【追加】有关【狼】的一些问题 英语!

作者&投稿:淡肿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Wolf and the Lamb

WOLF, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to

lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the

Lamb the Wolf's right to eat him. He thus addressed him:

"Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me." "Indeed," bleated

the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, "I was not then born." Then

said the Wolf, "You feed in my pasture." "No, good sir," replied

the Lamb, "I have not yet tasted grass." Again said the Wolf,

"You drink of my well." "No," exclaimed the Lamb, "I never yet

drank water, for as yet my mother's milk is both food and drink

to me." Upon which the Wolf seized him and ate him up, saying,

"Well! I won't remain supperless, even though you refute every

one of my imputations." The tyrant will always find a pretext for

his tyranny.

They are as quick as forexes anmail.
Sometimes they are very terrible,but somethimes they are very lovely.They are more athletic than other anmails,like monkey ,donkey,chicken and so on.If you babysit a little woof,you can become a loving and kind as same as a moher.Finally,I can tell you,woofs are not terrible anmails!!!
O(∩_∩)O~ 不好意思了啊,我没有时间帮你写,而且不太了解狼,用汉语都不怎么会,我到网上搜了好长时间,给你找了点资料做下参考,等我有时间了,好好搜点中文的给你翻译过去(⊙o⊙)哦嘿嘿

同本义 [wolf]
即俍人 [Lang nationality]。明代中叶至清代主要分布于广西一带的壮族。如:狼师(指俍人组成的军队);狼兵(明时称广西的“东兰”、“那地”、“南丹”、“归顺”诸土司的兵)
星名。即天狼星 [Sirius]。如:狼弧(狼星和弧星);狼角(天狼星的芒角);狼星(星名)

凶狠 [fierce and malicious]
急快 [hurry]。如:狼忙(急促,匆忙);狼抢(仓皇的样子);狼奔兔脱(形容仓皇逃窜);狼狈周章(仓皇惊恐)
散乱,困窘 [in random]。如:狼当(困窘和颓丧的样子);狼跋(喻艰难窘迫);狼戾(谓散乱堆积;纵横交错)
笨,拙 [stupid;bulky]。如:狼犺(亦作“榔槺”,形容物体长大笨重);狼伉(笨重;傲慢)

[be badly battered;get left;in a dilemma;like a drowned mouse;in sore straits] 狼狈:又作“狼贝”、“狼跋”。形容疲惫、窘迫的样子。《三国志·马超传》:“[梁宽],[赵衢]闭冀城门,超不得入,进退狼狈。”现多形容处境困难,窘迫的样子
[act in cahoots;collusion with each other;hand in glove,hand and glove; work hand in glove with; pack cards with sb.; one hand washes another] 传说狈是跟狼同类的野兽,前腿极短,行动时要爬在狼身上,没有狼就不能行动。狼和狈经常结合伤害牲畜,因此用来比喻为了达到恶毒的目的,互相勾结做坏事
[run like a wolf and rush like a boar; rush about like wild beasts] 狼和猪到处奔跑。比喻很多坏人四处流窜
[there is too little meat for so many wolves] [东北方言]∶供不应求,近似“粥少僧多”
[wolfhound; German shepherd dog] 外形似狼的一种优良狗,凶猛而嗅觉灵敏,可充作军犬、警犬、猎犬等
[suspicious and neverous for fear of attack from behind;watchout] 像狼一样经常回头看,怕遭到袭击,形容人行事有所顾虑,怕自己受害
[wolf child] 据信由狼或其他野兽哺育长大的孩子
[pathetic cries] 形容大声哭叫,声音凄惨
[writing brush made of weasel's hair] 用黄鼠狼的尾毛做成的毛笔
[be in disorder;scattered about in a mess] 乱七八糟;散乱、零散
[trou-do-loup] 倒圆锥形或倒角锥形(倒金字塔形)的陷井,中间有一尖桩,是阻碍敌人行动而筑成的障碍物
[gorge;be a devil to eat;devour ravenously; gobble up; make a pig of oneself wolf down one's food] 形容吃东西不细嚼,又急又猛
[smoke of wolves' dung;fire beacon along the border to signal alarm] 烽火。相传中国古代边防报警时烧狼粪起的烟
[be enveloped in the flames of war;with alarms raised at all border posts] 狼烟:焚烧狼粪升起的烟雾。四处有报警的烟火,指边疆不平静、战事不断
[wolfling] 小狼或幼狼
[rapacity;aggressive designs of the wolves; wild ambition; wolfish nature] 狼崽子具有凶恶的野性。比喻凶恶的本性难以改变。也比喻坏人用心狠毒

