
作者&投稿:仍度 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
关于英语的 翻译一下 谢谢~

amount of 大量的,后接不可数名词
amount of water 水分含量 ,大量水
right amount of water 适量的水



My name is 1 and it was two years ago when I began to work in this company at the age of 18.

--- 说明: 把1名字换成你的名字拼音就可以了,姓的拼音的第一个字母得大写,名的拼音的第一个字母也得大写:
如 张 三 Zhang San
王大山 Wang Dashan

I come from the same place to him.

I hereby thanks all of you for your support over the past two years and I will intensify my efforts in future.

Maybe little will you reap on your efforts, but you will surely get nothing if you spare your efforts.

词句中 surely 也可以换为 inevitably

------------------ 再给个简单点的版本:


My name is 1 and I was 18 when I entered the company two years ago.
I come from the same place to him. Thanks for your support over the past two years and I will work even harder in future. Maybe little will you get on your efforts, but you will surely get nothing if you pay nothing.

这个版本很口语化了,也很简单了。 (我不是专八,专八也不算什么)

I am xxx. I was eighteen when I came to this company and I have been worked here for almost two years. I come from xxx, the same place which he comes from. I appreciate your surpport during the two years. I will work even harder in the future. Perhaps you did something, but gained nothing. However, if you did nothing, you would definately gain nothing.

My name is **.Since i came here at age of 18,i have spent 2 years here.I am from ***,just like he.Thank you for your support these 2 years,and I will work harder.You did it,you may get nothing.But if you didn't do it,you must get nothing.


close 英文发音:[kləʊs]中文释义:vt. 关;结束;使靠近 例句:Government troops closed the airport.政府军队临时关闭了机场。相关短语:1、pay close attention to 密切注意 2、close contact 近距离接触;紧密接触 3、so close 如此亲密;如此贴近 4、close at hand 就在眼前;在附...

Floor指的是台下的听众,观众。在英语里,台上称stage,台下称floor。所以就有Floor plan(座位图)等词汇。Before turn over the floor to Ms, Lambert就是“在将台下的观众交给Ms Lambert前”的意思。

【翻译】:【第一种】:An eleven-year-old girl .【第二种】:A girl who is eleven years old .希望对你有帮助!满意请采纳!

用英语翻译 我是一个90后
KZKZOO 采纳率:19% 擅长: 英语考试 英语翻译 日语 欧美流行乐 电影 其他回答 90后,指出生于1990-1999年、这十年间的新生代1.I am one of the generation of 1990s.2.I am amongst the 1990s generation.3.I belong to the 1990s generation.4.I am a guy from the generation of 1990s.5.短路了,且...

翻译成英文 大家好,我叫xxx,今年12岁。我是一个爱唱歌跳舞,爱表现自 ...
morning(afternoon)guys,i'm xxx,am 12,I love singing, dancing and i'd like to express myself. Sushi is my favorite food and i like the colour blue.My hobby is playing the piano,singing and writing. I'm multi-talented in many fields and have nice organizational ...

这些怎么翻译成英文: 我有一个最好的朋友。她叫小红,她是我小学的
short and fat. She had a pair of small eyes, medium-long hair and likes listening to music.I helped her with her maths because my maths was not bad. We learned from each other and helped each other.This is my great friend and best friend. We feel happy studying together.

其是他的意思就是,你的公司是有优势的。他前面之所以会提到 "只有一小部分的是需要专门的技术" 是因为你提到你的公司重于 engineering。他安慰你说,没关系,做 mushroom project 本来就不用很多专门技术,大部分都是 engineering(正好符合你公司)、而且全球只有大约10个公司在竞争。如果你想确定一...

我喜欢春天,因为春天是一个花开的季节的英文:I like spring, because spring is a season of flowers spring 读法 英 [sprɪŋ] 美 [sprɪŋ]1、n(名词). 春天;春季;弹簧;弹力;跳;泉水;源头 2、v(动词). 跳;弹;快速站起;释放;涌出;生长;出现;耸立 短...

anna,alina,nina ,lina,tina ,joanna,hanna ,dianna ,fiona ,rexona,tina,ariana,martina ,mondana,vena katrina alma 希望我的回答能给你帮助!谢谢!

峨眉山市17252654787: 帮忙翻译一个英文短句,急用谢谢. -
关琦帕朱: If I were 18 years old, I would go to Shanghai to accompany you for 3 years.

峨眉山市17252654787: 关于一个英文翻译
关琦帕朱: Today rains, the rain is very big. But I am very happy, because I like the wet weather. Has many automobiles on the street, the people catch up with are going home. I and the younger sister lie prone nearby the window, meets the raindrop with the hand, then falls over again, is really very interesting.

峨眉山市17252654787: 请帮忙翻译一个英文缩写 谢谢了 -
关琦帕朱: 现代英汉综合大辞典基本解释PX=Please Exchange 请交换;Post Exchange 陆军消费合作社[美];Private Exchange 专用小交换机

峨眉山市17252654787: 求助一个英文翻译,谢谢 -
关琦帕朱: I haven't been gushy for a long time since I felt it's past the age.

峨眉山市17252654787: 求一个经典的英文网名,带翻译,谢谢 -
关琦帕朱: Vincent 文森特(我很喜欢的一个英文名字) Edward 爱德华 Nate 内特 Nelson 耐尔森 Jason 杰森 Austain 奥斯汀 Adwin 艾丁文 Eric 艾里克 Gavin 加文 Laulence 劳伦斯Curtain (英文网名注释:落幕) Allure Love (英文网名注释:倾城恋) Mo Maek (英文名翻译成中文:莫陌) Tenderness (网名翻译:温存) Flowers (英文网名注释:繁花) Poison丶biting (非主流英文网名翻译中文:毒丶刺骨 ) Desperate struggle (伤感英文名字:拼命的挣扎) Koreyoshi (意境英文网名:惟美)

峨眉山市17252654787: 翻译 一个英文句子 谢谢 -
关琦帕朱: 在遭遇几次失败后,沃特尔的新生意也以失败告终.

峨眉山市17252654787: 英语翻译我在准备一个英文的TALKING翻译内容:我很感谢我周围的每一个人.我很感谢我的爸爸妈妈,我很爱他们,是他们让我幸福得生活着.我也很感谢... -
关琦帕朱:[答案] I really want to give my sincerely thanks to everyone around me.Firstly,I want to thank you,my parents,who make it possible for me to live in this world,I love you.I also want to show my thanks to you,my dear friends,who are the most valueable person in my ...

峨眉山市17252654787: 请教一句英文的中文翻译,谢谢! -
关琦帕朱: 风吹在我的翅膀.他们绝对拍动的独立性;所以我感谢他,用端庄点空气. 望采纳

峨眉山市17252654787: 一个英文句子的翻译 -
关琦帕朱: 30年前,在哈特韦尔,新泽西州的Ponkapog湖里有很多的鱼,湖旁还有很多鸟和动物,充满着生活的气息..

峨眉山市17252654787: 求翻译一段话.翻译成英文谢谢.不要在线翻译的. -
关琦帕朱: We enjoy literature and music with our sincerity, not with sense.Feel them by heart.You will learn a host of beautiful or pathetic stories.In fact, we are...

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