
作者&投稿:尉迟宙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Standardization has been used in the input of comments and thus reduces the time of input and confirmation. For the daily
operation of our team, we should establish or update the manual so as to train the green hands better.
To simplify the unwanted operation of the work can not only speed up the work progress but also low down the errors in operation.
3.从原来的手动整理invoice date,现利用Excel工具自动整理,可以更快的完成业务.
We used to set the invoice date manually but now we are making use of Excel to set automatically, resulting earlier completement of work.

4.关于PM的输入,在系统输入完以后如果在3个月内实施作业,还要在off line 与WLA部门联系,不仅增加了工作量,也常发生遗漏.如果不用在off line 联系,WLA部门根据系统数据判断作业日期.
As for the input of PM, we need to contact the department of WLA at off line if we want to get the work in operation after the input of the system. That not only increases the workload but also casuse more errors. If we don't contact at off line, the department of WLA will judge the operation date according to the system data.

5.在IT TEAM的支持下,并与WLA协商,找到解决方案
Get a solutin with the support of IT TEAM and negotiate with WLA.


主席先生,秘书长先生,各位领导人, 首先让我说,这是一项莫大的荣誉,以这样一个空前的世界领导人聚会,在联合国 嘉华国. 我们走到一起不只是一项了不起的时刻,月历, 但在一个新时代的到来,在人类事务 当全球化和信息技术革命给我们带来的更紧密的合作比以往任何时候. 到了难以想象的程度,就在几年前,我们跨越地理和文化的鸿沟. 大家都知道是怎么回事,在彼此的国家. 我们分享经验,胜利,悲剧,抱负. 日益加深的相互依存包括有机会探讨和收获的远前沿科学和 日益互联经济体系. 而担任联合国秘书长,只是提醒我们,还包括分担责任,以使人类摆脱贫困,疾病, 环境破坏和战争. 这样的责任,反过来,我们需要确保联合国能胜任这项工作. 55年前,联合国成立,欲免后世再遭战祸. 今天有更多的人在这个房间内的权力,以实现这一目标比以往聚集 在一个地方. 我们今天发现少了战争,国与国之间,但战争多了. 这种内部矛盾,往往是出于种族和宗教分歧,也需要5万人的生命,在过去十年中, 他们大多数是完全无辜的受害者.

In 1948, in a boat crossing the Atlantic, there is a father with his little daughter, go and join his wife in the United States. A calm sea and magnificent twilight clouds alternating Ni. One morning, a man was inside the cabin with Cestus Xiaoping Guo, the ship suddenly swings violently, the men fell when a knife in his chest. His whole body trembling lips instantly Wu Qing. 6-year-old daughter was terrified father, the changes in an instant, and screaming and flutter over you want to help him, but he smiled and pushed his daughter's hand: "Nothing, but threw fell over." And then gently picked up the knife, very slow to get up very slowly,
Do not pay attention to the introduction of the blade with the thumb on the Kaiqu blood. After three days, the men singing a lullaby for his daughter every night as usual, the morning line for her a beautiful bow, took her to see the sea of blue. As if business as usual, while the youngest daughter still can not pay attention to every minute of my father more than a minute on the weak, pale, his eyes looking to the sea level is so sad. The eve of the arrival of the men came to her side, her daughter said: "Tomorrow, when saw her mother, tell mother I love her." Daughter did not understand: "But you should see her tomorrow, and why do you do not they tell her? "he
Laughed, looking at his daughter carved a deep kiss on the forehead. Ship to New York Harbor, and her daughter will be in a bustling crowd recognized her mother, she shouted: "Mama! Mama!" Just then, four weeks exclaimed suddenly a daughter one back, he saw his father has his back fell down , the chest is the blood, such as blowout, that instant, the whole piece dyed sky ... ... the results of autopsy so that everyone was shocked: That knife extremely accurately ripped through his heart, he has to live for three days, and will not be Any person perception. The only possible explanation is that because the wound is too small, making the heart was cut off in accordance with AS paste together,
To maintain the blood supply of the three. This is the medical history of a rare miracle. Medical Association meeting, the people who want to call it a miracle the Atlantic, it was suggested that the deceased's name, as well as people are talking about miracles ... it ... "enough." That is a chief sitting in the old doctor, to refund the Ju white, wrinkles are full of intelligent life at the moment a loud shout, and then Yiziyidun said: "This miracle's name, called his father."楼主我是一个字一个字打得,要选我啊

