
作者&投稿:云景 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Achelous is a kind of adoring for the water culture in human history. Early of humans, people can not foresee the scourge and damage of water, and it's more difficult to avoid this damage and scourge. Excessive water not only can form floods engulfing everything, but also can leave low-lying humid environment and breed infections and diseases. And sometimes the water shortage also plagued residents. Anticipation and pray for the water will come to culmination. People will naturally become fear, revering, hope, and pray into faith and worship. A river, a water body, a place close to water, when there is a concern with a certain number of population, will generate the corresponding god. And to all sorts of water-related faith and worship of the gods in humans reults to the protection and attention of the water from humans.

hello! For last night, I'm sorry. But this I have some things I have to say with you again. On November 13, I want to Andy have a day off to visit zhanjiang, he said finished 17 will be ready to leave, and then go to, I can't allow you to leave. 14 I feel really uncomfortable, then on the noon go to see a doctor, but the hospital people more, in the afternoon I called Andy told him that I want to do something important, if not come back before work will take a day off, hard you. And I also to Kelley said about it. At half past four in the afternoon, Andy telephone call I do come back to work, or else the innocent miners, buckle 3 days salary, he doesn't allow me to reason. I didn't finish see disease came back, I was very angry, broke four dishes. Then he said don't have to work today, fired me. But he is responsible for the compensation to all my four each value of 78 yuan, our menu Kelaton asking him about it, he said don't know. But I want to ask, is a human body is very uncomfortable situations doesn't even have asks for leave to see a doctor right? During the period of the company, haven't please too fake, I caught a bad cold and fever are the only leave all can't, also sent three days salary? Why ask for leave others such as Jackie is that it? After all he is a cheat of good afraid of evil men. He knows Jackie will back with him, he but Jackie, so a lot of things, he didn't dare to call Jackie to do, but always tell me what to do, though he always it's nothing to do on the job, but I was very busy. But I only got a post wages. When busy Kelaton will take the initiative to help us serving and side dishes, but Andy never, or only in front of you and Kelaton poser. When he told us to work play mobile phone cannot let Pul saw. At the meeting he gave us, always complain about how hard, scolded us to do is not good. He often said, whoever is uncomfortable to fuck off earlier. He didn't remember the name before you always said I didn't have a good understanding dishes can't quote to him. Sometimes, I'll let Kelaton angry, but I can't deny Kelaton is a good man, but Andy is not, he will just in front of the boss was very good. I want to Kelaton say sorry. I like McCawley ', and the staff here, they are industrious, rather than only deceives good afraid of evil and please his boss. McCawley 'is a great company, and Kelaton you are great, but I can't work here, ask a person is often spite and abuse, even the sick can't take time off to see the doctor, who can still work? In the end I hope McCawley 'will become better and better, and the best wishes to you and Kelaton. Goodbye!
Kiwi11 15

2010, a year off the motherland! Is desirable for one year! Year of the Tiger in that dynamic, we will welcome it very excited about the Guangzhou Asian Games! This year is 2008, from the Guangzhou Asian Games opening only two years time. As a qualified Asian Games host, in order to allow foreign people to us, Guangzhou leave a good impression, in order to be successfully held in Guangzhou, "Green Asian Games, Humanities Asian Games," we should make full use of these two years, so is well prepared: China has always been hailed as one of the world's ancient civilizations, but also "ceremonies," said, so I have to treat people politely, and never coarse nonsensical language, making a gentle manners, civilized and courteous good citizens ; Second, we must take the initiative to do a good job clean and beautify our common homeland; again, I would like to warm and generous and warm welcome to people from all over the country and can speak fluent English, you can exchange with the countries of the guests, so that China and foreign countries to catch a bridge of friendship; Finally, we must carry forward the spirit of the Asian Games, "Friendship first, competition second", regardless of winning or losing, we must coexist peacefully against the war! The Asian Games torch was put out to keep forever, so the Asian Games spirit of the immortal! I believe that we are willing to do something, we can do it! Although there are two years away from the Asian Games opening, but I can not wait! I enjoy in my mind to imagine, in my wonderful freedom to fly the sky! By that time, walking in the bustling commercial street, maybe you'll see a bit polite to talk about the business is trading with, and many businesses also dealings with foreigners playing years, and foreigners to do business Of course, the English is right The perfect啦! At that time, I want to protect the environment has become everyone must have a certain responsibility to the Pearl River in Guangzhou, hundreds of thousands of names that people care, it may be, and Guilin match! Maybe they can also become a scenic and tourist it! We are rapidly developing science and technology, in those days, people may have invented a rubbish processor, what garbage ah, sputum ah, have disappeared without a trace of the way, all "move", but moved them to go to garbage processors go, and never had trouble in the streets! Then they are turned into garbage processor of energy, both to protect the environment while increasing energy, is really double benefit ah! I think at that time, Guangzhou has become a must prosperity, a prosperous economy, beautiful green natural world and become a truly beautiful Flower City! Citizens live and work here, everyone lived a comfortable life, everyone is preparing for the Asian Games. The morning, your breathing will be the first port how much fresh air, people at once full of energy, relaxed and happy! Their way to school, you will see the training ground one by one person, in the morning run. Some one old and young, while still running while singing: "It is with the diligence exercise to meet the Asian Games, a body good ... ..." the roadside trees, a gust of wind blowing, gently shake the branches, trees seem to stretch also reach out curved waist it! What a thriving scene ... ah ... I imagine, imagine, how much hope the Games will come quickly. In another two years, it is necessary to carry out that exciting Asian Games in Guangzhou! We must start with ourselves, to prepare for the Asian Games! I firmly believe that through our efforts, the Games will achieve success! The athletes will be able to achieve better results for our country won the gold medal more brilliant!