l俷g ㄌㄤˊ

1. What are the species of wolves? (top)

There are three species of wolves in the world: the gray wolf (Canis lupus), the red wolf (Canis rufus) and the Ethiopian (or Abyssinian) wolf, (Canis simensis). Some researchers believe the Ethiopian wolf is not a wolf, but actually a jackal.

2. What are the subspecies of the gray wolf? (top)

The gray wolf, Canis lupus, lives in the northern latitudes around the world. There are five subspecies of the gray wolf in North America and seven to 12 in Eurasia. The currently recognized subspecies in North America are:

Canis lupus baileyi, commonly referred to as the Mexican wolf or lobo.
Canis lupus nubilus, referred to as the Great Plains or buffalo wolf.
Canis lupus occidentalis, known as the Rocky Mountain wolf or Mackenzie Valley wolf.
Canis lupus lycaon, commonly referred to as the eastern timber wolf.
Canis lupus arctos, known as the arctic wolf.
Subspecies are often difficult to distinguish from one another. This is because they interbreed where their ranges overlap so that their populations tend to blend together rather than form distinctive boundaries. The different traits we see in subspecies are likely the result of geographic range, available habitat, and prey base. Skull dimensions, overall size, fur color, and the length of appendages are some of the characteristics that differ between subspecies of gray wolf.

3. What is a pack of wolves? (top)

Wolves usually live in packs which consist of the adult parents, referred to as the alpha pair, and their offspring of perhaps the last 2 or 3 years. The adult parents are usually unrelated and other unrelated wolves may sometimes join the pack.

4. How many wolves are in a pack? (top)

Pack size is highly variable because of birth of pups, dispersal, and mortality. Generally, a gray wolf pack has from six to eight wolves, but in Alaska and northwestern Canada some packs have over 30 members.

Red wolf packs are generally smaller than gray wolf packs and usually have 2 to 8 members, but a pack of 12 is known in the wild.

5. What is a pack territory size? (top)

Territory size is highly variable. Gray wolf territories in Minnesota range from about 25 to 150 square miles, while territories in Alaska and Canada can range from about 300 to 1,000 square miles.

Red wolf territories can be from 10 to 100 square miles, but the territories of red wolves reintroduced into North Carolina have been 38 to 87 square miles.

6. When do wolves breed? (top)

Wolves breed at slightly different times, depending on where they live. For example, gray wolves in the Great Lakes Region breed in February to March, while gray wolves in the Arctic may breed slightly later in March to April.

Red wolves usually breed in January or February.

7. What is the gestation period of a wolf? (top)

The gestation period of gray and red wolves is usually around 63 days.

8. How many pups are born in a pack each year? (top)

A pack normally has only one litter of pups each spring, but in areas of high prey abundance more than one female will give birth in each pack. An average litter size for gray and red wolves is 4 to 6, but several may die if natural prey is not readily available.

9. How much do wolf pups weigh? (top)

Gray wolf pups weigh 1 pound at birth, while red wolf pups weigh less than a pound at birth.

10. How much do adult wolves weigh? (top)

Adult female gray wolves in northern Minnesota weigh between 50 and 85 pounds, and adult males between 70 and 110 pounds. Gray wolves are larger in the northwestern United States, Canada, and Alaska where adult males weigh 85 to 115 pounds and occasionally reach 130 pounds.

Adult female red wolves weigh 40 to 75 pounds, while males weigh from 50 to 85 pounds.

11. How big are wolves? (top)

The average length (tip of nose to tip of tail) of an adult female gray wolf is 4.5 to 6 feet; adult males average 5 to 6.5 feet. The average height (at the shoulder) of a gray wolf is 26 to 32 inches.

