
作者&投稿:守庄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. But for the heat of the sun, what will become of the living thing on earth.
2. Prices seem high in relation to wages.
3I can't make use of this tool.
4she looks as if she were my sister
5pls explain the reason tu me
6. Not to take possession of your life plan is to let your existence be an accident.
7 You know I always turn to you.
8. Depend in the direction of stability.
9. The city will tear down these buildings to make room for the new highway.

ring to a halt 终止
Will China's economic boom be brought to a halt by environmental catastrophe?
The party was brought to a halt by an explosion.

catch sb. off guard 趁某人不注意
The thief was caught off guard by a policeman.
Catch him off guard when he is having lunch!

in the case of 至于
In the case of a highly intelligent animal, elementary training is easy.

stand in the way 挡住去路
Don't stand in the way. Move!
I can't stand him standing in the way all the time.

take a gamble 冒险去做某事
I'll take a gamble on this experiment.
She took a gamble on the expedition.

turn the tide 改变形势, 改变局面使事态急转直下
You can't turn the tide. You are a coward.


i give my pen to him.我把钢笔给他
she is looking at the blackboard.她在看黑板
Now London does not look different 现在伦敦看起来没什么变化
we are look the same.我们看起来一样
the woman in black is my mother.穿着黑衣服的女人是我妈妈
he helps me do my homework.他帮助我做作业

give my pen to him.我把钢笔给他
she is looking at the blackboard.她在看黑板
Now London does not look different 现在伦敦看起来没什么变化
we are look the same.我们看起来一样
the woman in black is my mother.穿着黑衣服的女人是我妈妈
he helps me do my homework.他帮助我做作业

用以下的英语短语造句 各两句
I hope enough of you are prepared to help with the show.我希望你们中能有足够的人手准备协助这场演出.5 please take time to come back don't take long time to catch picture 很高兴为您解答 O(∩_∩)O~采纳一下吧 ^_^ 不懂可以继续追问哟 (*^__^*)

take in The doctor only takes in ten patients a day.on the eve of We went out for dinner on the eve of his departure.give way to I will never give way to him.a lump in one's throat After the movie, I felt a lump in my throat.In this case In this case, we can ...

环游世界travel around the world, 下周末next weekend, 玩电脑游戏play computer games,坐公共汽车take a bus, 坐小汽车take a car , 坐自行车ride a bike,举办晚会have a party, 在将来in the future, 把某物寄给某人,send sth.to sb.在电脑上on a computer, ...

4.The soldiers blew up the bridge.士兵把桥炸毁了。5.I don’t much care for television.我不很喜欢电视 6.We must work hard to make up for lost time.我们必须努力工作来弥补失去的时间 7.Let’s have another try.让我们再试一下 8.Keep an eye on the baby while I am out....

I've been told(that) this car is famous for its performance.我已听说这种汽车以其性能著称。2. look over查看 .We must look over the room. 我们必须查看房间。3.all by oneself独立 I finish the homework .all by oneself. 我自己完成的家庭作业 3. sooner or later 迟早 This ...

用finally 造句.
finally 的基本意思是:最后、终于、最终。上面分别列举了一些这个单词意思的一些常见句子,大家可以了解一下它们的使用场景哦。 不过,想运用这个单词灵活的造句甚至写作文,还是需要详细了解这个单词的含义和用法的,下面就带大家一起温习一下,所谓温故而知新吗?这样用它写句子就不带怕的了!! 1、finally 的含义 读音是...

用下面的短语造句。 fall in love be concerned about
Before you are going to fall in love, be concerned about whether the man you loved loves you ,too.在你坠入爱河之前,先考虑一下你爱的那个人是否也爱你。In order to pass the exam,I have spent a whole night to prepare for it. 为了通过考试,我已经花了整晚去准备它了To get ...

I'm able to ride the bicycle now.We have five students all toghter to go to the park.At the end of the day, we are all very tired.The plane takes off at five o'clock.At least one student will be late today.Although he decides not to go with us, he is not familiar...

