
作者&投稿:锐倩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Guo Jing and Huang Rong (Barbara Yung ornaments) in Zhangjiakou day, in all the love goodbye. But Genghis Khan's daughter by betrothed earlier, Qiu Chuji mu Nianci baomei on, Guo Jing in the contradiction between morality and emotion difficult choices. And Ouyang grams for Huang Rong immortal endless entanglement, and to Guo Jing, Huang Rong brought endless trouble. Then we reject the ashes of the female, Pharmacist Hwang (Ceng

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Swim In The Beach
I’ve been to the beach for many times. Each time i went there, I have many different feelings.
One day I went there with my parents, we looked at the ocean together. We ran on the beach, swam in the ocean. We really had fun.
When I went there with my firends, we played water polo in the ocean together. We played happily. Our friendship became very good.
The ocean is really beautiful, I like swimming in the ocean.
When I look at the ocean in nights. I have different feelings. I feel the world is really beautiful. I like the blue ocean. I will put my best memory on it.

篇一:假日海滩 今天下午,我非常高兴,因为我和爸爸、妈妈乘坐40路的公共汽车去假日海滩游玩。不一会儿就到了假日海滩,那儿的人可真多呀!简直是人山人海。有的在沙滩上嬉戏,有的在海里冲浪,还有的在椰树下躺在凉椅上乘凉……我往远处望去,沙滩上各色的太阳伞,在阳光的照耀下显得更加灿烂、...



When I look at the ocean in nights. I have different feelings. I feel the world is really beautiful. I like the blue ocean. I will put my best memory on it.,2,写一篇关於去沙滩游泳的英语作文(用现在完成时)是现在完成时!100字左右.

我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1. 游嵊泗列岛作文 今年暑假我来到了嵊泗列岛。 第一天,我来到了海边游泳,那里大海无边无际,海水清澈见底,那边的沙滩像人一样有一个名字呢!(叫基湖沙滩)在海里面在游泳圈中,一个浪打来,那真是一个享受呀!不过浪很大时我们还是会受不了的,看!我和小伙伴正吐着舌头...


Swim In The Beach I’ve been to the beach for many times. Each time i went there, I have many different feelings.One day I went there with my parents, we looked at the ocean together. We ran on the beach, swam in the ocean. We really had fun.When I went there with ...

鹤浦沙滩,快乐的游泳 在沙滩上漫步,听波涛颂鸣,跳进大海里游泳,是所有人都希望的吧?也就是在青岛的第一天里,我畅爽的在海里游了游泳。鹤浦沙滩位于青岛市薛家岛境内,乘着四路车,我心里充满了激动,会不会像我梦中的那样,周围长满了椰子树,沙滩是金黄金黄的,海水是蔚蓝蔚蓝的,会跟天空一...


一篇关于去秦皇岛的写景作文 展开全部 到了秦皇岛,一定要去的地方就是海滨浴场,你看,金色的沙滩上,人头攒动,一望无际的大海里,在浅水区,无数的游客在嬉戏,随着洁白的浪花上下起伏,放眼远望偶尔有轮船消失在海天深处。 美丽的秦皇岛 秦皇岛位于河北东南部,南临渤海,北依燕山,这里风景优美,气候宜人,海水清澈,是天然...

长海县18357514077: 写一篇英语作文, 我在海边度假 在沙滩上玩, 在海里游泳 50词左右 速度 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急! -
校狡乔莫: I went to the beach with my friends last Sunday. We walked on the beach, played with sand, built up a sand castle. Then we swam in the sea. We also ate lots of delicious sea food. We really had a good time.

长海县18357514077: 写一篇英语作文, 我在海边度假 在沙滩上玩, 在海里游泳 50词左右 速度 急!急 写的好给你+分 -
校狡乔莫:[答案] Summer arrived, and friends go to the seaside for the holidays, we play volleyball together in beach, together in the swim in the sea, together in the sun, we feel very happy. And really felt summers of good. 可以不

长海县18357514077: 英语小作文 题材为日记写我和姐姐去了沙滩 我们在那儿一起晒太阳 游泳 玩沙子 很开心要50字以上. -
校狡乔莫:[答案] Aug 26th Tuesday Sunny I enjoyed myself with my sister today. We took the school bus to the Nanji Island at thirty past eight ... 我们8:30乘公交车10点钟到大海岸边.一大清早,我们在沙滩上游戏玩沙子.接着我在阳光下晒太阳,姐姐和我到海里游泳.然后...

长海县18357514077: 一篇简单英语小作文写一个英语日记: 提示:上周六,5月2号,天气晴朗,你和小明去了沙滩,在那里,你们游泳,玩游戏,放风筝,你们玩的很开心.要... -
校狡乔莫:[答案] Last Saturday was May 2nd. It was a nice day. The sun is shining. I went to the beach with my friend Xiao Ming. We left home at eight in the morning. We went there by bus. It took us half an hour to get there. At 8:30, we reached thebeach. First, we swam ...

长海县18357514077: 用英语写一篇关于过去式去海滩玩的作文 -
校狡乔莫: It was a fine day.The sun shined in the blue sky.The weather was really nice.I went to the beach with my parents and my little brother. At the beautiful beach,my mother sat under a big umbrella,she read a book and drank lemonade.My father swam in ...

长海县18357514077: 急求一篇去海边游玩的英语作文,初三水平,有中文翻译,100字左右. -
校狡乔莫: 这个暑假我过的很开心.我和我的家人一起去了(随便一个海)游玩.那里的风景很美.蓝蓝的大海,蓝蓝的天空,还有自由翱翔的海鸥共同构成了天然美景.爸爸和我在大海里游泳,妈妈在沙滩上晒日光浴,很是惬意.而且,我们还可以自己...

长海县18357514077: 速求周末去海边的英语作文昨天是周末 游泳 钓鱼等 -
校狡乔莫:[答案] Yesterday was sunday.I went to the beach with my friends.We were fishing and swimming there.And we were very happy .

长海县18357514077: 我上的是初一,英语老师要写一篇“MY holiday plan”的作文 国庆七天假,去海南岛玩7天,去沙滩游泳去“天涯海角”,“万泉河”玩,我想会玩得开心 -
校狡乔莫:[答案] My holiday planSummer Holiday is coming.First, I will at home to do my homework.Next, I will play table tennis and read book with my brother.Then I will go to Beijing because I haven't been there yet...

长海县18357514077: 关于去沙滩度假的英语八年级作文 -
校狡乔莫: At daybreak you may go to the seashore to watch the sunrise along with the light of the morning. At noon, you may go to the beach with the purpose of experiencing the sun...

长海县18357514077: 一群学生暑假在沙滩上玩的一篇英语作文 -
校狡乔莫: Firstly, swimming alone in the river is also very dangerous, especially for students. Accidents are unpredictable and no one will help or even know if they are alone. <br>Furthermore, it is important for students to be careful while on their way to and ...

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