The average length (tip of nose to tip of tail) of an adult red wolf is 4.5 to 5.5 feet. The average height (at the shoulder) of an adult red wolf is about 26 inches.

12. How big is a gray wolf's track? (top)

The size of a wolf's track is dependent on the age and size of the wolf, as well as the substrate the track was made in. A good size estimate for a gray wolf's track size is 4 1/2 inches long by 3 1/2 inches wide. In comparison, a coyote's track will be closer to 2 1/2 inches long by 1 1/2 inches wide. Only a few breeds of dogs leave tracks longer than 4 inches (Great Danes, St. Bernards, and some bloodhounds).

13. How many teeth does an adult wolf have? (top)

Adult gray and red wolves have 42 teeth, while adult humans have 32.

14. How strong are a gray wolves' jaws? (top)

The massive molars and powerful jaws of a wolf are used to crush the bones of its prey. The biting capacity of a wolf is 1,500 pounds of pressure per square inch. The strength of a wolf's jaws makes it possible to bite through a moose femur in six to eight bites. In comparison, a German shepherd has a biting pressure of 750 pounds per square inch. A human has a much lower biting pressure of 300 pounds per square inch.

15. What do wolves eat? (top)

Gray wolves prey primarily on large, hoofed mammals such as white-tailed deer, mule deer, moose, elk, caribou, bison, Dall sheep, musk oxen, and mountain goat. Medium sized mammals, such as beaver and snowshoe hare, can be an important secondary food source. Occasional wolves will prey on birds or small mammals.

Red wolves primarily prey on white-tailed deer, raccoons, rabbits and rodents.

16. How much do wolves eat? (top)

Gray wolves can survive on about 2 1/2 pounds of food per wolf per day, but they require about 5 pounds per wolf per day to reproduce successfully. The most a gray wolf can eat in one sitting is about 22.5 pounds.

Red wolves eat an average of 5 pounds of food per day, but have been known to eat up to 12 pounds in one sitting.

17. How many prey do gray wolves kill per year? (top)

In Minnesota, wolves kill the average equivalent of 15 to 20 adult-sized deer per wolf per year. Given the 1997-98 estimate of 2,450 wolves in Minnesota, that would equal about 36,750 to 49,000 deer killed by wolves. In comparison, from 1995-1999 hunters killed between 32,300 to 78,200 deer each year in Minnesota's wolf range. In addition, several thousand deer are killed during collisions with vehicles each year.

18. How long do wolves live? (top)

Gray wolves in the wild have an average life span of 6 to 8 years, but have been known to live up to 13 years in the wild and 16 years in captivity. Red wolves in the wild have an average life span of 8 to 9 years, but have been known to live up to 12 years in the wild and 16 years in captivity.

19. What do gray wolves die from? (top)

The natural causes of wolf mortality are primarily starvation, which kills mostly pups, and death from other wolves because of territory fights. While not usually a big problem, disease such as mange and canine parvovirus can be a concern in small and recovering populations. Injuries caused by prey results in some deaths. Human-caused mortality including legal, illegal, and accidental causes, can be high in some populations. Pup mortality rates are highly variable, but approximately 40 to 60% of wolf pups die each year.

20. How fast can gray wolves run? (top)

Wolves will travel for long distances by trotting at about five miles per hour. They can run at speeds of 25 to 35 miles per hour for short bursts while chasing prey.

21. How far can gray wolves travel? (top)

Wolves may travel 10 to 30 miles each day in search of food. Dispersing wolves, those leaving packs in search of their own mate, have been known to travel distances of 550 miles away form their home territory.


