
作者&投稿:锻肥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

剧情介绍  中情局向以吉姆为首的特工小组发来指令,一名特工人员已经叛国,将在布拉格的领事馆窃取中情局在东欧潜伏的特工名单,一旦落入坏人手中,后果将不堪设想。他们奉命获取该特工窃取情报的证据,并将其与买家逮捕。很快,在吉姆的策划下,一线主力伊森·亨特和其他几名成员全部到位,不过当计划进行到一半时,情况突然急转直下,包括吉姆在内的小组成员相继殒命,情报失踪,只有伊森一人生还。精神几乎崩溃的伊森与上司见面,却因幸免遇难和帐户上突然多出的20万美元被指认为叛徒,原来失窃的是假情报,行动的真正目的是为了查出内奸。突出重围的伊森决定查出叛徒,而此时,同样侥幸生还的另一队员克莱尔与伊森重逢。

特别行动组IMF的干将吉姆与妻子克莱尔以及伪装专家伊桑一起在基辅成功地识别出一名老奸巨滑的敌方间谍。他的下一项任务是去布拉格铲除叛徒戈利岑。为此,总部特意拨给他包括克莱尔·伊桑在内的五员干将。 在布拉格,吉姆策划用一份有关深层潜伏间谍的假Noc名单引诱戈利岑上钩,可是风云不测,吉姆的三个下手和戈利岑都无端死去,其本人也受了伤。 幸存的伊桑从总部组长那里谅讶地获悉此次行动实属圈套,目的是要查出IMF组织里的真正叛国者, 为证明自己的清白无辜,查出真正的叛徒,伊桑悄然返回吉姆的公寓,在克莱尔的“帮助”下,他从电脑中很快就注意到了一份与代号叫马克斯的女买家交易情报的会议记录, 电脑显示, 这位马克斯曾愿出高价购买真正的Noc名单,利用这条线索, 伊桑主动与马克斯联系,假意提出愿以金钱为代价替她夺取真正的NOC名单。 在克莱尔新近招募进IMF组织中的克里格的 “鼎力相助”下,伊桑闯过中央情报局总部的重重关卡,得到了拷贝有NOC名单的软盘,伊桑等人连夜赶回英国伦敦。究竟谁是真正的叛国分子?现在伊桑已有了自己的判断。 伊桑按计划来到与马克斯约定交货的行李间,可他并未在收钱后就离去,而是在原地迅速将自己装扮成吉姆的样子。他要亲自验证一下自己的判断,果然匆忙赶来与丈夫汇合的克莱尔误将伊桑认作吉姆。其言行暴露了其卖国者的身份。正当伊桑与克莱尔周旋之际,真吉姆出现了, 一场搏斗后, 克莱尔被击毙,吉姆逃上车顶,在那里,克里格正驾驶直升机在准备接应他。眼看卖国叛徒就要溜掉,伊桑急中生智,用绳索将直升机与火车相连,使克里格驾机随列车一起进入隧道。一场惊心动魄的较量之后,伊桑终于除去了叛徒,证明了自己的清白。 《难以完成的使命》又被译作《碟中谍》,是美国派拉蒙影片公司1996年出品的惊险情节故事片。 该片讲述了伪装专家伊桑历经艰险,终于铲除同一行动组中的卖国叛徒即“谍中谍”的故事。影片情节跌宕起伏,惊险场面层出不穷,可谓扣人心弦。导演德·帕尔马明显地运用了心理大师希区柯克的表现手法,使得环环相扣,变化多端的故事进程给人以扑朔迷离,估摸不准的感觉。其实,该片故事本身即间谍去识别间谍集团内部的叛徒并铲除之的反间谍性早就赋予了影片情节朦胧动荡的特征。再加上导演成功地运用了高超的悬念手法,更是产生了不同凡响的惊险效果。行动组去铲除叛徒,却不知真正的叛徒就在他们其中;队员伊桑去找寻电脑档案,不料热心帮助他的那个女人正是他在寻觅的目标——真正的叛徒。除了影片编导外,片中主人公自身前途未卜,观众也同样对其命运不能作出判断。那么,只有在时间的推进中,靠着影片剧情的层层进展,一个个谜底才次第展露在观众面前。这些惊险的悬念如猜谜大赛,使得观众的心理始终处于猜测与高度紧张的状态,它们对影片的惊险魅力的充分显现是大有裨益的。 世界著名影星汤姆·克鲁斯在该片中身兼制片、主演二职,他饰演那位智勇双全的伪装专家伊桑。影片中的克鲁斯理了反常的平头,显出他一惯的清秀帅气之外的另一种飒爽风姿。可以说,他的加入,为本已动人的影片增色不少,该片也因此成为当年美国影院的票房黑马。 Jim stalwarts of the IMF Special Operations Group and an expert in camouflage Chairperson of the KhoiSan together with his wife Claire in Kiev attaining a successful identification of enemy spies. His next task is to root out traitors Golitsyn Prague. To this end, Clare Chairperson of the KhoiSan headquarters specifically to the five members, including his go-getters. In Prague, Jim planned on using a deep list of potential spies leave Noc lured Golitsyn hooked. But events eventuality, the three start, and Jim Golitsyn have died for no reason, I was also injured. Issan survivors from the head of the headquarters where understanding is astounded to learn from this trap. IMF aims to find out the true structure of treason, in order to prove his innocence and find out the real traitors. Chairperson of the KhoiSan Jim quietly returned to the apartment, in Clair's "help". He quickly notes from the computer code named Max and a female buyers intelligence meetings, computer, The Max has Noc are willing to buy the real list, use this line, Chairperson of the KhoiSan Max associated with the initiative. She was willing to put money at the cost of forsaking the true KPE win list. Clare newly recruited into the organization in the kriging IMF's "strong support", Chairperson of the KhoiSan to overcome a series of hurdles to the CIA's headquarters, a copy of a more accurate list of the disks. Chairperson