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Privacy Agreement

Party B: (ID number:)
A and B the two sides in the process of cooperation, Party B receive job-related companies and their trade secrets and, therefore, been promoting the knowledge, experience and skills opportunities, given that both sides hope to the confidential information referred to in this Agreement shall be effective protection, A and B the two sides in equal on the basis of voluntary consultation and the signing of this agreement. This agreement as annex to the contract labor, and labor contracts have the same legal effect.
First, trade secrets
Trade secrets that are not known to the public, bring economic benefits to give Party A, with practicality, all information should be confidential.
(A) referred to in this Agreement, trade secrets, including but not limited to:
1, Party A Party B in writing delivered to the information, including but not limited to the above-printed with "confidential," "Confidential" and other words or other synonymous words, or on the delivery before or delivery as confidential by the Party informed in writing information or data;
2, Party A Party B declare orally to the information or information should be kept confidential;
3, B through the cooperation of the Party to operate or understand the technical aspects of information and data and with the cooperation of all related agreements and other details.
(B) specific, including but not limited to the following listed in the company's business secrets:
1, management of information. Including: corporate development planning, market management information, customer information, bidding information, human resources, information, management regulations and systems, financial information, investment and financing information, product cost information.
2, technical and intellectual property information. Including: companies to acquire, share, and self-development of products and technologies with intellectual property rights, the company developed or control procedures, development of documentation, a major technology research reports and analysis, technical research, research and development progress of the results, and technology, project quality information relating to information.
(C) B as in the case whether the information is confidential information and the scope of doubts, they should immediately to levy as many have suggested the views of Party A, otherwise Party B should have known the information and materials assume a duty of confidentiality.

2, B duty of confidentiality
1, adherence to business secrets, and take all security measures and systems to protect the secrets (including but not limited to the Party to protect its own trade secrets used by the measures and systems);
2, B agree to the above confidential information and data is limited to the purpose of co-operation with the Party, in the workplace or Party A Party B agree to the premises be used directly by the Party B shall not exceed the agreed scope of use, not for the B or the interests of a third party use of such trade secrets;
3, B to know not to use trade secrets Party may directly or indirectly engaged in damage to the interests of Party activities. Party shall not, without the prior written permission ie other third Party, directly or indirectly disclose commercial secrets;
4, not spying, inquire about or spread positions do not fall within the scope of the Party trade secrets;
5, in addition to the provisions of this Agreement, the work require, without the written consent of Party A, Party B shall not be unauthorized copying of information and data;
6, B agreed to take necessary and reasonable measures to maintain Party A's trade secrets without the written consent of Party A shall not be delivered or inform others, the consent of Party B by Party A to Party A trade secret delivery or inform the third person, B party obligation of confidentiality on the third person jointly and severally liable;
7, B Party A trade secret is found to suffer unlawful use, disclosure and other subject matter or the possibility of occurrence of the above circumstances, shall immediately notify the Party and in line with Party A immediately take the necessary preventive measures.
Third, ownership
1, where Party A to Party B to provide data and information and to cooperate in the B Party obtained trade secrets, all its
Vested Party. Party B and Party discharge or termination of labor relations, or within three days of receipt of a written request Party A to return the above information or removal of the above information within three days, Party B should be returned or remove the above information or message and all copies of, and commitment to the original copies have been returned or clear indeed.
2, B because of his ideas about the creation and technological achievements owned by Party A for all.
3, Party A Party B the delivery of documents or information and to cooperate in the B Party obtained the information and data, such as contain any
May apply for patents and other intellectual property rights, Party B shall not apply for patents and other intellectual property rights appropriation or provide to a third party patent and other intellectual property rights.
4, confidentiality, duration of
Of the above provisions of the effectiveness of both A and B are not due to the lifting or termination of labor contracts disappear, runs to the Party announced that classified information has been declassified, or the actual date of the open ended.
Fifth, liability for breach of
Violation of the agreement, Party B, Party A shall pay the liquidated damages the whole million yuan WU. Cause economic losses to the owner by the Party B in full. At the same time, this provision does not exclude B Party with labor relations, and other rights advocates in accordance with law.