Wolf Totem and China’s Cultural Trade Deficit
Howard W. French wrote about the Chinese novel 狼图腾, or “Wolf Totem” or “Wolf Spirit” alternately, in the New York Times: A Novel, by Someone, Takes China by Storm. The novel is about a Han Chinese youth and his experiences in nomadic Inner Mongolia. Apparently at some point he and his friends catch a wolf and keep it in a pit (which will be spun off into the film version which Peter Jackson, he of Lord of the Rings and King Kong, has bought the rights to), and he later witnesses the encroachment of Han society on the nomads. French interviews the author, a political scientist from Beijing who writes under the pseudonym Jiang Rong. His answers have interesting connotations for China’s relationship with Central Asia, it’s minorities and it’s own government:
“The answer lies in something shared between East and West, and that is the nomadic culture,” Mr. Jiang said, chain smoking in his austere living room, his face lighted sharply by the crisp rays of autumn light that filtered in from his garden. “The nomadism that people always talk about is full of killing and violence, but what it is really about is freedom. This wolf totem culture began earlier in Mongolia and is more sophisticated than anywhere else.”
According to Mr. Jiang, Chinese civilization is the product of two strains, nomadic and agricultural, and each has its symbols, the wolf and the dragon. For the author, the wolf is akin to the soul of the Mongolian grasslands, a worthy rival to man as well as a symbol of heaven itself. “You can look at the wolf and dragon as opposites,” he said. “The dragon represents autocratic emperors. The wolf means freedom, the mother of democracy, and China opposes freedom more than anything else.”
He said the gradual demise of China’s wolf heritage helps explain how the country was surpassed by the West. “As long as most people are lambs, the dragon has no problem,” he said in what seemed like a thinly veiled comment about China’s politics. “But the more wolves there are, the more interesting things become.”


Wolf Basics
Wolf Pup Development
Neonatal Period - from birth to the age of eye opening 12 - 14 days

Birth - Born approximately one pound, blind, deaf, darkly furred, small ears, rounded heads, "pugged" nose, little if any sense of smell; they are unable to control own body temperature, motor capacities limited to a slow crawl, mainly with front legs and to sucking and licking; possess a good sense of balance, of taste, and of touch, can whine and yelp; nursing pups feed four or five times a day for periods of three to five minutes and on average females will gain 2.6 lbs. and males 3.3 lbs. per week for the next fourteen weeks. This time is known as the "period of maximal growth."

Transition Period - from eye opening until about 20 - 24 days

2 weeks - Eyes open and are blue at 11-15 days, but vision is poor and they are not able to perceive forms until weeks later; milk incisors present (15 days) and can start eating small pieces of meat regurgitated by adults; begin to stand, walk, growl, and chew; first high-pitched attempts at howling.

Socialization Period - from 20 - 24 days until about 77 days

3 weeks - Begin appearing outside the den and romping and playing near the entrance; hearing begins (~27 days, ears begin to raise; ~31 days, ears erect but with tips still flopping); canines and premolar teeth present.
4 weeks - Weigh 5-6 lbs.; growth of adult hair around nose and eyes; bodies begin to take on conformation of adults with disproportionately large feet and head; high-pitched howls are gaining strength; mother may go off for hours on end to hunt; dominance and play fighting begin.
5 weeks - Gradual process of weaning begins. Can follow adults up to one mile from den.
8 weeks -Disproportionately large feet and head.
8-10 weeks - Adults abandon den and move pups to rendezvous site; weaning complete, pups can feed on food provided by adults; adult hair becomes apparent on body.
8-16 weeks - Eyes gradually change from blue to yellow-gold.

Juvenile Period - from 12 weeks to sexual maturity

12 weeks - Begin to accompany adults on hunting trips for a short while and return to rendezvous site by themselves.
3.5 months - The "period of rapid growth (14-27 weeks)" begins: the pups will gain approximately 1.3 lbs. per week for the next three months.
4-6 months - Milk teeth replaced; winter pelage becomes apparent.
6 months - Pups begin to accompany adults on hunts; pup appearance nearly indistinguishable from adults.
7 months - The "period of slow growth (27-51 weeks)" begins: the female pups will gain approximately .07 lbs. per week and the male pups will gain approximately .4 lbs. per week; pups begin to travel with pack.
7-8 months - Actively begin hunting.
1 year - Epiphyseal cartilage closes off, marking the end of skeletal growth.
22 months - Sexual maturity.

