求哪位英文超强的大哥大姐帮忙翻译 高分分悬赏(2)!!

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求哪位英文超强的大哥大姐帮忙翻译 高分悬赏!!~

Medieval clothing Series - Byzantine

After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, European civilization has entered a dark period. Little to the European dress during this period, the only exception to the Byzantine Empire. In the early Middle Ages, Byzantine popular European clothing center.

During the sixth century Byzantine clothing culture is characterized by extensive use of silk (Byzantine through the Silk Road from China, import large quantities of raw silk and silk fabrics common, and then re-dyeing and finishing process to become popular in Europe's luxury goods), embroidery and hemp for the warp and wool for the weft of the tapestry. Textiles has a strong oriental flavor, and mixed with a large number of Christian content. Such as the circle symbolizes infinity, sheep and a symbol of Christ, the dove a symbol of the holy spirit; colors have also been given a religious meaning: White - purity; blue - divine; Purple - prestige; Green - Youth; gold - good deeds, etc. .

Byzantine period, little difference between men and women clothing styles, so the following three garments are unisex, and only in the cutting and garment decoration on the details of distinction.

The most common is the nobility dressed dalmatica, early in fact it is very simple kinds of clothing, almost barrel, and have two bands known as the clavi style decoration. Later, an increase in the shape of sleeves, straight barrel part of the trunk also used the belt. Turkic-cum-style jacket. Coat is usually worn next to the skin under the tunica.

tunica is the oriental nation imported from a garment, it is not specialized underwear can also be used as a jacket (at the time as if this distinction is not strict). Are generally wool fabric, the length arrived lap, trunk tie. Sleeves long and thin. When used as the time is usually dressed in white underwear. Royalty and great nobles of the formal jacket is paludamentum, this coat is characterized by large and does not reveal the body lines. Its style may be to cut a rectangular piece of fabric into the corners Xiecai ladder, wearing a Phi in the left shoulder, when, in the right shoulder tie. paludamentum brilliant colors (purple emperor and the Queen are available), extensive use of precious stones and gold embroidery techniques, can not be regarded as a negligee. So often paludamentum which even wearing dalmatica or tunica.

In order to illustrate the image of the Emperor Justinian: its use of purple clothing paludamentum surface (should be silk), where the child uses a different color. In paludamentum have special decorations around the front and rear, such decoration is called Tabulien. Byzantine Empire is the unique symbol of nobility. This pattern is paludamentum the Tabulien grounding on the golden embroidered red circle with the arrangement of birds.

Women's wear paludamentum to the image of Queen Theodora as an example: the same purple fabric paludamentum, skirts where tables are decorated with gold thread, lead to use decorative stones. Wearing a white coat following dalmatica, lapel and cuffs decorated with gold and emeralds. The so-called paludamentum is a special class dress, an ordinary person wearing paenula, then it is a thick flannel round the system of hedging style clothes. Icon painting in the Middle Ages are common.

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Century Fashion - European Early

5-10 century Europeans to cultural demand still low, in the clothing there is no significant development, mainly follow the latter part of the Roman - Byzantine style clothing. dalmatica this period, and tunic is still a major clothing style. During this period there have been double in women's tunic: slender will always be the first to wear the sleeves to the wrist cover tunic, outside Zaichuan large short-sleeve (to elbow) and tunic. The use of clothing as the main decorative embroidery. Department of outer clothing belt. There are also in the coat above the surface of clothing, its shape is similar to a short cape, but there are cuffs, and a more lenient.

Aristocratic women face jacket is a common dress. Face veil is not only clothes, but also quite large: In the behind the skirts hanging clothes on the surface near encase the head, but also includes coverage on the shoulder part of the whole, similar to the nuns of the scarf. Clothing on the surface in such a Dai.

The greatest change in men's wear is the adoption of pants. In the ancient of all civilized societies, the pants as a garment is considered to be vulgar barbaric act of barbarians were dressed. King Wuling of Zhao's Hu Fu riding and shooting a great reform, the introduction of mainly pants. War should be riding, not trousers of course, will not work. Because utility pants, and soon in Europe at all levels of men in popularity.

Noble man's attire is to wear knee-high tunic, belt line. Legs of the pants are very lenient, and their quality is generally, or leather duffel. A short jacket, called sagum cloak. Fairly bright colors, and some also use the eye-catching strips above the decoration.

