中国用英语怎么读,用英文怎么写 。

作者&投稿:逮购 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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A, genre
America's cartoon is very strange.
With adolescents anime, for example, America's cartoon is mostly are abstract thinking, and theme, more profound. Some hero was flat.
China is famous patriotic, history, save the world class theme. Thinking too broad, enough.
2. space
American anime or length, they are mostly film, most 1 hours 45 minutes. Either to a part of the two. Shrek: 1, shrek 2
But China's cartoon is rarely expressed in the form of film.
Third, the technology problems
This, about computer naturally.
Start early, but began in 1950s and 1960s, produced in the wash cartoon was excellent, but unfortunately domestic fails to keep advantage and constant innovation, technology stagnant that behind abroad
By now, the environmental impact of the severe limited ability talents, innovative consciousness can effectively develop
The immature market environment. In China, the traditional thought, many parents think domestic cartoon creation is raffish, cartoon plays can affect a child's learning, cartoon often disapprove. This concept holds that social main body of Chinese animation creative thinking, the lack of good environment and space. Bookstores, school of cartoon creation such cultural sites do not pay attention to, even as unorthodox, so much of China cartoon writers in China had no market, sold overseas cartoon creation company.
Because of the consignor of cartoon audience, cartoon audience positioning error of age levels and the customer not consumption level, not fashionable mainstream
⒌ funds to implementation, domestic enterprises not enough money making anime
6. No forming a complete industrial chain, Chinese cartoon animation industry links in "basically animation" and "TV broadcast" two links, has formed a complete industrial chain of mature, derivatives has not yet been fully developed. Plus, the influence of piracy has made many animation enterprise so hard, earn profit cost recovery. While lack of professional operation and animation industry management team, which has greatly restricted the cartoon industrialization development speed. How successful operation, the benign industrial chain link, has become a cartoon enterprise to resolve problems
⒎ cartoon of domestic cartoon industry, more difficult fresh blood, long-term since, Chinese traditional education model, and to some extent imprison people's thinking and formed a unity, the traditional culture of obedience. However the creation of animation from rich imagination, sometimes the transcendental what need is very exaggerative imagination is an art and a subject. Original cartoon talent shortage of talent training mode and backward in China has become the key to the development of animation industry. According to the understanding of domestic cartoon industry and r&d talents, and creative need through art and technology talents and management development compound cartoon. At present, the cartoon practitioners, less than one million people and South Korea's 1/3, so Chinese cartoon talent shortage is in serious condition.
⒏ Chinese cartoon works in making concept, always appear too conservative. A cartoon fans that some Chinese cartoon works sometimes put too much emphasis on education, like a stuffy old pedant, completely without cartoon works itself should entertainment elements. Now many cartoon works are reprinted, plot insipid, lack of creative work, many works are not changing circumstances change heads. Domestic cartoon image not cute, lack of sense of humor exaggerated, Cartoon story, lack of stereotypes, naive sermon independent innovation, these Chinese cartoon bounded years old problems still have much difference. Therefore, in people's hearts, cartoon world without the concept of "made in China".
⒐ profits, foreign anime character design and post-production, there is by Chinese writer 669 percent in the animation industry, also accepted form of outsourcing service. A good writer after the original cartoon, usually a minute can be obtained, and the processing 1000 multivariate to domestic companies, only 300-400 yuan of creation. Income disparity also caused domestic outstanding works of going abroad.
⒑ advanced Chinese cartoon industry chain, paying attention to development and fostering original cartoon strength is insufficient. Comics can extend animation, and hidden huge market prospect, but domestic currently almost no wander can move "". The original cartoon animation and game is not flourishing source, and the weak momentum to change the current cartoons.






中国的英语是China,读音,英[ˈtʃaɪnə]。China既可以做名词,也可以做动词。做名词有; n.(china)瓷器; <英口>伙伴,好友。做形容词有:adj.中国的,中国产的; adj.瓷质的;瓷器的。China,现为“中国”和“瓷器”的英文译名。陶瓷最初的称呼是“...

1、America美国、American美国人、English英语 2、China中国、Chinese中国人、Chinese中文 3、Canada加拿大、Canadian加拿大人、English英语 4、France法国、French法国人、French法语 5、Greece希腊、Greek希腊人、Greek希腊语 6、Italy意大利、Italian意大利人、Italian意大利语 ...

中国的英语:China,读音:['tʃaɪnə]。China英['tʃaɪnə]美[ˈtʃaɪnə];[电影]中国1971。China的用法示例如下:1、China's industry is developing at an unprecedented rate。中国工业正以空前的速度发展。2、China ...

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中国用英语怎么读,用英文怎么写 。

中华人民共和国的英文全称是“the People's Republic of China”(英式发音:[ðə ˈpiːplz rɪˈpʌblɪk ɒv ˈtʃaɪnə];美式发音:[ðə piːplz rɪˈpʌblɪk ə...


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爱新觉罗鱼路迪:[答案] China 中国 Chinese 中国人

甘孜藏族自治州18780805002: 中国用英语怎么读 -
爱新觉罗鱼路迪: china

甘孜藏族自治州18780805002: 中国用英语怎么写? -
爱新觉罗鱼路迪: 中国: China 中国人: Chinese 你要记住:小写的“china”是“瓷器”,全大写的“CHINA”是错误的.国家和地名的开头字母都需要是大写.

甘孜藏族自治州18780805002: 中国用英语怎么写啊
爱新觉罗鱼路迪:china 中国 chinese是中国人等(也有别的意思)

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爱新觉罗鱼路迪: 原文:中国翻译:China读作:拆那

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爱新觉罗鱼路迪: 中国用英文写是:China

甘孜藏族自治州18780805002: 《中国》用英语怎么说啊
爱新觉罗鱼路迪: China 读 : 起哀..哪儿 读的时候连起来 但读 哀..哪 时比起哀和哪儿要慢一点

甘孜藏族自治州18780805002: 中国用英语怎么读?
爱新觉罗鱼路迪: 音分开些读 "chee-ai-na" ,没有特殊重音. 用中文记法是一种很不正确的习惯,想学好英语一定得纠正.

甘孜藏族自治州18780805002: (中国)用英语怎么写? -
爱新觉罗鱼路迪: China,C一定要大写,若小写就意思变成瓷器了

甘孜藏族自治州18780805002: 中国用英语怎么说? -
爱新觉罗鱼路迪: China 别小写了,china是瓷器

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