【追加】有关【狼】的一些问题 英语!
不用字很多 就是聊天用的 我可能还会补充 好的追加 解析:Wolf Totem and China’s Cultural Trade Deficit Howard W. French wrote about the Chinese novel 狼图腾, or “Wolf Totem” or “Wolf Spirit” alternately, in the New York Times: A Novel, by Someone, Takes China by Storm. T...

【追加】有关【狼】的一些问题 英语!
[wolfhound; German shepherd dog] 外形似狼的一种优良狗,凶猛而嗅觉灵敏,可充作军犬、警犬、猎犬等 狼顾 l俷gg?[suspicious and neverous for fear of attack from behind;watchout] 像狼一样经常回头看,怕遭到袭击,形容人行事有所顾虑,怕自己受害 狼顾狐疑 狼孩 l俷gh俰 [wolf child] 据信由狼...

1. 请问课文《狼》中的一个问题,好的追加 关于狼的文章有两个版本, 其一 原文 有屠人货肉归,日已暮,欻一狼来,瞰担上肉,似甚垂涎,随尾行数里。 屠惧,示之以刃,少却;及走,又从之。屠思狼所欲者肉,不如姑悬诸树而蚤取之。 遂钩肉,翘足挂树间,示以空担。狼乃止。 屠归。昧爽往取肉,遥望树上悬...

独眼‖狼王 焯泪化苍狼 焯狼星君 疾狼焯风 暗夜焯狼 狼魂★焯 谢谢采纳!!!

奇迹里的 狼怎么合 怎么加属性???
回答:属性 1) 基本属性及技能 * 物品合成结束后,属性将自动生成。默认属性为:提高移动速度、红狼闪电链 * 骑乘炎狼兽时,才能使用范围攻击"红狼闪电链"(消耗魔法值 50, AG 20 ) * 移动速度与黑王马相同。 2) 追加属性 * 炎狼兽之角可以通过玛雅合成升级。 * 升级失败时炎狼兽会消失,但如果成功...

《狼的香辛料》《小红帽与狼外婆》我了个囧!《白芳》算以狼为主角的动画了,不过它有狗的血统。《大灰狼罗克》人性化的狼,额漫画,有没有动画不清楚。《狼雨》《犬夜叉》是狼吧,虽说叫犬夜叉- -!《我的狐仙女友》望的哥哥,实际上是狼的妖怪。《吸血鬼联盟》 (吸血鬼的对头,当然是狼人...

狼仇恨和狼崇拜 详细一点不少于500字 答得好追加

然而千百年来,人们对狼却有着极深的误解,甚至是演变为刻骨的仇恨。在民间的传说与童话中,狼狡诈、贪婪、冷酷无情,俨然是魔鬼的化身。 那么,狼的真实性格,又究竟如何? 我所了解的狼的性格: 1、耐心与坚韧。狼在捕猎时总是喜欢耐心的观察、等待,狼在某些时刻,确实表现出了惊人的智慧,它们喜欢思考,并想办法化解...


高分【狼的习性 英语介绍】急急急急!
狼的态度很单纯,那就是对成功坚定不移地向往。 ⊙-拼搏: 在狼的生命中,没有什么可以替代锲而不舍的精神,正因为它才使得狼得以千心万苦地生存下来,狼驾驭变化的能力使它们成为地球上生命力最顽强的动物之一。 ⊙-和谐共生: 为了生存,狼一直保持与自然环境和谐共生的关系,不参与无谓的纷争与冲突。西可对内倡导...

德格县17531757050: 关于狼的英语谚语 -
蔺骅虫草: He sets the fox to keep the geese. 引狼入室. When the fox preaches, take care of your geese. 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心. the wolf at the door 比喻家庭面临的财政问题 Don't trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold. 不能请...

德格县17531757050: 有关狼的一切 -
蔺骅虫草: 窝里少不了骨头; 狼是铜头铁脚麻杆腰; 狼有狼道,蛇有蛇踪; 狼狗打架,两家害怕; 狼给羊领路最危险; 狼最喜欢离群的绵羊; 狼剩一口气时,还想吃羊; 狼的头伸进羊圈,决不会谦虚的把身子留在外面. 狼的谚语 狼的谚语(英) A wolf in sheep's clothing. 披着羊皮的狼. When the wolf grows old, the crows ride him. 狼老遭鸟欺 Who keeps company with the wolf, will learn to howl. 跟狼一起,就会学狼叫 A sheep among wolves. 落入狼群.