Medieval clothing Series - 11th century, the French

You must have already noticed that we mentioned so far all the male and female clothing were no significant differences in the basic styles are Yuantong shape, even the name of clothing are the same. This is precisely the characteristics of clothing in ancient times. Fashion in the history of the era generally seen as the tube-shaped clothes, clothes for men and women of the era of non-discrimination, as to whether the trousers are not the primary logo (if trousers are indeed a significant difference between men and women clothing, until the early 20th century, women's and men's maximum different, or whether the wear pants in)

Western Europe into the 11th century cylindrical clothes later, eastward expedition through the Crusaders has undergone major changes. Western European feudal lords of the East eight times expedition has opened up considerably barbaric vision of the European aristocracy, Oriental civilization greatly stimulated the introduction of the European aristocracy luxury desires. Fashion's development has entered a rapid development era. <BR> This period, there is a new type of clothing. Are affected by the impact of Oriental styles, but also improvements in the original type of clothing. Clothing is characterized by both men and women have emerged a large number of vertical folds. However, this period, the distinction between male and female clothing is still not quite clear that many types of clothing to the same name, similar to the style. Do the following one by one.

France Women

The system of fine white linen underwear, tight cuffs. Cuffs of embroidery and beautiful lace, collar a few rows below the convex stripes and metallic decoration. <BR> Bliaud. Such clothing has been similar to the existing dress, silk material is said to be thin. Shoulders, chest and back are more lenient, sleeves at the wrist pumping port. The long strips of fabric from the waist to the back to make it cross back, or tie a knot and then back to the predecessor of the Department of knot. Such clothes to the latter half of the 12th century and further beautify the already similar to the modern dress (referring to the ladies) mantel. Is a kind of cloak. There are semi-circular and rectangular, in the right shoulder with metal clamps to bind the Department or in the left shoulder and under the knot with the string line. High wool fabric using fabric, satin, printed cloth and so on, the edge of the use of color silk, gold thread and other decorative, the pursuit of strong contrasting colorful effect.

Finally emerged in a specific ladies. corsage is a decorative corset (not underwear), to wearing such clothing in bliaud outside as decoration. tight-fitting sleeveless corsage, behind the scenes to make it tight with a solid line. Roll collar, the collar are decorated with convex stripes and embroidered lace detail. Also reveal whether the bliaud collar collar style. In the other kind of fabric corsage on the pick into the skirt of the law also wear a lot of see.

Women not taking pants, while the use of a similar name chausses skirt pants (skirt?), Shoed boots.

(PS: From the beginning of this period, both men and women mounted, belt have started to fly a small bag with a leather or silk system, known as the aumoniere, to install small change, keys and other small debris, but also loaded the food)

Century Fashion - European Early

5-10 century Europeans to cultural demand still low, in the clothing there is no significant development, mainly follow the latter part of the Roman - Byzantine style clothing. dalmatica this period, and tunic is still a major clothing style. During this period there have been double in women's tunic: slender will always be the first to wear the sleeves to the wrist cover tunic, outside Zaichuan large short-sleeve (to elbow) and tunic. The use of clothing as the main decorative embroidery. Department of outer clothing belt. There are also in the coat above the surface of clothing, its shape is similar to a short cape, but there are cuffs, and a more lenient.

Aristocratic women face jacket is a common dress. Face veil is not only clothes, but also quite large: In the behind the skirts hanging clothes on the surface near encase the head, but also includes coverage on the shoulder part of the whole, similar to the nuns of the scarf. Clothing on the surface in such a Dai.

The greatest change in men's wear is the adoption of pants. In the ancient of all civilized societies, the pants as a garment is considered to be vulgar barbaric act of barbarians were dressed. King Wuling of Zhao's Hu Fu riding and shooting a great reform, the introduction of mainly pants. War should be riding, not trousers of course, will not work. Because utility pants, and soon in Europe at all levels of men in popularity.

Noble man's attire is to wear knee-high tunic, belt line. Legs of the pants are very lenient, and their quality is generally, or leather duffel. A short jacket, called sagum cloak. Fairly bright colors, and some also use the eye-catching strips above the decoration.

Medieval clothing Series - 11th century, the French

You must have already noticed that we mentioned so far all the male and female clothing were no significant differences in the basic styles are Yuantong shape, even the name of clothing are the same. This is precisely the characteristics of clothing in ancient times. Fashion in the history of the era generally seen as the tube-shaped clothes, clothes for men and women of the era of non-discrimination, as to whether the trousers are not the primary logo (if trousers are indeed a significant difference between men and women clothing, until the early 20th century, women's and men's maximum different, or whether the wear pants in)

Western Europe into the 11th century cylindrical clothes later, eastward expedition through the Crusaders has undergone major changes. Western European feudal lords of the East eight times expedition has opened up considerably barbaric vision of the European aristocracy, Oriental civilization greatly stimulated the introduction of the European aristocracy luxury desires. Clothes




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