
作者&投稿:英垄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  Kaifeng , known previously by several names (see below), is a prefecture-level city in eastern Henan province, People's Republic of China. Located along the southern bank of the Yellow River, it borders the provincial capital of Zhengzhou to the west, Xinxiang to the northwest, Shangqiu to the east, Zhoukou to the southeast, Xuchang to the southwest, and the province of Shandong to the northeast.
  Kaifeng is one of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China. As with Beijing, there have been many reconstructions during its history.
  In 364 BC during the Warring States Period, the State of Wei founded a city called Daliang as its capital in this area. During this period, the first of many canals in the area was constructed linking a local river to the Yellow River. When the State of Wei was conquered by the State of Qin, Kaifeng was destroyed and abandoned except for a mid-sized market town, which remained in place.
  Early in the 7th century, Kaifeng was transformed into a major commercial hub when it was connected to the Grand Canal as well as through the construction of a canal running to western Shandong Province.


  Kaifeng year vulgar:
  Kaifeng folk called the Spring Festival as "Chinese New Year." However, the Chinese New Year not just the first month in lunar calendar started this also includes the year, the end of the year, from the old-year-old eighth day of December to the fifth day of the first month are the annual New Year's Day. Old, Kaifeng popular saying goes, said: "Laba, Jizao, New Year came, took the girl, kid should be shot." So, one of "Laba", Kaifeng urban and rural areas will have "annual taste" of.
  23, Jizao officer. December 23 Festival of China's civil Jizao people to make stoves Wang Jade Emperor in heaven to talk about things, and everyone should be put on the kitchen god of the tablets, and some in pairs on both sides of the tablets inscribed with the words "God made a good thing lower bound to send good luck. " Farewell means kitchen god.
  Jizao after the home buying every family have a very busy stocking up, cleaning the house to greet the New Year, especially tobacco, alcohol, fish, meat and visit relatives with gifts even less. Concern and preparation have been busy stocking the twelfth lunar month 30. Kaifeng is still today there is a popular folk song for the New Year: "23, Jizao officers; 24, sweeping the house; 25, playing tofu; 26, to flesh; 27, killing chickens; 2 18, killing ducks; 29, to fight wine; New Year's Eve children, sticking doors flag children. "
  New Year's Eve New Year's Eve, said children are used, each household must be New Year's scrolls. The past, this day, Kaifeng, there are still many old customs. Such as "civil seal", "closed military attache parade", "Commercial closed doors," "story-telling seal board" and "beggar closure stick" and so on and so on. The public is most important events of the night New Year's Eve worship and Shou Sui. Now New Year's Eve, Kaifeng were still clinging to the past, many good practices. New Year's Eve, although no longer "ancestors" of. However, thanks to some mutual friends, watching TV, riddles until late at night, and some family got together to encourage each other to sum up the past year, harvesting, development of a new year of work and learning programs. "Shou Sui" in the new era has given new content. When the bell rang before midnight, it is an indisputable link placed first firecrackers, which in turn means that a person from opening the future of Kaifeng, the determination and drive.
  Holiday movies, and everyone immediate-early wake up, change clothes, clean slate finished, first set off firecrackers, thanks to wish ancestor portrait. Then, younger to older New Year's, elders give the younger, "New Year's money." Years, the family ate dumplings, and then began the New Year with relatives and friends. Multi-old New Year's generally led by the parents, first thanks to their elders past family, neighbors and friends, after Zaiqu distance Gejia. Gejia for the reception greeting guests, at home standing tobacco, tea, melon seeds, peanuts, candy and so on. By Kaifeng "New Year's morning and evening birthday celebration," habits, started this afternoon, New Year's activities come to an end.
  The first month the second year is the girl back to her family day. Old second year, Kaifeng Chengguan four townships, the sound of firecrackers whistle sound, whistle sound into one, mule carts shuttling between a constant stream.
  To flood the temple for the ceremony grave, and worship Zongzu date, due to the old calendar, Huang said that this day "not everything go," third-year Kaifeng bogey came to visit relatives. Fifth day of the break five, civil society is the year that the fifth day after an auspicious day, another string of bogey among relatives and friends also visited. In addition to this two-day, the holiday period, take the pro-string folk Kaifeng friends, a few non-busy day.
  Kaifeng flower, Longting park, memorial temple, The Painting Scroll lucid on the River Park, Yuwang Taiwan Park, Hanlin Forest of Stone Tablets, Song Du Yu Street, Kaifeng Tianbo YANG Fu -

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赧浅恒孚: 我的家乡美丽的开封,是一座古城,它有着丰富的传统文化 英语是:My hometown Kaifeng is a beatiful and ancient city. She has abundant traditional culture.句子解释:hometown 英[ˈhəʊmtaʊn] 美[ˈhoʊmtaʊn] n. 家乡,故乡; “home ...

台儿庄区19744637834: 英语翻译这是一段话,开封是一个古老的城市,有着悠久的历史,深厚的文化底蕴,各式各样的古建筑,还有很多美味的小吃,如果有时间去开封旅行是一个... -
赧浅恒孚:[答案] Kaifeng is an ancient city.It has a long history ,a profound cultural background and a wide variety of ancient buildings.There are also many delicious snacks.Going to Kaifeng for travelling is a good idea,if you have time.

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赧浅恒孚:[答案] Henan is a province of the People's Republic of China, located in the central part of the country. Its one-character ... was the core area of ancient China for at least the first half of Chinese history. The two cities of Luoyang and Kaifeng each served as the ...

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赧浅恒孚: Yu Opera originated in Henan of Central China, is one of first five operas in China, is the first Chinese local operas today. In 2006, the Yu Opera was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage. Yu Opera is famous in its ...

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