德格县17531757050: 一 请写出汉语里有关狼的成语和谚语,介绍你所知道的有关狼的故事. 二 英语里有不少有关狼的谚语,例如, -
蔺骅虫草: 1,狼的成语:杯盘狼籍 杯盘狼藉 豺狼成性 豺狼当道 豺狼当路 豺狼当涂 豺狼横道 豺狼虎豹 豺狼野心 豺狼之吻 鸱视狼顾 除狼得虎 狗肺狼心 狗行狼心 官虎吏狼 鬼哭狼嗥 鬼哭狼嚎 鬼吒狼嚎 鬼咤狼嚎 鬼抓狼嚎 虎狼之势 虎穴狼巢 进退狼狈 拒虎...

德格县17531757050: 求一篇关于狼的英语演讲文章 -
蔺骅虫草: The Wolf, carnivorous mesh is a canine dog. Similar shape and German shepherd, but long, slightly kissed a wide mouth, erect not dance. Tail straight shape prolapse, Brown, gray fur. Wide adaptability, habitat, forest, grassland and mountains, ...

德格县17531757050: 请问课文《狼》中的一个问题,好的追加!!! -
蔺骅虫草: 关于狼的文章有两个版本,其一原文 有屠人货肉归,日已暮,欻一狼来,瞰担上肉,似甚垂涎,随尾行数里.屠惧,示之以刃,少却;及走,又从之.屠思狼所欲者肉,不如姑悬诸树而蚤取之.遂钩肉,翘足挂树间,示以空担.狼乃止.屠...

德格县17531757050: 谁能告诉我一些有关于狼的谚语(英文) -
蔺骅虫草: No.1 If you cut down the trees you will find the wolf means:If you take every possible idea out of something, you'll find the right one. No.2 I like the wolf in sheeps clothing The death of wolves is the safety of the sheep.(狼死羊安) The wolf may lose his...

德格县17531757050: 关于狼在西方的含义? -
蔺骅虫草: 狼一个自相矛盾的象征,在一些文化中象征残忍、狡诈和贪婪.在基督教传说中,狼通常是羔羊的对立面,羔羊象征虔诚,而狼则威胁羔羊的生命.在欧洲民间传说《小红帽》中,狼象征强取豪夺的男性. 在另一些文化中则代表勇气、胜利和呵护(罗马).是阿波罗和奥丁神的神圣动物.在美洲西北沿海,狼是非常有灵性的动物,能给萨满带来超自然的力量. 在西方炼金术士们使用矿石之时,金属锑常用灰狼代指.因为当锑溶化后,就会贪婪地吞没其他如铜、锡、铅等金属,形成合金.17世纪早期,一部以巴兹尔·瓦伦丁的名义出版的炼金术作品使灰狼所象征的锑在炼金术领域得到普及.

德格县17531757050: 谁可以告诉我一些关于狼的知识,悬赏20元宝! -
蔺骅虫草: 贪得无厌 cry wolf 喊“狼来了”.色鬼调戏妇女时的怪叫 wolffish(as)greedy as a wolf 非常贪婪, 就会学狼叫; 近墨者黑.keep the wolf from the door [口]免于挨饿wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼 cry wolf 虚张声势;报谎喊“狼来了” keep the...

德格县17531757050: 求英语的谚语一条+对这条谚语的想法50字(英文表达) -
蔺骅虫草: 只好如此.Never say die!(永不气馁) Where there's a will,there's a way.(有志者事竞成.)Don't fear to fail.For failure is the mother of success.The best thing to do in face of setbacks is to stick to yourself(坚定自己) and never say die.

德格县17531757050: 英语 东郭先生与狼 启示关于这个故事的英语版,和从中得到的一些启发! -
蔺骅虫草:[答案] this story tells us that wolf is still a wolf it can not become GOD

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