  Employee confidentiality agreement
  B: ***
  A, B both sides follow equality, voluntariness and reaching unanimity through consultation, under the principle of good faith on matters of confidentiality of trade secrets Party reached the following agreement:
  (A) Confidentiality content
  1. Party's trade secrets, including commodity production, supply, sales channels, customer lists, trade intentions, traded or negotiate prices, product performance, quality, quantity, delivery date;
  2. Party's business secrets, including the operating principles, investment decision-making intention, products, services, pricing, market analysis, advertising strategy;
  3. Party A's management secrets, including financial data, personnel data, wage data, logistics data;
  4. Party A's technical secrets, including product design and development.
  (B) the scope of confidentiality
  1. B Party in the labor contract before the existing trade secrets;
  2. B Party in the labor contract during the period owned by the commercial secrets.
  (C) The rights and obligations of both parties
  1. Party to provide normal working conditions, and reward based on performance, contract period, the first two months of salary for 2000 yuan, respectively, followed by four months to adjust Party B according to performance pay;
  2. The requirements of Party A Party B must be engaged in the design and development, weekly working hours to 40 hours, and the design and development of information delivery Party A, Party A has the right of ownership and disposal;
  3. The two sides before the dissolution or termination of labor contracts, without the written consent of Party A, Party B shall not use the commercial secrets of the design of new products released to a third party;
  (D) confidentiality period
  The labor contract period, specifically for the November 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010
  (E) liability for breach
  1. In the labor contract period, Party B breach of this agreement, Party A minor economic losses caused by Party A to Party B to lift the labor contract, and requested compensation for the three-month salary B;
  2. In the labor contract period, Party B breach of this agreement, resulting in significant economic losses Party A, Party B shall be removed from the administrative penalties, and additional economic damages, constitutes a crime, the appeal court, Party B shall be held criminal responsibility;
  3. A, square both sides due to implementation of this Agreement and breach of contract dispute over the implementation of laws and regulations, giving competence of both parties may apply to the Labor Party seat of the arbitration bodies for arbitration or to the people's court of appeal;
  (6) Other
  This Agreement in duplicate, A and B both sides armed with a through A, B and signed by both parties the date stamped.

  Party A (seal)
  Party B (Signed)
  Legal Representative Signature
  November 1, 2009

求翻译 保密协议条款 Remedies

本协议期内A与B传输的任何保密信息需严格保密,未经任何一方(或其客户,若适用)同意不得泄露给任何人(除A与B公司的需要了解保密信息的职员外)。other than是除了的意思。on a “need to know”basis of是基于“需要知道”的意思。if applicable若适用 注:法律翻译无需一字一句的翻译,那样会显得...

使用。Both Parties shall keep strictly confidential the Confidential Information,and the negotiations and discussions regarding the Contemplated Relationship.双方都应保持严格保密的保密信息,谈判和讨论,对于预期的关系。Each Party acknowledges that the Confidential Information provided to the other Party...


1、救济 双方同意,任何对本协议的违约可能给披露方造成不可弥补的伤害,以及双方同意披露方的任何该等违约救济措施包括,除赔偿和其他所有可用的补救措施,对违反禁令救济。2的独立性 如果本协议的任何条款被发现是不可执行的,该协议的其余部分应执行尽可能充分和不可执行的条款应被视为改为有限的程度...

能帮忙翻译一下这个保密协议吗 谢谢

有一段公文的序言需要翻译 英文的请进 机翻的就不要了,如下!
因此,考虑到此文件所载的前提、相互承诺和协议及其它良好、宝贵的考虑,而这些考虑已再次确认是足够的,双方兹打算在法律约束下达成协议如下:注:这是保密协议,receiving party指接受文件和其它资料一方,尚未进入买卖阶段,所以不能译成买方。保证答案正确,请及时采纳。祝学习愉快!(*^__^*)...