1.fall down\/over摔倒:When Tom was walking along the street,he suddenly fell down\/over.2.fall behind落后:跟不上步伐 If we donot keep on learn english everyday,we will fall behind ohters.3.fall off从…摔下来。Look out!Something is falling off the tall building.4.fall out解散...

肯定的:1、Child: Could I go to the store? 小孩:我可以去商店吗?Mom:Yes,you can.妈妈:是的,你可以去。2、Teenager 1:Could I use your CD player?少年1:我可以用一下你的CD播放器吗?Teenager 2:Yes,you can.少年2:是的,可以。3、Mom:Could you take out the rubbish?

柞水县19855661563: 以下语言短语怎么造句give sth to sblook atlook differentlook the samein blackhelp sb(to) do sth请问help sb(to) do sth 为什么(to)要括号起来 造的句子写出中... -
福福佳元:[答案] i give my pen to him.我把钢笔给他she is looking at the blackboard.她在看黑板Now London does not look different 现在伦敦看起来没什么变化we are look the same.我们看起来一样the woman in black is my mothe...

柞水县19855661563: 请用以下的短语造句:1.from place to place (到处,各处)2.mot...until -
福福佳元:[答案] 1 During the Christmas season,there are decorated Christmas trees from place to place. 2 I won't go to bed until I finish my homework.

柞水县19855661563: 用以下几个短语造句
福福佳元: 您好!let's make a face on snowman ;He makes his way to school ;I have made up my mind to study harder ;Can I make a friend with you ?my mother makes dinner everyday ;my mum suggests me to make my bed ;It's easy to use money than to make money ;接下.

柞水县19855661563: 用以下英语短语造句
福福佳元: 1.take pride in \ be proud of (两个同义句,同下) I'm proud of myself. 2.no longer \ not any longer He isn't a child any longer./He is no longer a child 3.be strict with sb Our teacher is strict with us. 4.be strict in sth She is always strict in money. 5.give...

柞水县19855661563: 请用以下短语造句(最简单的就行)2.be good at sth.=do well in sth.擅长某be good at doing sth.=do well in doing sth.擅长做某事7.It's +adj.+ to do sth 做某事... -
福福佳元:[答案] 2I am good at learning English. 7It's important to study. 8I always speak slowly and loudly to my grandma. 9I need to study well. 10No one is the best. 11It's important for us to sleep enough. 12I work hard 13I always go sightseeing. 14I always take my ...

柞水县19855661563: 用动词say 或 tell 与以下短语造句 -
福福佳元: He says you are great.He tells me (that) you are great. 下面是和“说”有关的词的用法:speak讲语言 speak to sb about sth tell告诉 tell sb sth/tell sth to sb say说 say sth to sb talk交谈,聊天 talk to sb/talk sb about sth say ,speak talk 和tell辨析. ▲ ...

柞水县19855661563: 请用以下给出短语或者加上自己的语言补充完整句子.1、alternative 2.suppose 3.be inclined to 4.according to1.__________to believe that - _________ - .2.if__... -
福福佳元:[答案] 1 I am inclined to belive that alternative 2 If so he has no alternative but to go by plane 3 according to the manager,there will be alternative 5 suppose your friends knew you're behaving here

柞水县19855661563: 用下列英语短语随便造个句子. -
福福佳元: 1.I finish the homework at ease.2.The age of the students here on average is 10.3.The ticket is offered for free.4.We must pay attention to the car.5.I informed him of the homework.6.We will attend assembly here on 9:00.7.You must be responsible for...

柞水县19855661563: 请帮我以下英语短语造句“at one's optometrist appointment” “because of”“make up(指占多少)”“drop”
福福佳元: At one's optometrist appointment, it is most likely that one's vision would be examined. 与验光师的预约中,你极可能被要求视力测试. You have ruined our dinner, because of your negligence, everyone is now going to starve. 你毁了我们的晚餐,...

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