这样翻译比较好:In 1948, in a boat crossing the Atlantic, there is a father with his little daughter, go and join his wife in the United States. A calm sea and magnificent twilight clouds alternating Ni. One morning, a man was inside the cabin with Cestus Xiaoping Guo, the ship suddenly swings violently, the men fell when a knife in his chest. His whole body trembling lips instantly Wu Qing. 6-year-old daughter was terrified father, the changes in an instant, and screaming and flutter over you want to help him, but he smiled and pushed his daughter's hand: "Nothing, but threw fell over." And then gently picked up the knife, very slow to get up very slowly, do not pay attention to the introduction of the blade with the thumb on the Kaiqu blood. After three days, the men singing a lullaby for his daughter every night as usual, the morning line for her a beautiful bow, took her to see the sea of blue. As if business as usual, while the youngest daughter still can not pay attention to every minute of my father more than a minute on the weak, pale, his eyes looking to the sea level is so sad. The eve of the arrival of the men came to her side, her daughter said: "Tomorrow, when saw her mother, tell mother I love her." Daughter did not understand: "But you should see her tomorrow, and why do you do not they tell her? "he laughed, looking at his daughter carved a deep kiss on the forehead. Ship to New York Harbor, and her daughter will be in a bustling crowd recognized her mother, she shouted: "Mama! Mama!" Just then, four weeks exclaimed suddenly a daughter one back, he saw his father has his back fell down , the chest is the blood, such as blowout, that instant, the whole piece dyed sky ... ... the results of autopsy so that everyone was shocked: That knife extremely accurately ripped through his heart, he has to live for three days, and will not be Any person perception. The only possible explanation is that because the wound is too small, making the heart was cut off as is posted in accordance with the maintenance of the blood supply of the three. This is the medical history of a rare miracle. Medical Association meeting, the people who want to call it a miracle the Atlantic, it was suggested that the deceased's name, as well as people are talking about miracles ... it ... "enough." That is a chief sitting in the old doctor, to refund the Ju white, wrinkles are full of intelligent life at the moment a loud shout, and then Yiziyidun said: "This miracle's name, called his father."

In 1948, in a boat crossing the Atlantic, there is a father with his little daughter, go and join his wife in the United States. A calm sea and magnificent twilight clouds alternating Ni. One morning, a man was inside the cabin with Cestus Xiaoping Guo, the ship suddenly swings violently, the men fell when a knife in his chest. His whole body trembling lips instantly Wu Qing. 6-year-old daughter was terrified father, the changes in an instant, and screaming and flutter over you want to help him, but he smiled and pushed his daughter's hand: "Nothing, but threw fell over." And then gently picked up the knife, very slow to get up very slowly, do not pay attention to the introduction of the blade with the thumb on the Kaiqu blood. After three days, the men singing a lullaby for his daughter every night as usual, the morning line for her a beautiful bow, took her to see the sea of blue. As if business as usual, while the youngest daughter still can not pay attention to every minute of my father more than a minute on the weak, pale, his eyes looking to the sea level is so sad. The eve of the arrival of the men came to her side, her daughter said: "Tomorrow, when saw her mother, tell mother I love her." Daughter did not understand: "But you should see her tomorrow, and why do you do not they tell her? "he laughed, looking at his daughter carved a deep kiss on the forehead. Ship to New York Harbor, and her daughter will be in a bustling crowd recognized her mother, she shouted: "Mama! Mama!" Just then, four weeks exclaimed suddenly a daughter one back, he saw his father has his back fell down , the chest is the blood, such as blowout, that instant, the whole piece dyed sky ... ... the results of autopsy so that everyone was shocked: That knife extremely accurately ripped through his heart, he has to live for three days, and will not be Any person perception. The only possible explanation is that because the wound is too small, making the heart was cut off as is posted in accordance with the maintenance of the blood supply of the three. This is the medical history of a rare miracle. Medical Association meeting, the people who want to call it a miracle the Atlantic, it was suggested that the deceased's name, as well as people are talking about miracles ... it ... "enough." That is a chief sitting in the old doctor, to refund the Ju white, wrinkles are full of intelligent life at the moment a loud shout, and then Yiziyidun said: "This miracle's name, called his father."
Tomorrow classes to use. I'm online waiting for, Thank you for the. . . . Kingsoft turned out with the miserable ah

In 1948, on a ship sailed across the Atlantic, a father with his daughter, to go and meet the wife in the United States. The sea is calm, magnificent cloud terminator neon appear alternately. One morning, the man is the waist with pare an apple, ship suddenly fell sharply, man, a knife in his chest. He is in the lips WuQing moments trembling,. 6 year old daughter is father instant changes frightened, screaming at want help him, but he pushed the daughter smiled: "ok, just hands off." Then gently picked up a knife, slowly slowly climbed up, not attractive with thumb to wipe go on the blade. After three days, every man for his daughter will sing a lullaby early, for she is good bowknot, take her to see a sea of blue. If business-as-usual still cannot little, but notice the father every minute more than one minute, pale and his weak can look to the eye is so sad. A man came in, on the eve of the daughter, said to her daughter: "tomorrow see mom, please tell mother I love her." His daughter asked: "but you will see her tomorrow, why don't you tell her myself?" He smiled, leaned on his forehead deeply, daughter wrote a kiss. The ship to New York port, the daughter in the bustling crowd recognize mother, she yell: "mother, mother! Mother!" At this moment, suddenly a luncheon, daughter, saw his father has turned down, such as chest blood dyed red, one tender moment's reprieve at the whole sky... Autopsy results for all stunned: the knife extremely accurate punctured his heart, he is alive for three days, but not by anyone. The only possible explanation is that small cuts the cut in original stick together in the myocardium, maintain the three blood. This is the miracle of rare medical history. Medical association meeting someone says they're

Standardization has been used in the input of comments and thus reduces the time of input and confirmation. For the daily
operation of our team, we should establish or update the manual so as to train the green hands better.
To simplify the unwanted operation of the work can not only speed up the work progress but also low down the errors in operation.
3.从原来的手动整理invoice date,现利用Excel工具自动整理,可以更快的完成业务.
We used to set the invoice date manually but now we are making use of Excel to set automatically, resulting earlier completement of work.

