
作者&投稿:畅严 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Over 200 girls dragged from their beds to be sold off as bounty您说这个短语属于独立主格结构。那么就属于名词加过去分词的结构。独立主格结构可以加状语 。因为非谓语动词短语 可以有自己的状语
to be sold off as bounty是不定式作目的状语 修饰过去分词 。
如果该句Over 200 girls dragged from their beds to be sold off as bounty, a message that .....把逗号改为and成为两个句子, dragged必须 是were dragged 的谓语形式

But avail yourself of big men with guns to make money off terrified girls.这句话 最好把with guns 看做定语 可翻译为“利用手里拿着枪的大人们 赚取 被吓的女孩们的钱 off terrified girls这里不是文中错误 不应该改成of,这个介词短语作money的定语
off 可以是 prep. (表示方向)从…

Before the militants left, they destroyed everything they could. Textbooks, the
library, the laboratory, their attempt to forever shutter this school
这个独立主格结构 属于 主格代词或名词 加动词不定式结构。
本句 是 名词 加动词不定式结构 注意 their attempt是名词
如果 是代词 应该是 they to forever shutter this school
也就是说 独立主格结构中 如果不定式的逻辑主语 是代词 只能用 主格
yet have posd overwhelming distraction for us to cultivate good habits as"Good habits result from resisting temptation这里的as作连词 可以是因为的意思。

If you still feel confused,leave a message .这里的leave是谓语 这是祈使句 所以不用动名词形式

the criteria you selected 和give you all you got这两个定语从句是先行词加上省略的that相当于一个what
也就是all that =what
statistician improve their data assemblig methods.这里的 assembling我认为 是动名词
assemblig methods是动名词短语 =methods for assemblig
所以 their data是名词 作定语 修饰 assemblig methods
意思是 数据收集方法
he'll never know your story like I do和like it's the last night of our lives.这里的like相当于 连词as后面可以加句子

That magic that we got that nobody can touch.
that magic 是先行词
后面是双重定语 that代替先行词 作 两个定从中got 和 touch的 宾语
我们拥有的无人可匹敌的 那种魔力

And find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time
find后面 是宾语从句 that可以省略 what you're looking for是宾语从句中 的主语 是主语从句
has been here the whole time 是宾语从句中的谓语

you need to make a lot of money to have the same standard of living as that in the US or something.那么这里的that是代词表示somebody have the standard of living

1 character的意思很多,可以指事物的特征,性质,也可以指人的品质,性格。而personality着重指人的个性,人格特征。
2 it is worthless后面应该接doing 因为worthless是adj,接to do 的句型是it is worth to do sth 。
3 代表处的正确翻译是“representative office”。


2.每个词都有一些用法是固定的,earn是“挣,赚取”的意思,通常都只说earn money,earn one's living



1. 我喜欢和我的朋友们一起打蓝球。I like playing basketball with my friends.2. 我在周末帮妈妈洗衣服。I help my mother wash clothes on weekends.3. 她最喜欢看的电影是什么?What's her favorite movie?

1.a number of 大量的(修饰可数名词)the number of 某某的数目 例:There are a number of trees around the house.房子旁边有很多数 The number of the students in class 1 is 56.一班的学生人数是56.2.escape from 从某某地方逃离,所以后面是someplace 3.想了一下你最近做的一个梦.think ...

答:这个我也不知道。但是我觉得这个词是GOLD的意思。因为:如果货币的计量单位依次为金、 银、 铜的话,100铜币=1银币,100银币=1金币,金币=GOLD。 所以,1个金币也就是1G=10000个最基本的货币单位。(参考“魔兽世界里面的货币计算系统”)6. I want these blown up.一般说把照片放大不是"...

英语口语 问外教问题 问什么好?
6. Are British people still very serious about their marriage?7. <Everybody loves Raymond> is very popular in China. Have you watch the TV series? Do you like it? Is the life described in it true?总而言之,问一些其他同学想不到的问题,这样老师才会感兴趣并乐意回答。

1、( )Go ___ the river in a boat.A、through B、cross C、across D、crossing 选C go后面接介词across表示过河。2、( )---There is a wrong word in line___---Where? --- In the ___line A、two ;two B、two;second C、second;two ...