of the KhoiSan other night back in London. Who are the real elements of treason? Chairperson of the KhoiSan now has its own judgment. Chairperson of the KhoiSan went according to plan and deliver baggage Max agreed, but he did not leave after the money. Instead of disguising themselves as quickly in situ Jim appearance. He wants to personally test their judgment, and she and her husband rushed to rush to merge Claire mistake Chairperson of the KhoiSan recognized as Jim. His words and deeds are exposed their betrayal of the identity. Clare deal with the legitimate Chairperson of the KhoiSan occasion, a true leader, after a battle that Clare was killed and Jim on the roof to escape. , where he intended to prepare Kriging was found in the helicopter. Seeing a traitor to the country will slip, Chairperson of the KhoiSan headed with wires connected to the helicopter and train, With so Krige took the train entered the tunnel. After a thrilling contest, Chairperson of the KhoiSan finally removed traitors to prove their innocence. The "difficult task" has been translated as "Diezhongdie" United States companies in 1996 Paramount film genres thrilling circumstances fiction. The documentary about a camouflage expert Chairperson of the KhoiSan pursuit, the group finally eradicate the same operation that is a traitor to the country "Diezhongdie" story. Film circumstances ups and downs, breathtaking scenes emerged, is thrilling. De Palma directed obvious use of the psychological master Xiqukeke performance, resulting linked together. The story gives a varied and confusing process, suppose no feeling. In fact, The documentary is the story of internal espionage spy traitors to identify and eradicate sexual 之 already given the film's anti-espionage cases cover turbulence characteristics. In addition to directing the successful use of a superb suspense tactics, is a wonderful breathtaking effect. Unit to eliminate a traitor, but she did not know the real traitor in them; Chairperson of the KhoiSan members to find computer files, Unexpectedly, the woman is helping him in his goal -- to find the real traitor. Apart from film producers, film heroine's own future is still uncertain, the fate of its viewers also can make their own judgment. Well, only in the advance of time, the layers of progress depended on the film storyline, but perhaps only one revealed in the story unfolds before the audience. If these breathtaking suspense guess Competition always makes the audience the psychological state of high tension and speculations. They appear on the film's breathtaking charm of very useful. World famous stars in the film which act as producer Tom Cruz star in two grades. Chairperson of the KhoiSan camouflage experts who played his courageous. Cruz abnormal handling of the film's crew, showing how he used an alternative to the Anne handsome Sashuang grace. It can be said that he's accession-oriented films have been moving considerably, the film has also become the American cinema at the box office then the dark horse.

