
作者&投稿:褚雨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The guzheng, or gu zheng (Chinese: 古筝; pinyin: gǔzhēng) or zheng (筝) (gu- means "ancient") is a traditional Chinese musical instrument. It belongs to the zither family of string instruments.

The guzheng is the parent instrument of the Japanese koto, the Korean gayageum, and the Vietnamese đàn tranh.

A modern guzhengThe guzheng should not to be confused with the guqin, another ancient Chinese zither but without bridges.

The modern-day guzheng is a plucked, half-tube zither with movable bridges and 21 strings, although it can have anywhere from 15 to 25 strings (a customized version exists with more than 34 strings). The guzheng's strings were formerly made of twisted silk, though by the 20th century most players used metal strings (generally steel for the high strings and copper-wound steel for the bass strings). Since the mid-20th century most performers use steel strings flatwound with nylon.

The guzheng has a large resonant cavity made from wu tong wood (Paulownia tomentosa). Other components may be made from other woods, usually for structural and decorative purposes.

The guzheng has existed since the Warring States Period and became especially popular during the Qin dynasty. The ancient guzheng had 12 strings, which gradually evolved into it current forms.

Until 1961, the common guzheng had 18 strings. In 1961 Xu Zhengao together with Wang Xunzhi introduced the first 21-string guzheng after two years of research and development. In 1961, they also invented the "S-shaped" left string rest, which was quickly adopted by all guzheng makers and is still used today, whether in the shape of the letter "S", "C", etc. The 21-string zheng is the most commonly used, but some traditional musicians still use the 16-string, especially along the southeastern coastal provinces of China and in Taiwan.

The guzheng is tuned to a pentatonic scale, the 16-string zheng is tuned to give three complete octaves, while the 21-string zheng has four complete octaves.

Playing styles and performers
There are many techniques used in the playing of the guzheng, including basic plucking actions (right or both hands) at the right portion and pressing actions at the left portion (by the left hand to produce pitch ornamentations and vibrato) as well as tremolo (right hand). These techniques of playing the guzheng can create sounds that can evoke the sense of a cascading waterfall, thunder and even the scenic countryside. Plucking is done mainly by the right hand with four plectra (picks) attached to the fingers. Advanced players may use picks attached to the fingers of both hands. Ancient picks were made of ivory and later also from tortoise shell.

The guzheng's pentatonic scale is tuned to Do, Re, Mi, So and La, but Fa and Ti can also be produced by pressing the strings to the left of the bridges. Well known pieces for the instrument include Yu Zhou Chang Wan (Singing at night on fishing boat), Gao Shan Liu Shui (High mountains flowing water) and Han Gong Qiu Yue (Han palace autumn moon).

Two broad playing styles (schools) can be identified as Northern and Southern, although many traditional regional styles still exist. The Northern styles is associated with Henan and Shandong while the Southern style is with the Chaozhou and Hakka regions of eastern Guangdong. Both Gao Shan Liu Shui (High mountains flowing water) and Han Gong Qiu Yue (Han palace autumn moon) are from the Shandong school, while Han ya xi shui (Winter Crows Playing in the Water) and Chu shui lian (Lotus Blossoms Emerging from the Water) are major pieces of the Chaozhou and Hakka repertories respectively.

Important players and teachers in the 20th century include; Wang Xunzhi (1899–1972) who popularized the Wulin zheng school centred in Hangzhou in Zhejiang, Lou Shuhua rearranged a traditional guzheng piece and named it Yu zhou chang wan, Liang Tsai-Ping (1911-2000) edited the first guzheng teaching manual Nizheng pu in 1938, Cao Dongfu (1898–1970) from Henan, Gao Zicheng (1918- ) and Zhao Yuzhai (1924- ) from Shandong; Su Wenxian (1907–71), Guo Ying (1914- ) and Lin Maogen (1929- ) from Chaozhou, the Hakka Luo Jiuxiang (1902–78), and Cao Zheng (1920-1998) who trained in the Henan school.

Many new pieces have been composed since the 1950s which used new playing techniques such as the playing of harmony and counterpoint by the left hand. Pieces in this new style include Qing feng nian (Celebrating the Harvest, Zhao Yuzhai, 1955), Zhan tai feng (Fighting the Typhoon, Wang Changyuan, 1965) and the guzheng concerto "Miluo River Fantasia" (Li Huanzhi, 1984). Contemporary experimental atonal pieces have been composed since the 1980s.

The guzheng in other genres
The guzheng has been used by the Chinese performer Wang Yong (王勇) in the rock band of Cui Jian, as well as in free improvised music. Zhang Yan used it in a jazz context, performing and recording with Asian American jazz bandleader Jon Jang. Other zheng players who perform in non-traditional styles include Randy Raine-Reusch, Mei Han, Zi Lan Liao, Levi Chen, Andreas Vollenweider, Jaron Lanier, Mike Hovancsek, and David Sait. The American composer Lou Harrison (1917–2003) played and composed for the instrument. Jerusalem based multi-instrumentalist Bradley Fish is the most widely recorded artist of loops for the guzheng. Fish is known for using the guzheng with a rock-influenced style and electronic effects on his 1996 collaboration "The Aquarium Conspiracy" with Sugarcubes/Björk drummer Sigtryggur Baldursson. The virtual band Gorillaz used the guzheng in their song "Hong Kong" from the Help: A Day In The Life compilation. The Canadian composer Kevin Austin[1] has written several pieces for guzheng and electroacoustic sounds.

Guzheng is also known as han zheng, qin zheng, yao zheng and luan zheng.


