood lipids during my six month in Australia.这是日常生活中预防感冒、炎症的常用药。this medcine is used commonly for prventing catching a cold and inflammation in daily life.行李箱中,多数是我们为即将...

安宁市15137655690: 汉译英帮忙把这些话翻译成英文,这是我给你们的第二封信.去年10月份我给你们寄去了第一封信,很高兴在10个月后收到了你们的回复.我很喜欢你们送给我... -
少夜安特:[答案] 这是我给你们的第二封信.This is my second letter to you.去年10月份我给你们寄去了第一封信,By last October,I have sent you my first letter很高兴在10个月后收到了你们的回复.I'm so glad when I got your repl...

安宁市15137655690: 翻译一段话中文翻译成英文谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文不要百度翻译: - 路边开的花 嫩嫩的绿芽 - 透露着坚强 像我一样倔强 - 等着那一束光芒 - 没有太多话 太... -
少夜安特:[答案] Flowers were opened by the roadside to tender green shoots Revealed its adamancy stubborn as me Waited for the beam of light It's not much talking or idea Also continued to grow up to soar ideally Let the wind dry the tears and sweat Morning has ...

安宁市15137655690: 谁能帮忙把这段汉语翻译成英语 谢谢
少夜安特: am i the one you need? where dose your heart gose? do you need me to get it for you? 楼主啊 ,其实建议你这么说 I lose myself in your eyes for a long time.我在你的眼中迷失了 could you please give my heart back.请你把我的心还给我 i want to be your whole world till the end of our day我想成为你的全世界,直到世界末日.

安宁市15137655690: 谁帮我把这段汉语译成英语
少夜安特: hey, honey, in this tranquil peace night, I put on your deep thoughts and condensed in the message, let you go in peace

安宁市15137655690: 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文?急...帮帮忙... -
少夜安特: My English teacher is tall and she likes to smile. She is pretty and fashionable. She favorite colour is blue. Her hobbies are reading and swimming. She is caring and helpful. She once won the championship in a teaching competition. 希望能帮到你:)

安宁市15137655690: 请帮忙翻译下这段话(汉译英) -
少夜安特: The timer and counter for game are solve the question that timing and counting is inaccurate. This apparatus is use of the MCU, AT89C52, to realize timing and counting func...

安宁市15137655690: 谁能给翻译一下这段话~汉译英~谢谢大侠~! -
少夜安特: CND customer management system is completed customer telephone management of a management information system. System of the major databases, including background to the establishment and maintenance of front-end applications and ...

安宁市15137655690: 谁帮我做下汉译英!不~~~~,应该是帮我翻译一下这段文字!翻译成英文 -
少夜安特: " My new teacher is a not very good humor man, do anything more serious, serious, unlike our previous class, what things are like uses humor to convey to us! But such a serious teacher, we often amused!"

安宁市15137655690: 汉译英把这段汉字翻成英文
少夜安特: I will later not be able again to do am unfair to your matter, only made the matter which you liked 我以后只做你喜欢的事.不会再做对不起你的事了I will later only make the matter which you will like.Could not again do is unfair to your matter我以后不...

安宁市15137655690: 谁能帮我把这段汉语翻译成英语
少夜安特: Dear teachers, Hello! Saw this movie, I touched a lot. Sometimes I also think: If I have any specific function of how good! In particular, see the hero can use special abilities to play the game to make money, let me s heart. But like the hero said: When ...

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