Based off of a hit T.V. series. Jim Phelps was sent to Prague for a mission. That mission is to find a traitor. His wife, Claire and his trusted partner, Ethan Hunt were members of Phelps' team. Unfortunately, something went horribly wrong and the mission failed, ironically Ethan Hunt was the lone survivor. After he reported the failed mission, Kettrige the head if the agency suspects Ethan of being the culprit for the failed mission. Now, Ethan uses unorthodox methods (Which includes the aid of an arms dealer going by the name "Max") to try to find who set him up and to clear his name

After he is framed for the death of several colleagues and falsely branded a traitor, a secret agent embarks on a daring scheme to clear his name in this spy adventure. Though it drew its name from the familiar television series, director Brian DePalma's big-budget adaptation shares little more with the original show than the occasional self-destructing message and the name of team leader Jim Phelps (Jon Voight). The film focuses not on Phelps but his protégé, Ethan Hunt (a reserved Tom Cruise), who becomes a fugitive after taking the blame for a botched operation. He responds by banding together with a group of fellow renegades, and he is soon maneuvering his way through a twisted series of double crosses that mainly serve as excuses for spectacular high-tech action sequences. Much of the activity revolves around a missing computer disk, with the film's most famous scene depicting Hunt's delicate efforts to retrieve the disk from a secure, well-alarmed room in CIA headquarters. ~ Judd Blaise, All Movie Guide


谍1---剧情简介:这部电影是汤姆.克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)第一次亲自担任制片并主演的代表作。布莱恩. 德.帕尔马(Brian De Palma)导演。故事改编自轰动一时的电视影集《不可能的任务》(Mission: Impossible),描述美国中情局特别行动小组在吉姆的带领下到布拉格清除一个叛徒,不想中了埋伏,只有伪装专家的伊...


Based off of a hit T.V. series. Jim Phelps was sent to Prague for a mission. That mission is to find a traitor. His wife, Claire and his trusted partner, Ethan Hunt were members of Phelps' team. Unfortunately, something went horribly wrong and the mission failed, ironically ...


【剧情介绍:】 特别行动组IMF的干将吉姆与妻子克莱尔以及伪装专家伊桑一起在基辅成功地识别出一名老奸巨滑的敌方间谍。他的下一项任务是去布拉格铲除叛徒戈利岑。为此,总部特意拨给他包括克莱尔·伊桑在内的五员干将。 在布拉格,吉姆策划用一份有关深层潜伏间谍的假Noc名单引诱戈利岑上钩,可是风云不...



1、imf:不可能的任务情报署(虚拟机构)全称impossible mission force,《碟中谍》故事围绕美国“不可能的任务情报署(IMF)”展开。该情报署的特工都身手不凡,而且他们也擅长使用易容术,让目标在不知情的情况下供出情报。2、CIA:美国中央情报局 其主要任务是公开和秘密地收集和分析关于国外政府、公司...

1、imf(Impossible Mission Force):不可能的任务情报署(虚拟机构)IMF是《碟中谍》系列电影中虚拟的一个特工组织,它听命于美国国会,是独立于CIA、FBI之外的。IMF和CIA相当于一暗一明两个部门,IMF特工的行动比较自由,看上去不需要向任何人报备、完全没人能管的样子,延续着冷战时期的非常规的行动...

