
作者&投稿:居瑾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.keep one's word one's promise == sb.信守诺言

2.apologize to sb == 向sb道歉

3.blame sb for sth == 为sth责怪sb

4.discourage sb from doing sth == 不赞成某人做某事

5.be absorbed in == 投入在。。。

6.cut back on == 截掉。。。

7.be concerned about == 担心。。。

8.be willing to do sth == 愿意做某事

9.prohibit sb from doing sth == 阻止某人做某事

10.run out of == 缺少。。。

11.with the intention of == 想。。。或则 目的是。。。

12.turn out == 出现

13.end up doing == 最后做。。。

14.in favour of == 对。。。有好处

15.result in == 结果

16.point out == 指出

17.benlfit from == benefit?从。。。收益

18.succeed in doing == 做某事时成功

19.spell disaster == 拼写灾难

20.praise sb for sth == 赞扬某人做了某事


1、Teenager :Could I buy some drinks and snacks? 少年:我可以买些饮料和零食吗?
Mom: No, you can't buy.They are not good for your health.妈妈:不行。它们对健康不好。

2、Child: Could I invite my friends to a party? 小孩:我可以请我的同学来参加派对吗?
Mom:No,you can't have a party.You have to finish your homework first.妈妈:不行,你不能举行派对,你得先完成家庭作业

3、Mom:Could't you clean your room? 妈妈:你可以把你房间清理了吗?
Child:No,I can't. I have to prepare for my test.孩子:不能,我要准备我的考试

4、Teenager 1:Could I borrow some money? 少年1:我可以借点钱吗?
Teenager 2:No, you can't.I don't have any money with me.少年1:不能。我身上没带钱

1、Child: Could I go to the store? 小孩:我可以去商店吗?
Mom:Yes,you can.妈妈:是的,你可以去。

2、Teenager 1:Could I use your CD player?少年1:我可以用一下你的CD播放器吗?
Teenager 2:Yes,you can.少年2:是的,可以。

3、Mom:Could you take out the rubbish? 妈妈:你可以把垃圾倒了吗?
Child:Yes,I can. 孩子:好的,可以

4、Dad:Could you make your bed?爸爸:你可以把床铺理了吗?
Child:Yes,i can.孩子:可以。


take in
The doctor only takes in ten patients a day.

on the eve of
We went out for dinner on the eve of his departure.

give way to
I will never give way to him.

a lump in one's throat
After the movie, I felt a lump in my throat.

In this case
In this case, we can do it differently.

think for granted (take something for granted)
I think for granted that parents should love their children.

think of as
I think of you as my best friend.

fill with
The air is filled with wondeful aroma.

be sepearted from
The poor dog was seperated from its mother.

by hand
This is made by hand.

come to mind
It just came to mind that you may need some money.

hang on to
Hang on to it. Don't let go.

in the end
The family was together in the end.

let in
Why don't you let in the dog?

now and then
I thought about them every now and then.

pick up
Pick up the book, will you?

stick out
His hight makes him sticked out in the group.

be seize with
He is seized with fear.

be comfortable with
I am comfortable with whatever I have.

Hope this can be of help. But, please do work hard to make sure that you won't need any help next time. Have a great day.

英语 短语 对于以后我们的考试和练习题之中,都会发挥不可言说的作用。下面我为大家带来最常用英语短语,欢迎大家参考学习!最常用英语短语 1. get warm 变暖和 2. get well 痊愈 3. get together 团聚 4. get to 到达(某地)5. get to know 逐渐认识到 6. get to work 开始工作(学习...

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元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县18477681814: 请根据下面的短语用最最最简单的句子造句根据我给定的英语词组造句,用最简单易懂的句子.例如:as well as(即……又)——I study English as well as ... -
缑眨麦咪:[答案] take in The doctor only takes in ten patients a day.on the eve ofWe went out for dinner on the eve of his departure.give way to I will never give way to him.a lump in one's throatAfter the movie, I fe...

元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县18477681814: 请根据下面的短语用最最最简单的句子造句 -
缑眨麦咪: take in The doctor only takes in ten patients a day.on the eve of We went out for dinner on the eve of his departure.give way to I will never give way to him.a lump in one's throat After the movie, I felt a lump in my throat.In this case In this case, we ...

元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县18477681814: 请用以下短语造句(最简单的就行)2.be good at sth.=do well in sth.擅长某be good at doing sth.=do well in doing sth.擅长做某事7.It's +adj.+ to do sth 做某事... -
缑眨麦咪:[答案] 2I am good at learning English. 7It's important to study. 8I always speak slowly and loudly to my grandma. 9I need to study well. 10No one is the best. 11It's important for us to sleep enough. 12I work hard 13I always go sightseeing. 14I always take my ...

元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县18477681814: 请用这些短语造一些很简单的句子 -
缑眨麦咪: 1.He is good at/dose well in English. 2.It's interesting to watch the film. 3.The teacher is speaking slowly and loudlu to the students. 4.Trees need to be watered every day. 5.I want to /would ike to watch TV. 6.No one can work out this problem. 7.It's ...

元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县18477681814: 用下列短语造10个句,一个短语一句话,简单点的句子be afraid of - -------------------------害怕 2 straight hair - ------------------------直发 3 over there--------------------------... -
缑眨麦咪:[答案] 1.Mary is afaid of talking with strangers. 2.lily is a beautiful girl with long straight hair. 3.The bank is over there. 4.lily is more ... 35. YOU are not a little girl any more. 36.I take pride in my motherland. 37.Please pay more attention to your study. 38.Liming is ...

元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县18477681814: 请用以下短语造句(最简单的就行) -
缑眨麦咪: 2I am good at learning English.7It's important to study.8I always speak slowly and loudly to my grandma.9I need to study well.10No one is the best.11It's important for us to sleep enough.12I work hard13I always go sightseeing.14I always take my family around.15" Don't be late!" My teather said.O(∩_∩)O~

元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县18477681814: 把下面的句子缩写成最简短的句子.(1)正是这个故事改变了爱因斯坦的一生.(2)爱因斯坦小时候是把下面的句子缩写成最简短的句子.(1)正是这个故事... -
缑眨麦咪:[答案] 故事改变了爱因斯坦 爱因斯坦小时候贪玩

元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县18477681814: 用这些英语短语早几句简单的句子 -
缑眨麦咪: He worked in the factory all his life I changed my mind and stopped doing the thing It comes into my mind to lock the door I will do my best to finish the work Chlidren often follow their parents's example I make my mind to finish the work I am on my ...

元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县18477681814: 请用a little \ a few造一个你认为最简单的句子请用a little \ a few\ used to be \hoddy 各造一个你认为最简单的句子.如果能给我讲讲最好.谢谢所有回答者! -
缑眨麦咪:[答案] I have a little water.我有一点水.(不可数) I have a few apples.我有一些苹果.(可数) I used to be a teacher.我过去曾经是一名老师. Fishing is my hobby.钓鱼是我的嗜好.

元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县18477681814: 求最简单的励志句子 -
缑眨麦咪: 1、我们都是时光的过客,追着它的步伐匆匆来到这个世上,于光阴里留下一点微末的痕迹,最后又被它匆匆的送走,如此这般,不论你是什么身份,来去还是同路而行. 2、昏暗的台灯下,我凝视着这一杯茶,沸水一次又一次的冲击,让我感...

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