OK!有问题可以尽管问我,希望对你有所帮助 建议参考:宾语从句 http:\/\/baike.baidu.com\/view\/343.htm 定语从句http:\/\/baike.baidu.com\/view\/56536.htm 倒装句http:\/\/baike.baidu.com\/view\/84467.htm#3 补充回答:第八题,不好意思,是完全倒装,说顺嘴了,见谅……第七题,此为特殊情况,为...

再举个例子:--Are these your books?---NO, they are her books.也可以说 NO,they are hers 这里hers=her book 5.rainy,在这里表示一种状态,这里经常下雨。名词rain表示雨水,不通顺。二。6 do\/take more exercise 7.email address 8.her telephone number 9. 在音乐会上 at the conce...

1.没关系,Never mind.2.the numeer of :numeer:没这个单词的,我牛津高阶英汉词典都翻了 the number of:...的数量是 3.sometimes:不确定的一个时间 some times:几次 sometime:时常的 some time:一些时候 4.C:find it+形容词+to do 固定用法 ...

为你解答。(B)1、Have you got (any) pears?no,we haven‘t got (any) pears 你有梨子吗? 不,我们没有。解释:否定句和疑问句一般都用any。在肯定句中用some。(A)2、I can’t (see) my umbrella. Where is it?我没看见我的伞。它在哪?解释:用see表示看到的结果。


颍泉区19785535732: 我想向大家请教几个英语问题1,We seemed to be able to see for miles.我们似乎能看到几百里以外的地方.请问这样翻译对吗?2.以下翻译是否有误:What is ... -
掌底复方:[答案]我们似乎可以看到很远.for miles 意思是“好远好远”,不能简单的翻译为“几百里以外”. (1)未来的天气情况怎么样? (2)今天你感觉怎么样? 可以,To look places to hide,Mice ran out of the fields . (1)你有这种感觉持续多久了? (2)The largest...

颍泉区19785535732: 问几个英语问题
掌底复方: 1.His cousin has gone to the library. He went there three hours ago. 2.A:The train has left. B;When did the train leave? A:The train laft half an hour ago 3.A:Have you seen the movie?B:Yes, I have.A:When did you see it? B:Last Sunday. 4.have you ...

颍泉区19785535732: 几个简单的英语问题1 - B - ofthemhasbeenturne
掌底复方: 1.Not one of them has been turned to stone. 他们中不止一个被变成了石头. None of them has been turned to stone. 他们中没有一个被变成石头. no后面不能直接跟...

颍泉区19785535732: 请教几个英语小问题
掌底复方: 楼主,您好 1)in ten days意思是十天内 2)after ten days意思是十天后 故选第二个, 还有,有after不一定要用过去式,(在这里行不通) 谢谢采纳!

颍泉区19785535732: 问几个英语问题,请不要乱答
掌底复方: 倍数表达:1A is three/four times +adj 比较级+than B. 两倍用twice 2A is three/four times as +adj原型 +as B. 3 A is three/four times the +度量名词+of B 例句: This street is four times shorter than that one. 这条街道比那条短四倍. I am twice as old ...

颍泉区19785535732: 请问几个英语问题
掌底复方: 1 第一个应该对了吧.呵呵 2 would you please表示一种建议,后加动词原形.eg:Would you please give me some advice? 3 got it有知道了解的意思.比如我们经常听到这句话:I got it! 就是:我知道了 4 此时,only to find 有发现结果的意思,表示意外的结果. 5 留在这里的可能性很小,解释为我希望你最好今天呆在这儿.有点虚拟的感觉.

颍泉区19785535732: 问几个英语问题
掌底复方: 1 This is the English-Chinese Dictionary 2 The smell of a good lunch 3 Fall into the love of his 4 Everything seems different 5 He looks tall and strong 6 The trouble is that they lack money 7 Our well dries up 8 He blushed 哥们行了 点采纳呀

颍泉区19785535732: 问几个关于英语的问题
掌底复方: 数字+ million + 名词复数 millions of +名词复数 five million 是具体数字, millions of 是一个概数,不是具体的

颍泉区19785535732: 问几个英语问题
掌底复方: 补一下第一个.因为这是but 连接的并列句.前后都应该是完整的句子.只有B能体现.AD都是引导从句.C的指代不明.所以选B.2.3解释得已经很好了.

颍泉区19785535732: 几个英语问题
掌底复方: 1.I welcome you,children. 2.quiet 3. There is a bookstore at the end of the road.4.have a good time 5.bank 6.to

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