, (二)被称为向接收方或其代表之前披露资料的披露; (三)成为提供给接收方从一个人,谁不是,接受党的知识,否则的约束保密协议或任何其他保密责任方面的信息,而不是禁止,否则从转递信息,接收方,或( iv )是自主开发的,由接收方或其代表没有使用任何机密资料 ...


因此,接受方同意当己方违约或有意或威胁违反此协议的情况下,业主有权不放弃任何额外的权利或补救措施(包括金钱赔偿)以及其他依据法律在股权上或在章程上可行的补偿措施和初步的和永久的强制救济 injunctive relief 太专业了 法律专用词 有多个意思 不晓得用哪个 法令救济;禁止性救济;强制救济 自己斟酌...

龙岗区17698538032: “保密协议”怎么用英文说阿? -
鲜君劲朗:[答案] 保密协议(NDA) non-disclosure agreement 保密协议 confidentiality agreement

龙岗区17698538032: 保密协议,英文怎么说 -
鲜君劲朗: 保密协议 [词典] [法] secrecy agreement; [例句]我们有保密协议.We have a confidentiality agreement

龙岗区17698538032: 员工保密协议..翻译成英文啊..急..谢谢啦..
鲜君劲朗:Employee confidentiality agreement Party: B: *** A, B both sides follow equality, voluntariness and reaching unanimity through consultation, under the principle of good faith on matters of confidentiality of trade secrets Party reached the following ...

龙岗区17698538032: non - disclosure agreement是什么意思 -
鲜君劲朗: non-disclosure agreement 保密协议 [网络短语] Non-Disclosure Agreement 保密协议,保密协定,密合同 employee non-disclosure agreement 英文文书,员工保密协议 CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT 机密性和非公开协议,保密和不披露协议

龙岗区17698538032: 保密协议用英文怎么说?
鲜君劲朗: no-disclosure agreementno-disclosure agreement

龙岗区17698538032: 英文保密协议求翻译 -
鲜君劲朗: 标题建议用 Non-Commitment, 不作承诺 本协议或对其机密内容的披露并不构成任何一方有义务与对方签署协议或进行交易.

龙岗区17698538032: 保密合同的翻译..英译中...急求...谢谢各位英语高手了...希望不要用机器翻...第一次用没什么分...抱歉了.. -
鲜君劲朗: 1. Purpose. The Parties would like to discuss a potential business relationship or transaction involving Potash One's greenfield potash mine in Saskatchewan in Canada (the “Transaction”). In connection therewith, each Party may disclose or ...

龙岗区17698538032: 急求英文保密合同翻译!!! -
鲜君劲朗: 机密信息就会遭到以上所述的例外情况,只是在接收方的措施可以以书面文件证明它.根据以上所述的例外情况的立场,任何特定的机密信息,将不会考虑落在这些例外情况下,只是因为它可以作为一个组件进入更广泛的信息,或推导出从属于上述列出的异常的信息的组合.

龙岗区17698538032: 保密协议的翻译 -
鲜君劲朗: 我同意并愿意遵守此保密及发明任务协议,我将对公司有关的机密信息、发明,及其他任何有可能为公司带来商业价值或作为其他用途的隐私性文件及物品做到不私用和保持其机密性.我不会参与任何未经公司授权的信息交易,这些将被视作是对公司利益的损害,无论相关信息是否被公司判定为机密信息.前几天没看到你追问不好意思,来补上了

龙岗区17698538032: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一段保密协议!!采纳后有追加!
鲜君劲朗: TNY and Counterparty are referred to herein, individually, as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”. 兹称 TNY 或 Counterparty 为“单方”,TNY 和 Counterparty 共同称为“双方”. As this Agreement contemplates the mutual disclosure of ...

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