4.关于PM的输入,在系统输入完以后如果在3个月内实施作业,还要在off line 与WLA部门联系,不仅增加了工作量,也常发生遗漏.如果不用在off line 联系,WLA部门根据系统数据判断作业日期.
As for the input of PM, we need to contact the department of WLA at off line if we want to get the work in operation after the input of the system. That not only increases the workload but also casuse more errors. If we don't contact at off line, the department of WLA will judge the operation date according to the system data.

5.在IT TEAM的支持下,并与WLA协商,找到解决方案
Get a solutin with the support of IT TEAM and negotiate with WLA.


plucking up a crop to help it grow (揠苗助长)It is said that a man in the Song Dynasty was very anxious that his rice crop was growing much slower than he expected. So he plucked up all of his crop a few inches. He was very tired after doing this for a whole day....

Voluntary activities are beneficial to our physical and mental health.

l am glad to help others.不过说真的我觉得大英侠的比我翻译的好。你如果是初中呢就用我这个,高中的话就用他那个吧

英语翻译 求大神 手翻 一方面,做小事,有助于我们养成良好的习惯,这为我...
一方面,做小事,有助于我们养成良好的习惯,这为我们未来的发展奠定了良好的基础。one hand ,doing common things can help us develop good habbit,it set up a firm basis to the future development

以WPS 2019版为例,有两种办法供参考 第一种方法:全文翻译 1. 打开文档,依次点击“特色应用”—“全文翻译”2. 在弹出框根据需求进行选择,点击开始翻译即可 第二种方法:划词翻译 打开文档,依次点击“特色应用”—“划词翻译”,鼠标划选文字就可以显示查词,翻译结果~...

但是有些国企的总办主任是几个总助的领导,而且级别也高于总助,那么看你把总助排在主任前面应该不是这种情况。不好翻译的原因是这两个名头都没有直接对应外企的相应职务。如果名片是给老外的,可以专门做一版英文的,直接印成Executive Assistant to CEO(或者EA to CEO),简单易懂,也比较响亮。问...

当你无助需要我帮助的时候 我会收护你!英语怎么翻译!
当你无助需要我帮助的时候 我会收护你!I'll take care of you when you need help with me.

你好:【翻译】:It is good for me to get the latest information , to know the world and to learn more knowledge。希望对你有帮助!满意请采纳!



龙州县18518987492: 求助英语翻译“非常感谢你们提供的信息”谢谢! -
鱼弘伊曲: Thank you very much for the information provided.

龙州县18518987492: 求助:英语翻译
鱼弘伊曲: pursuing the wrong things is the root of man's pain. 追求错误的东西 是人的痛苦之源

龙州县18518987492: 求助 英语翻译 -
鱼弘伊曲: The Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that 2.7 million people who wanted and were available for work hadn't looked within the last four weeks and were no longer even classified as unemployed.(1) The Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows ...

龙州县18518987492: 求助英语翻译
鱼弘伊曲: When I open your message, listening to the beautiful and nice melody, my heart can not be controlled, can not describe, can tell you with the sentence: Thank you, dear!

龙州县18518987492: 求助 英语翻译
鱼弘伊曲: assessing the implications of a major economy-wide reform such as that involved in china's wto accession is inherently difficult.the experience with other trade events such as the formation of nafta suggests that the actual overall impact will be much ...

龙州县18518987492: 求助 英语翻译
鱼弘伊曲: 食如其人 着凉要食,发烧免食.(意思是如果你感冒了你应该进食,但是如果你发烧了你就不能吃.)

龙州县18518987492: 求助英语翻译
鱼弘伊曲: 1.I'm very surprised at this accident. 2.There is a true ice skating rink in Xiaogang Park. 3.trees 4.rest 5.taught

龙州县18518987492: 求助英文翻译
鱼弘伊曲: i like helping people and communicating with people. I would like very much to have the opportunity to work in your company. I can be confident to say you will nevery regret hiring me as your staff. 我乐于助人喜欢和人交流.我非常愿意有机会在你们公司工作.我可以自信地说你们雇我当员工是绝不会后悔的.

龙州县18518987492: 求助英语翻译
鱼弘伊曲: I'm a boy without couragement,pretending doesn't stand for success.If your are happy,everything would be all right.

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