
作者&投稿:诺面 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I know you are annoyed now,but don't worry, you may try what I have told you.

Do not worry me,I can try my best.

I know you're worrying now .but please don't worry ,you can have a try with my suggestion .

I know you are upset now ,but don't worry,you can try my method

i konw you are very warriment now.but don't worry ,you can try the way i said

I know you feel annoyed,but don't worry,you can try the method I said.我是英语课代表,不会错的

I know you are troubling now, but please don't worry about it if you are willing to take my measure that I told you.

i know that you are quite worry,but don't be worry,you can try the methods i tell you.

4、XXX是您的账号,请核对下。谢谢。XXX is your account number, please check it. thank you.这部分内容主要运用了一般现在时的知识点:表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性(即事实)的动作或状态,或者动作有时间规律发生的事件的一种时间状态。在英语语法中,“时“指动作发生的时间,”态“指...

A: I wish I could, but it's already late.我也希望我能,但是已经很晚了。B: Oh, it's a shame that you have to leave.噢,你要离开的话,真是太遗憾了。A: Thank you for a wonderful meal.谢谢你这顿令人愉快的一餐。B: I'm glad you enjoyed it.我很高兴你能喜欢。

4.He devotes all his energy to developing sales business of the company.5.他们冒着得罪当地人的风险一意孤行的照着他们的计划去做.(ai rist of offending)5.They stick to their plan at the risk of offending the local people.hehe楼主 我可是英语专业的 上面的句子保证是满分 哈 ...


Understanding Laugh 支持人工!Huihua and Chinese students in China to study Chinese American students traveled to the Queen Mary Bookstore. To the book store to see a young person is under the stairs, rush less hit the last two stairs, fell to the ground. He struggled to stand ...

2019-04-05 求求日语大佬帮忙翻译一下下面这一段话(不要机翻),急用,谢谢... 4 2019-01-01 求大佬帮忙翻译一下 2017-12-15 求大佬帮忙翻译一下 2019-06-20 求日语大佬翻译一下下面的话(急用感谢,不要机翻拉) 2019-09-11 求大佬帮忙翻译一下 99546949399593693948 2010-11-21 求高手帮忙翻译一...

上面的一看就是机器翻译的。One day,I went traveling by ship with my friends.But we were caught by a storm half way.The ship was broken and it sank.All the people except me died.I grabbed a piece of wood and struggled in the writhing waves.I found an island in mistiness....

托马斯·杰斐逊不顾他个人的悲伤和烦恼,全身心的致力于《独立宣言》的起草 2.As the most influential US president, Franklin Roosevelt left a legacy which still deeply affects the country today.作为最有影响力的美国总统,富兰克林·罗斯福留下了一份至今仍深深影响这个国家的遗产 3.Madame Curie ...

你好,很高兴为您解答问题。《父子骑驴》的英文翻译如下:"Father and Son Riding a Donkey"Father and son were walking with a donkey into town, and someone laughed at them along the way: "How stupid, they have a donkey and they're not riding it!" The father called for his son ...


神木县18235273639: 帮忙翻译一下谢谢:我知道你现在很烦恼.但是不要担心,你可以尝试一下我说的方法 -
苏琼辛可: I know you are upset now, but don't worry, you can try the method I told you.

神木县18235273639: 请帮忙翻译:我知道你现在非常忙,非常感谢能抽出时间回复我的邮件 -
苏琼辛可: I knew you extremely are busy now,Thanks extremely can extract the time to reply my mail

神木县18235273639: 帮忙翻译一下... -
苏琼辛可: My,dear~I know you are sleeping now and I'm having a class... 亲爱的,我知道你现在正在睡觉,而我呢,正在上课.Today is our day...I wish we can live together forever...I wish you can com...

神木县18235273639: 拜托高手帮忙翻译成英文!谢谢!请帮我翻译成英文 谢谢了!现在我很想你, 但是我知道你父母在你家, 不能发给你 ...我又违规了,希望他们看不懂英文!... -
苏琼辛可:[答案] I miss you very much now.But I know your parents are at home,so I can't send messages to you... I disobey the rules again.Hope they don't understand English.Good night!Miss you!

神木县18235273639: 高手帮忙翻译成英语谢谢你的回复.我们现在知道了.我们明天会和她联系的.再次谢谢.祝您有美好的一天.不要机译. -
苏琼辛可:[答案] Thanks your reply.we knew now.We can contact tomorrow with her.thanks once more.wishes you to have happy one day. 分给我嘛 -##-

神木县18235273639: 帮忙用英语翻译下这句话谢谢! -
苏琼辛可: i don't know why u reply me by English all the time. are u Chinese? i think language should be worked for communication but not show off. keep chatting by English is okay if u r not Chinese, otherwise, CHINESE pls!

神木县18235273639: 帮忙翻译下 谢谢 -
苏琼辛可: I'd like to have your personal contact information, say, icq or msn.

神木县18235273639: 英语,帮忙翻译一下谢谢 -
苏琼辛可: 见天真倒霉啊!早上我上学迟到惹得班主任生气了,接着我发现数学书找不见了.由于我昨晚开夜车了,所以下午便在课堂上睡大觉.我几乎没听到老师叫什么内容.今晚上会有一场精彩的足球赛,但我妈妈却不让我看,我真的不知道该怎么做啦,你能提供些意见给我吗? ---------------------------我绝对没有用翻译器

神木县18235273639: 帮忙翻译一下英语,谢谢了! -
苏琼辛可: 他们不想和Cathy说话.后来,Tony和Lisa换了电话号码.雨太大了,所以我停下来到酒吧里去躲雨.拿上你的伞,不然就你就会淋湿的.她没有来上课,因为她生病了.一个多好的消息啊!他问他们应...

神木县18235273639: 帮忙翻译一下,谢谢
苏琼辛可: I know that you are not happy, regardless why, I still wish you could share it with me though. Even I might not able to help solve the problem, but I could be a good listener.

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