year 2010 will be a year of China's take-off! A year of great expectancy. In the vigorous tiger year, we will hold the exciting Asian Games in Guangzhou! In 2009, merely 2 years away from the Aisan Games, in order to impress the foreigners with a "green games, and humane games" image, we should be fully prepared.
China has always been famed as one of the origins of mordern cilvilization, as well as "country of great manners", therefore firstly we should be polite and behave like a civilised citizen. secondly it is necessary to keep a clean and nice environment. thirdly we'd better speak fluent English so as to communicate freely with visitors... .....


2010, a year off the motherland! Is desirable for one year! Year of the Tiger in that dynamic, we will welcome it very excited about the Guangzhou Asian Games! This year is 2008, from the Guangzhou Asian Games opening only two years time. As a qualified Asian Games host, in order to allow foreign people to us, Guangzhou leave a good impression, in order to be successfully held in Guangzhou, "Green Asian Games, Humanities Asian Games," we should make full use of these two years, so is well prepared: China has always been hailed as one of the world's ancient civilizations, but also "ceremonies," said, so I have to treat people politely, and never abusive language disorder language,
To do a gentle manners, civilized and courteous a good citizen; Second, we must take the initiative to do a good job clean and beautify our common homeland; again, I would like to warm and generous and warm welcome to people from all over the country and can speak fluent English , you can exchange with the countries of the guests, so that the friendship between China and foreign countries to catch a bridge; Finally, we must carry forward the spirit of the Asian Games, "Friendship first, competition second", regardless of winning or losing, we must coexist peacefully against the war ! The Asian Games torch was put out to keep forever, so the Asian Games spirit of the immortal! I believe that we are willing to do something, we can do it! While away from the sub -
Games will begin in two years, but I can not wait! I enjoy in my mind to imagine, in my wonderful freedom to fly the sky! By that time, walking in the bustling commercial street, maybe you'll see a bit polite to talk about the business is trading with, and many businesses also dealings with foreigners playing years, and foreigners to do business Of course, the English is right The perfect啦! At that time, I want to protect the environment has become everyone must have a certain responsibility to the Pearl River in Guangzhou, hundreds of thousands of names that people care, it may be, and Guilin match! Probably
Children can also become a scenic and tourist it! We are rapidly developing science and technology, in those days, people may have invented a rubbish processor, what garbage ah, sputum ah, have disappeared without a trace of the way, all "move", but moved them to go to garbage processors go, and never had trouble in the streets! Then they are turned into garbage processor of energy, both to protect the environment while increasing energy, is really double benefit ah! I think at that time, Guangzhou has become a must prosperity, a prosperous economy, beautiful green natural world and become a truly beautiful Flower City! Citizens here
To live and work, everyone lived a comfortable life, everyone is preparing for the Asian Games. The morning, your breathing will be the first port how much fresh air, people at once full of energy, relaxed and happy! Their way to school, you will see the training ground one by one person, in the morning run. Some one old and young, while still running while singing: "It is with the diligence exercise to meet the Asian Games, a body good ... ..." the roadside trees, a gust of wind blowing, gently shake the branches, trees seem to stretch also reach out curved waist it! What a thriving scene ... ah ... I imagine, imagine, how much hope the Games will come quickly. In another two years, the
It exciting to be carried out by the Guangzhou Asian Games! We must start with ourselves, to prepare for the Asian Games! I firmly believe that through our efforts, the Games will achieve success! The athletes will be able to achieve better results for our country won the gold medal more brilliant!