It is one of the unique and important national Musical Instruments in China.


Guzheng is very expressive, so it is very popular among the masses.


Now there are also small guzheng, portable guzheng, mini guzheng, half zheng, new zheng and twelve-equal temperament transfer zheng.


The guzheng is an ancient folk instrument native to the fertile yellow soil along with China's time-honored culture.








The Zheng ,A pluked zither,is one of the most important instruments in Ancient China musics.Its 21strings stretch lengthwise across the boxlike body;under each string is a separate, movable bridge.The Zheng is tuned by changing the position of the bridges.This alters the length of the vibrating part of the string.To play the Zheng plectra are worn on the fingers and thumb of your both hand.

The first Zheng appeared in Qin dynasty.
So it has another name named QinZheng.
The Zheng have a penetrating, poignant sound.The Chinese love this instrument very much.

弦乐器,古筝结构由面板,雁柱,琴弦,前岳山,弦钉,调音盒,琴足,后岳山,侧板,出音口,底板,穿弦孔组成.筝的形制为长方形木质音箱,弦架“筝柱”(即雁柱)可以自由移动,一弦一音,按五声音阶排列,唐宋时有弦十三根,后增至十六根,十八弦,二十一弦,二十五弦等,目前最常用的规格为21弦,通常古筝的型号前用S163-21 ,S代表S形岳山,是筝父徐振高发明,163代表古筝长度是163厘米左右,21代表古筝弦数21根.

Zheng (Guzheng) is build with a special wooden sound body with strings arched across movable bridges along the length of the instrument for the purpose of tuning. In the early times the zheng had 5 string; later on developed into 12 to 13 strings in the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907AD) and 16 strings in the Song and Ming dynasty (from the 10th to 15th century). The present day zheng usually has 21-25 strings.


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Guzheng is also known as han zheng, qin zheng, yao zheng and luan zheng.(古筝又名汉筝、秦筝、瑶筝、鸾筝,是中国汉民族传统乐器中的筝乐器,属于弹拨乐器。)It is one of the unique and important national Musical Instruments in China.(它是中国独特的、重要的民族乐器之一。)Guzheng ...

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临西县18280162826: 中国传统乐器 英文介绍 -
丘珠维库:[答案] CHINESE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS There are many deep traditions of the bowed, plucked, wind, and percussion ... (for the key of F) is C-D-F-G-A-C-D, and there are many others. 8.Guzheng 古筝 (or the Gu-Zheng, or the Zheng, or the Cheng), the ...

临西县18280162826: 少数民族的各种乐器,英文怎么表达.用词汇(或短语).比如马头琴、凤尾竹等等或者介绍外国的各种地方特色乐器 -
丘珠维库:[答案] 马头琴 matoucheen 葫芦丝 huloos 巴乌 bawu 独弦琴 dushancheen 二胡 erhoo 笛子 chinese bamboo pip (chinese pip)洞箫bamboo flute(dongshao)古筝 zheng 古琴 cheen 管子 guants 琵琶 pipa

临西县18280162826: 什么是古筝?
丘珠维库: 古筝是我国独特的、重要的民族乐器之 一.它的音色优美,音域宽广、演奏技巧丰 富,具有相当的表现力,因此深受广大人民群 众的喜爱. 古筝是一件伴随我国悠久文化...

临西县18280162826: 古筝最早出现于哪个时期?
丘珠维库: 古筝又名汉筝、秦筝、瑶筝、鸾筝,是中国汉民族传统乐器中的筝乐器,属于弹拨乐器.它是中国独特的、重要的民族乐器之一.它的音色优美,音域宽广、演奏技巧丰富...

临西县18280162826: 谁能告诉我以下乐器的英文名称? -
丘珠维库: 琵琶--Chinese lute 吉他--Guitar 口琴--Harmonica 手风琴--Accordian 古筝--Chinese zither 笛子--Bamboo flute 长笛--Flute 大号--Tuba 鼓--Drum 竖琴--Harp 钢琴--Piano 单簧管--Clarinet 双簧管--Oboe

临西县18280162826: 求以下乐器的英文名称 -
丘珠维库: 古筝 ancient zither 【十三弦古筝 koto】 古琴 可以翻译成 Gu Chin Lyre是古希腊的一种古琴 中国的也可说成 Chinese Lyre 琵琶 Lute 二胡 two-stringed Chinese fiddle 扬琴 cymbalo 也有 dulcimer 说法 木琴 xylophone 或者 marimba

临西县18280162826: 请哪位帮忙告知一些关于中国古典音乐的英文介绍,例如历史、乐器、名曲等~~ -
丘珠维库: http://www.medieval.org/music/world/china.html http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~wuzhe/mp3/chinese/gdpjs-eng.html http://www.philmultic.com/lfenrpt.html

临西县18280162826: 初中生英语介绍的几个问题.求解. -
丘珠维库: sing,dance,sky,skate board,draw,writing,古琴..古筝吗?古筝英语就是“gu zheng”或者“Gu zheng”

临西县18280162826: 写一篇关于介绍家人喜欢的乐器的英语作文五句以上 -
丘珠维库: Our wide variety of Chinese musical instruments, has a long history, such as the erhu, pipa, zither, flute and so on. Some voice deep, and some sound tinny. Each have their own characteristics, each have their own characteristics. Among them, the ...

临西县18280162826: "古筝代表着中国的文化"用英文怎么说 -
丘珠维库:[答案] koto stands for chinese culture. koto represents chinese culture. 古筝代表着中国的文化

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