
作者&投稿:蓬具 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


How to deal with the campus sudden stampede, use English to write a composition. Breakfast: 1, peacetime nurturance when fluctuation stair good-bye and competent habit, not on the stairs chasing, 2 when appear crowded when trample, should keep calm, avoid by all means is panic, 3: when you find yourself in front of someone suddenly falls, take immediate halt, meanwhile, Shouting for help, 4 managed to near wall, squat down body, hands in the neck after tightly.spread while maximizing dew export nose, keep breath unobstructed

(1) behave in a civilized manner, when many people are not crowded, not booing, not create tension or panic.
(2) try to avoid the crowds, when necessary, try walking on the edge of the stream of people.
(3) found the crowd to walk to their own direction, they should immediately lay to one side, do not panic, do not run, to avoid falls.
(4) follow the flow of people go, must not be going against flow forward, otherwise, can easily be flow down.
(5) if into the crowded, we must first stand firm, the body will not inclined to lose focus, even if the shoes have been trampled out, don't stoop to pick up the shoes or shoe laces. If possible, you can quickly grasp something solid and reliable moving slowly or stop, to the crowd and then quickly left the scene.
(6) if he was unfortunately the crowd after the fall, to try near the corner, the body curled into a ball, with hands clasped on the back of the neck to protect the most vulnerable parts of the body.
(7) walk in the crowd, met steps or stairs, try to grasp the handrail, prevent fall.
(8) in the crowd, be alert at all times, when it was found that bad mood, or
The crowd began to stir, be prepared to protect themselves and others.
(9) in the crowd, the foot should pay attention to some, do not stumble, avoid being induced factors of crowded stampede.
(10) when they find themselves in front of a man suddenly fell, immediately to stop, and shouted for help, tell people not to move close to the back of the.


(1) behave in a civilized manner, when many people are not crowded, not booing, not create tension or panic.(2) try to avoid the crowds, when necessary, try walking on the edge of the stream of people.(3) found the crowd to walk to their own direction, they should immed...

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人群crowd,聚会rally,混乱chaos,伤亡casulity 别挤啦dont push 我不能呼吸了i cant breath


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