
作者&投稿:鱼子 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Birthday, I received a gift生日时,我收到一份礼物 2 I keep a dog as a pet我养了只狗作为宠物 3 Go to school can choose four road去学校可以选择四条路 4 Summer vacation, I like to go to river scratching the fishes 5 My favorite animal is a hamster我最喜欢的动物是仓鼠 补充: 翻译累了 让我休息下 补充: 6 This pants is my favorite style这件裤子是我最喜欢的风格 7 10 minutes will be able to get to school十分钟就能到达学校 补充: 8 Rats love to steal something to eat老鼠爱偷东西吃 9 Bunny is the most lovable animals小兔子是最可爱的动物 补充: 好了

1.We must absorb whatever experience is useful to us.
We should absorb whatever experience is useful to us.
2.Many childless couples adopt children.
We must adopt a series of practical measures.
3.Would you like alcohol with that?
Limit alcohol consumption and avoid tobacco。
4.Man is said to have descended from a napelike ancestor.
Man was evolved from an ancestor that was probably arboreal.
5.The angle of a roof.
He see things from a different angle form ourselves.

1. in class
Don't talk in class. 课堂上请勿喧哗。

2. next to
He stood next to me. 他紧挨着我站着。

3. try (not) to do sth.
The little boy tried not to cry. 这个小男孩尽力不哭出来。

4. each other
We should help each other. 我们应当相互帮助。

5. sell out
The girl sold out all her matches. 那个小女孩卖完了她所有的火柴。

6. help sb.with sth.
Could you help with my English? 你能帮助我学习英语吗?

7. millions of
There are millions of dollars in the safe. 保险箱里面有成百万的美元。

8. ask for advice
Why not ask (your teacher) for advice? 为什么不(向你的老师)寻求帮助呢?

9. enjoy doing sth.
I enjoy playing soccer. 我喜欢踢足球。

10. talk about sth. with sb.
She is talking about the picture with her sister. 她正在和她的姐/妹谈论这幅画。

11. speak to sb.
You should speak to your parents. 你应该和你的爸妈通个气。

12. take a deep breath
Please take a deep breath before you dive. 潜/跳水前请先深吸气。

13. be good for......
Exercise is good for your health. 锻炼对你健康有好处。

14. look for
The parents are looking for their only child. 那对父母亲正在寻找他们的独生孩子。

15. say hello to sb.
You should say hello to your teachers first. 你该先向你的老师们问好。

16. make friends
He likes to make friends online. 他喜欢交网友。

17. show sb. around
The headmaster showed the guests around the school. 校长带领来宾们参观了学校。

18. all the time
The girl coughed all the time. 那个女孩一直在咳嗽。

19. intive sb.to......
Let's invite him to our party. 让我们邀请他来参加我们的晚会吧。

20. travel around the world
Would you like to travel around the world? 你想要环游世界吗?

21. stay with sb.
The boy always stays with his pet dog. 那个男孩总是和他的宠物狗待在一起。

22. take off
The plane took off on time. 飞机准时起飞了。

23. enter a competition
I want to enter a competition. 我想要参加一场竞赛。

24. fly to ....
Have you ever dreamt of flying to the moon? 你梦想过飞到月球上去么?

25. at the end
There's a shop at the end of the road. 路的尽头有家商店。

26. come true
My dream came true at last. 我终于梦想成真了。

27. show sth. to sb.
Could you show your passport to me? 把你的护照拿给我看一下,好吗?

28. on business
She has gone to America on business. 她已经到美国出差去了。

1、I can't read the address on this letter 2、Can you afford 35000 yuan for a house?(你能花三万五千元买幢房子吗?)3、She is an American people.(她是一个美国人)4、I can't answer your question.(我不能回答你的问题)5、Turn the clock around so that I can see it (请...

1. I am no longer a child. 我不再是一个小孩子了。 He no longer lives here.他已经不住在这里了。2. We just had soup instead of a full meal.我们没有吃全餐,只喝了汤。 Now I can walk to work instead of going by car.现在我可以步行去上班,而不必开车了。3. She ...

1 Our teachers are friendly to us.我们的老师对我们很友好.2 I am afraid of tigers.我怕老虎.3 I want to go home.我想回家.4 Hurry up , or we will be late .快点,否则我们就要迟到.5 It is very kind of you to help me .你真好,你帮助我.6 I like singing.我喜欢唱歌.7 C...

1.We must absorb whatever experience is useful to us.我们必须吸取对我们有用的一切经验。We should absorb whatever experience is useful to us.我们应该吸取对我们有益的经验.2.Many childless couples adopt children.许多无孩子的夫妇收养孩子。We must adopt a series of practical measures.我们...