中国人民一向赞赏奥林匹克精神的宗旨和原则,支持奥林匹克运动为促进世界和平所做的努力。中国政府和中国人民正全力以赴,做好2008年北京奥运会的筹备工作,力争把2008年奥运会办成一次弘扬奥林匹克精神、促进世界和平、增进各国人民友谊的盛会,让奥林匹克精神在中国这一东方文明古国 再次得到发扬。你还可以...

奥林匹克运动会 公元前776年首次举办的奥运会,已经有一千多年的历史了。奥运会每四年举办一次。许多国家尽他们最大的努力争办奥运会。每个国家在运动会中都争取拿更多的奖牌。2000年,悉尼举办了第27届奥运会,全世界100多个国家参加了这次盛会。那年我国获得了28枚金牌。中国作为一个体育大国,将于...

热闹欢腾运动会,贸易学子显雄威。在这秋高气爽的十一月里,我们迎着秋日的阳光,伴随着收获的季节,迎来了欢快精彩的第七届校运动会。 此次运动会我校共有455名学生参加了9个项目的角逐。一大早,全校师生就来到了运动场,他们有的安排场地,有的整理服装,有的安放运动器材,忙得不亦乐乎,原本寂静的赛场一下子热闹...


英语翻译 事实上,校运会在我们的学校生活中起着重要的作用
As a matter of fact, sports meeting plays an important part in our school life.希望对你有帮助

假如你校即将举行第15届校运会,请你用英语写一则海报 Theschoolsportsmeetingiscoming.WewillholditonMay8thand9thfrom8:00AMto12:00and2:30PMto5:30.OK,wewillmeetatplaygroundwherethereareover200people.Therearealmost20sportswhichincludeswimmingandtrackandfieldsports.只用了四句可以吗 ...

you are my sunshine , my only sunshine.你是我的阳光和希望,我们唯一的阳光和希望。you make us happy , when skies are grey.你使我们兴奋,即使是不如意的时候。please don't take my sunshine away .请不要带走我们的希望。

I attend the school gymkhana actively。积极参加校运会

帮忙写下奥运的英语文章然后再给翻译一遍,谢谢!... 帮忙写下奥运的英语文章然后再给翻译一遍,谢谢! 展开  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 已婚女性就应该...更深一层的意思是代表着全世界的运动员都聚集在奥林匹克运动会上。 朴素的白色背景寓意着和平。 五种颜色从左到右分别是:上方三个蓝、黑、红,下方黄...

开幕式是如此的接近,世界都在关注里约奥运会。也许它会给我们带来惊喜。拓展阅读:如何写好英语作文的文章开头 一篇文章通常可分为三个部分,即开头、正文和结尾。这三个部分安排是否得体,直接影响到文章的质量。文章的开头一般来说应尽量做到开门见山,用简单明白的叙述引出文章的话题,使读者了解文章要...

永新区17078266170: 求一篇关于亚运会的英语作文!
经疯肝复: 16th Asian Games in 2010 12-27 November in Guangzhou, China, Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events in the ...

永新区17078266170: 2010亚运会的英语作文 -
经疯肝复: Referred to as the Asian Games Asian Games Asia's largest integrated Games held every four years term with the Olympic Games held in interphones. Initially sponsored by the Asian Games Federation in 1982 by hosting the Olympic Council of ...

永新区17078266170: 关于亚运会的英语作文.快快快!!! -
经疯肝复: Asian Games is the largest Asian Games. Initially sponsored by the Asian Games Federation, in 1982 by hosting the Olympic Council of Asia. Asian Games, referred to as the "Asian Games", the Asian region will be a comprehensive sports ...

永新区17078266170: 关于亚运会的英语文章(50 - 100字)
经疯肝复: : Badminton is a game that involves the use of a net, lightweight rackets, and a shuttlecock. It is played by two or four players, either indoors or outdoors, on a marked-out area 44 ft (13.41 m) long by 17 ft (5.18 m) wide for the two-player game and 20 ...

永新区17078266170: 请问一句关于亚运的英文中文是这样的“亚运观众入口”,请问英语能这样翻译吗?英文翻译:Aisan Spectator Entrance(其实我最想问的是,Aisan能代表... -
经疯肝复:[答案] Enter (for Spectators) 去那看的都是亚运观众,所以不用表达出来.一般情况Enter就可以了.工作人员的入口会写non-spectator或类似的标志.

永新区17078266170: 2010亚运会英语文章,(What Can I Do For the Asian Games)急啊~! -
经疯肝复: for real..i can not do anything for the asian game. cause i still a student at school and i don't have a job. how can i support for the asina game? if i would i thing i will learing more english when other counties people come to china. if they need some ...

永新区17078266170: 关于亚运英语文章 -
经疯肝复: The Asian Games, also called the Asiad, is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia. The games are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee (...

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