
作者&投稿:充洪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My favorite sport is riding a bike.望采纳

I'm a Environmental protection volunteers and I like riding a bike.

I like riding to the seaside.
2 海边最好是说seaside,而beach是海滩,有微妙差别。

另外呢,楼上有个I enjoy...enjoy后面一定要用动名词的!
I enjoy riding to the seaside.
I like riding to the seaside.
I like going to the seaside by bike.

I like to ride to the beach.


I enjoy to ride to the beach
I like to ride to the beach
I like to go to beach on a bike

I like to go to the beach by bike.



My favorite sport is cycling 也可以说 I like cycling(我喜欢骑车)

My name is LiaoKai, I'm in the first year in my junior high. I like cycling, playing basketball and eating tomatoes.

I don,t like riding the bike.

I like riding to the seaside.理由:1.这是个习惯性动作,所以用LIKE+Ving比用不定式好 2 海边最好是说seaside,而beach是海滩,有微妙差别。另外呢,楼上有个I enjoy...enjoy后面一定要用动名词的!改为:I enjoy riding to the seaside.I like riding to the seaside.I like going to the ...

I enjoy riding a bike to town!

I have been loving riding bicycle since I was a child.

I think of is a dynamic and simple Asian women. Have received a good education. Good health, good character, intelligent, gentle, sincere kindness, and has an optimistic attitude towards life, full of charm, confidence, understand the humor, will have difficulty communicating, ...

请把下列汉语翻译成英语:我最喜欢骑自行车上学。 首先,因为我家距离...
I most like to go to school by bike.First of all, because some far from my home to the school, I can't walk to arrive, the bicycle can help me quickly arrived at the school. Moreover, riding a bike is very useful for me,save energy and can exercise the body, very ...

I like riding bike on weekends.

1、ride a bike:骑自行车。其中bike \/baɪk\/ n.自行车 。I’d love to explore the city by bike.我喜欢骑自行车探索这个城市。Let’s bike.我们来骑行吧。2、ride on a bicycle:骑自行车。其中英 bicycle['baɪsɪkl]n. 自行车;脚踏车。You'll never learn to ride ...

仙游县18289679915: 翻译:我喜欢骑自行车去海边. -
度泻稀甘: I like riding to the seaside. 理由: 1.这是个习惯性动作,所以用LIKE+Ving比用不定式好 2 海边最好是说seaside,而beach是海滩,有微妙差别.另外呢,楼上有个I enjoy...enjoy后面一定要用动名词的! 改为: I enjoy riding to the seaside. I like riding to the seaside. I like going to the seaside by bike.

仙游县18289679915: 美国天气怎么样?那儿经常下雨吗?这里现在是春季.天气很暖和,有时阳光非常充足.我最喜欢春天. -
度泻稀甘: How to weather the U.S.? There always raining? Here it is spring. The weather is warm, sometimes sunshine is sufficient. I like spring.

仙游县18289679915: 帮忙翻译:我喜欢骑自行车. -
度泻稀甘: 答案是:i like riding a bike☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

仙游县18289679915: 周末我喜欢骑自行车 英文翻译 -
度泻稀甘: 1.at weekend指通常情况下泛指的 2.on weekend指具体一个周末 例如一个人在几个月前说他那一周末干什么 3.the是特指具体的一个,at the weekend和on the weekend是一样的意思,通常用at the weekend 4.on weekends指的是一件事要在几个或很多个周末做.

仙游县18289679915: I'd like to go there by bike - -----by car. A. not B instead C than D rather than选哪个?WHY? -
度泻稀甘: D 应该翻译为我喜欢骑自行车去那,胜过坐汽车 如果是B,应该是instead of 如果是C,应该是prefer to do rather than do

仙游县18289679915: 我喜欢的运动是骑自行车,翻译成英语怎么写 -
度泻稀甘: My favorite sport is cycling 也可以说 I like cycling(我喜欢骑车)

仙游县18289679915: 周末我喜欢骑自行车用英语怎么说
度泻稀甘:On weekends I like to ride a bicycle 希望能采纳,祝你学习进步!晚安

仙游县18289679915: 骑自行车翻译成英语 -
度泻稀甘: 害怕 be afraid of一杯茶 a cup of tea沏茶 make tea捡起 pick up骑自行车 ride a bike爬上 climb up 不得不 have to什么颜色 What's the color

仙游县18289679915: 翻译:在春季,我喜欢骑自行车去兜风
度泻稀甘: go for a ride可以但是 like to do sth.(表示想要去做某事)最好改为: like doing sth.(表示喜欢做某事) 因为含义不同 所以有可能会造成异义

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