1. in class Don't talk in class. 课堂上请勿喧哗。2. next to He stood next to me. 他紧挨着我站着。3. try (not) to do sth.The little boy tried not to cry. 这个小男孩尽力不哭出来。4. each other We should help each other. 我们应当相互帮助。5. sell out The girl ...

1、The car broke down on our way to the mall.在我们去市场的路上车抛锚了。2、Please pay attetion to the sign.请注意这个警示牌。3、There are security guards in the museum.博物馆里有保安。4、The charity enjoy a great reputation. 这个慈善组织享有盛名。

1.Life is made up of little things.[谚]人生是由琐碎的事物构成的。2.Saying you are sorry won't make up the damage of breaking the vase.光说对不起补偿不了你打破花瓶的损失。3.Trees surround the pond.树木围绕著池塘.4.Sulfur can be used to make gunpowder.硫磺可以用来制造火药。...

1。Life is made up of little things。 [谚]人生是由琐碎的事物形成的。 2。Saying you are sorry won't make up the damage of breaking the vase。 光说对不起补偿不了你突破花瓶的丧失。 3。Trees surround the pond。 树木盘绕著池塘。 4。Sulfur can be used to make gunpowder。 硫磺...

1.The police have been unable to find any trace of the gang.警方一直未能找到那团伙的任何踪迹.2.Their celebrations at Christmas are not unlike our own.他们的圣诞节庆祝活动跟我们自己的并无不同.3.I enjoy getting involved in things in my community.我喜欢参与我社区的事情。4.The ...

1.We were amazed that he agreed so quickly.他那么快就答应了,这使我们大为惊奇。2.I feel bored.我感觉很无聊.3.He still get embarrassed whenever the subject is raised.每每有人提起那话题他仍会发窘。4.He is interested in music, and I in photography.他对音乐有兴趣,而我对摄影感...

奇台县19636015262: 英语将下列单词组成句子注:【要翻译中文,句子通顺】1.doing,what,he,is_________________________?2.do,up,get,when,you______________________... -
巧关卡碧:[答案] 1.What is he doing他在干什么? 2.When do you get up?你几点起床? 3.I usually have lunch at twelve 我通常12点吃午饭

奇台县19636015262: 英语单词造句并翻译?
巧关卡碧: lovely1.She is a lovely girl. 她是一个漂亮的女孩. 2. The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls. 这个可爱的小男孩长着漂亮的金黄色卷发. 3. It's a crime to neglect such a lovely garden. 让这么可爱的花园荒废是极不应该的. 4. My lovely daughter ...

奇台县19636015262: 用下列单词造句!(加翻译)1.anneal 2.dip 3.brittle -
巧关卡碧:[答案] 1.Anneal means to make harden steel soft and remove brittleness. 退火就是使淬火钢变软并消除其脆性. 2.Dip into an author 粗略地研究一个作家 3.Brittle things break easily. 脆的东西容易破碎.

奇台县19636015262: 用下列的单词造句.麻烦带上中文意思,谢谢 -
巧关卡碧: 1:The book near the table. 书在桌子旁边. 2:An old friend hailed me from across the street. 一个老朋友在街的对面向我打招呼. 3:Cleanliness is next to godliness. 清洁仅次于圣洁. 4:Between friends all is common. 朋友之间不分彼此. 5:The ...

奇台县19636015262: 用下列英文单词造句 -
巧关卡碧: 1. I'm familiar with the villige,because I grew up here in my childhood. 因为我在这村子长大,所以我对它再熟悉不过了.(=The villige is familiar to me…) 2.Log on to your computer with a portable disk. 与一个便携式的磁盘登录到你的计算机.(log on...

奇台县19636015262: 用下面英语单词组成句子并翻译 -
巧关卡碧: let's send her back to her mother today.今天把她送还给他额娘吧.

奇台县19636015262: 用下列英语单词造句
巧关卡碧: I always begin my work at 3 o'clock I bought a phone which takes me 1980yuan We must stop him from speaking till him clam dowm

奇台县19636015262: 用下列单词组成句子,并翻译.
巧关卡碧: Your coat must be in the bedroom. 你的大衣一定在卧室里.

奇台县19636015262: 用下列英文单词造句be familiar with 对……熟悉 log on 登陆 a plenty of 许多 stand for 代表 host name 主机名 用这些单词分别造句 要带上中文意思 -
巧关卡碧:[答案] 1.I'm familiar with the villige,because I grew up here in my childhood.因为我在这村子长大,所以我对它再熟悉不过了.(=The villige is familiar to me…) 2.Log on to your computer with a portable disk.与...

奇台县19636015262: 请用下列英文各造一句,而且句子也要翻译,急!!!
巧关卡碧: i will have a bright future 我会有个光明的未来 distance is a major problem 距离是个大问题 get on the bus quickly 快点上公共汽车 i have to clean my room on the weekend 周末我得打扫房间 it is therefore very expensive 因此他很贵 i need to ...

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