
作者&投稿:揣秋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1 了解 know about
2 告诉某人关于某物 tell sb.sth.
3 六点1刻(2种表达方法)a quater to seven/a quater past six
4 六点半(2种表达方法)half past six/half to seven
5 半小时 half of an hour
6 填写时间表 fulfill the timetable
7和。。。一起分享 enjoy with sb.

1感谢你的来信 Thank you for your letter.
2人们通常什么时间吃正餐 when do people have their dinner?
3我通常在大约6点1刻出来 I always go out at a quater to seven.
4学校9点开始上课 The class begins at nine o'clock.
5请快点回信 I hope you can reply soon.
6至以你最美好的祝福 Best wishes for you.

一. 短语
1 了解 know/learn about sth./sb.
2 告诉某人关于某物 tell sb. sth.
3 六点1刻(2种表达方法)six fifteen; a quarter past six
4 六点半(2种表达方法)six thirty; half past six
5 半小时 half an hour
6 填写时间表 fill in the time table
7 和。。。一起分享 share sth. with sb.
二. 句子
1感谢你的来信 Thanks for your letter.
2人们通常什么时间吃正餐 What do people usually have dinner?
3我通常在大约6点1刻出来 I usually go out at a quarter past six.
4学校9点开始上课 School begins at nine o'clock.
5请快点回信 Please reply as quickly as possible.
6至以你最美好的祝福 Best wishes to you./ With kind regards

An understanding of
2 tell someone about something
3 6:01 carved (two kinds of expressions) 4 6:30 (two kinds of expressions) 5 and a half hours
6 complete schedule of 7 and. . . Share

A thank you for your letter What time do people usually eat two meals
3 I usually carved in about 6:01 out of four school classes begin at 9
5 Please hurry with your reply to the six best wishes to

1 Learn 2 Tell someone about something 3 6:15. 4 6.30 5 A half-hour 6 Complete schedule 7 and Share

1Thank you for your letter
2What time do people usually eat dinner
3I usually at about 6:01 carved out of
4School classes begin at 9
5Please reply quick
6With your best wishes to the

谷歌搜的 那个六点一刻 六点半搜不出来 不好意思啊

1.know about
2.tell sb.about sth.
3.a quater past six;six fifteen
4.half past six;six thirty
5.half an hour
6.fill in the time table
1.Thanks for your letter.
2.What time do people often have dinner?
3.I usually go out at a quater past six.
4.The school begain classes at nine.
5.Please reply soon.
6.Best wishes to you!

1,每个星期天,他们都睡懒觉 Each Sunday,they all have a long lazy sleep 2,我不喜欢游泳,我喜欢看书 I do not like swimming,I like reading 3,你必须先做家务 you must first do the housework 4,放学后我想听音乐 after is on vacation from school I to want to listen to the...

1.前天晚上在学校礼堂里为新生举行了一场晚会 There was a party for freshman at the hall inthe evening the day before yesterday.2.将冰箱里所有的食物都搬出来,然后清洗一下 Get all food out from the refrigerator,then wash them.3.你能找到做法国烤面包的食谱吗?can yu find a menu ...

I am a student in Class One,Grade Seven。大写注意,初一的,和我一样

初1英语短文 带翻译
I love my family. Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together!我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭.我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她...

1.Excuse me,where can I buy the movie tickets?2.Walk down the Fourth Street,you can find Shopping Center in front of you.3.I'm writing a letter to my friend in America.4.It's very easy to answer this question.

请随便 Help youself please!你认为英语角对你有帮助吗? Do you think the English corner is helpful for you?他是一位办公室人员。 He is an officeman.让JIM去帮助这个男孩。 Let Jim to help this boy.他们来自美国。Their are from USA.她很少说英语。She speaks English seldom....

1.我们需要买点什么?(...need to do ...)What do we need to buy?2.,我们能从巧克力中获取很多能量。(...get energy from...)we can get a lot of energy from chocolate.3.每天骑自行车上学要花费我15分钟。(It takes...time to do...)It takes me 15 minutes to go to school...

初一英语翻译: 1、我14岁了,来自美国纽约 2、我有一个弟弟和一个妹妹...
I'm 14 years old, and I'm from New York, US.I have a younger brother and a younger sister. My brother is 11,and my sister is 8. They are both students.

8B牛津英语unit1 Reading课文翻译(Times have changed)

1 I have two friends, one is a puppy called Beibei,the other is a kitten .2 The bread smells nice.

丰顺县19156672543: 初一英语翻译 -
仲巩黄体: 在电脑房(in the computer room ) 在教学楼( in the school building ) 在学校中心( in the centre of the school ) 在体育馆左边/右边(on the left/right of the gym) 在A和B中间(between A and B ) 与老师办公室相邻(next to the teachers' ...

丰顺县19156672543: 初一英语翻译 -
仲巩黄体: 1 go to a big party 2 looks smart in the pouple shirt ; shirt looks smart on him3The pair of white matches her silk shirt very well.4He is planning to go shopping.5fit wel...

丰顺县19156672543: 初一英语翻译
仲巩黄体: 1 Does he have brothers or sisters? 2 There's a bank nearby. 3 Excusr me,is there a bank nearby? Yes,it is.It's on the Fifth Road. 4 How many banks are there in the city? Three.(或者There's three banks.) 5 The post office faces to the library. 6 ...

丰顺县19156672543: 初一英语求翻译 -
仲巩黄体: 1,you look like your mother 2,he is a tall guy wearing black hair 3,he is a leader of the football team 4,I think he is not a good student 5,she is short and a little heavy

丰顺县19156672543: 初1英语翻译 -
仲巩黄体: 1.Very quickly passed through the field 2. Happily with her goes to picnic 3. Impatiently wooden bridge 4. Terminus Yangtze River 5. The hope lights bonfire 6. Obtains the competition the victory 7. That correct leads to the exportation the road 8. ...

丰顺县19156672543: 初一英语 翻译 -
仲巩黄体: 1. It is said that the story is not true. 2. Very few people can live to 100 years old. 3. Yesterday, in math class, the teacher told us not to stop to look at the window

丰顺县19156672543: 初一英语翻译
仲巩黄体: 1. 昨天我在河对岸等你,但你没有出现.Yesterday I wait for you on the other side of the river, but you didn't appear. 2. 他匆匆忙忙去了医院.He hurried to the hospital. 3. 他们每天乘渡轮去上班They go to work everyday ferryboat 4. 我刚下车,就...

丰顺县19156672543: 初一英语翻译.
仲巩黄体: 1. expensive for to wear 2. once again1. 3. made of leather

丰顺县19156672543: 初一英语翻译
仲巩黄体: 1.I don't live in the center of the city any more. 2.He sits beside me. 3.When I want to study hard,my little brother always makes many noise. 4.It will be my twentyth birthday next Monday. 5.Who lives on the fifth floor? Mr.Wang does.

丰顺县19156672543: 初一英语的翻译
仲巩黄体: 我在课余时间打篮球.翻译:I play basketball after class.我想,好好休息一下:I want te have a good rest.

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