马尾区18898286140: 求碟中谍1英文剧情介绍 -
天咱福天: Based off of a hit T.V. series. Jim Phelps was sent to Prague for a mission. That mission is to find a traitor. His wife, Claire and his trusted partner, Ethan Hunt were members of Phelps' team. Unfortunately, something went horribly wrong and the ...

马尾区18898286140: 碟中谍1 内容? -
天咱福天: 中央情报局的一个小组在布拉格执行任务,结果要抓的人死了,要保护的机密资料也丢失了,整个行动小组只剩下组长吉姆和伊顿. 事后,伊顿从特工队长处了解到,这此行动实际上是个骗局,目的是为了查出内部的叛徒.现在看来,死去的人不可能是叛徒,而活着的人都有嫌疑.尤其是伊顿,他的银行帐号上突然莫明其妙地增加了十二万元的存款. 伊顿自知冤枉,但他有口难辩.于是他自组人马一定要查个水落石出.记得采纳啊

马尾区18898286140: 碟中谍1的部分剧情 -
天咱福天: 伊森的任务是防止特工名单被偷,但是他的上司告诉他名单是假的而且发现IMF里有叛徒,所以他就知道是清洗叛徒的行动了.他所在的小组不是叛徒.那个叛徒故意让他活下来了,就是为了让他顶罪.

马尾区18898286140: 碟中谍1剧情 -
天咱福天: Jim Phelps,就是那个老头,他是行动的组长,他出卖了大家.事后伊森从特工队长处了解到,这次行动是个骗局,目的是为了查出内部的叛徒.死去的人不会是叛徒,而活着的则都有嫌疑.上级以为只有伊森活着,其实Jim假造了自己的死亡,但伊森最后在火车上通过电子眼镜让上级看到Jim还活着,洗清了自己的冤屈.

马尾区18898286140: 碟中谍1演员表 -
天咱福天: 《碟中谍1》演员表: 角色:Ethan Hunt 演员:汤姆·克鲁斯角色:Jim Phelps 演员:强·沃特角色:Claire Phelps 演员:艾曼纽·贝阿角色:Franz Krieger 演员:让·雷诺角色:Eugene Kittridge 演员:亨利·科泽尼角色:Luther ...

马尾区18898286140: 碟中谍1中的间谍是谁 -
天咱福天: 就是吉姆,因为他才是真正想得到那笔钱的人.而那次任务本身就是为了挖出IMF中的内奸,而吉姆将这个罪名嫁祸给了伊森!

马尾区18898286140: 英语电影的英文简介! 要100字左右的 ! 谢谢啦! 急用 -
天咱福天: 阿凡达An Alien Language The blockbuster film Avatar has been a smash hit at the box office in the UK and around the world, becoming the fastest film...

马尾区18898286140: 类别是动漫,喜剧,冒险.英文 -
天咱福天: Category is anime, comedy, adventure 类别是动漫,喜剧,冒险...

马尾区18898286140: 急求一篇英语作文,内容是一部电影剧情简介.水平在四级就行,文章中要包括:倒装句、定语从句、主语从句、分词结构,140词左右,电影最好选大家熟知... -
天咱福天:[答案] 《天使之城》英文简介 Angels are among us and when we feel an invisible presence,you better believe they are watching you.For a Los Angeles heart surgeon named Maggie,that is too much of a stretch.She believes that it is her job to save the lifes of ...

马尾区18898286140: 电影谍影重重1内容简介英文 -
天咱福天: 杰森·伯恩(马特·达蒙 饰)在意大利被人从海上救起,他失去了记忆,除了臀部的瑞士银行帐号之外,他完全没有办法证明自己的身份. 杰森从瑞士银行找到了大量的现金,六本护照,一把枪,同时他发现自己格斗、枪械、和语言等方面的能力,他开始追查自己的身份,并且把陌生女子玛丽(弗兰卡·泼坦特 饰)也卷了进来.两人从瑞士到巴黎,一路上受到神秘杀手组织的追杀,危机重重.

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