
作者&投稿:仍贫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

These are my new resolutions:
1 在形象上有所改变
Improve my (public)image.
2 多学习别人的长处
Learn from others.
3 学会对凡事宽容
Learn to compromise the difference.
4 平常心
Try to be easy going.

5 比去年有所进步"
Try to make greater progress than last year.

To the world, you are just a man .But to me, you are the whole world.

A day, small clear play in the yard, rain to have rain suddenly, he sees a bird on the tree, having no nest side, think:"It has no house, will starve with cold of, don't go, I want to set up a small house for it."He took some wooden boards from the home immediately, setting up to like a small house very quickly.He puts the small house to the tree, the small bird flew to go in, small clear and happy pole.The small bird comes out in the house since the childhood at this time, flying around on the small clear head, seem Be thank him.Small clear want to go home, he shook to shake a hand toward the small bird, turning round to leave then.


One day,Xiaoming was playing in the yard.Suddenly,it began to rain.Xiaoming saw a bird in the tree which did not have a nest.He thought it would be too cold for the little bird who had no home and he should make a small house for it.Then he took some wooden boards from his home immediately,and soon a small house was finished.When he put the small house on the tree, the bird flew into the house.Xiaoming felt very happy. And then it flew out of the nest,flying around Xiaomingon.It seemed that the bird was saying "Thanks"to him.Xiaoming shook his hands to the little bir,turning around to go back to his own home.

A day, small clear play in the yard, rain to have rain suddenly, he sees a bird on the tree, having no nest side, think:"It has no house, will starve with cold of, don't go, I want to set up a small house for it."He took some wooden boards from the home immediately, setting up to like a small house very quickly.He puts the small house to the tree, the small bird flew to go in, small clear and happy pole.The small bird comes out in the house since the childhood at this time, flying around on the small clear head, seem Be thank him.Small clear want to go home, he shook to shake a hand toward the small bird, turning round to leave then.

One day, Xiao Ming playing in the yard, the rain suddenly played under, he saw a tree with a bird, no nest beside, like : "it is not home, it will die, no, I want to give it up a small house. "He immediately took some wood from home and quickly built a small house. His small house on the tree, into a small bird, Xiao Ming very happy. Then he fell out of the house in Xiao Ming head with them, as in thank him. Xiao Ming to home, he shook hands to the rest, they turned to leave.



1、原文 君子曰:学不可以已。青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝;冰,水为之,而寒于水。木直中绳。輮以为轮,其曲中规。虽有槁暴,不复挺者,輮使之然也。故木受绳则直,金就砺则利,君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。吾尝终日而思矣,不如须臾之所学也;吾尝跂而望矣,不如登高之博...



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1、译文 晋平公向师旷问道:“我年龄七十岁了,想要(再)学习,恐怕已经晚了。”师旷说:“为什么不点燃蜡烛呢?”平公说:“哪有作为别人的臣子(的人)戏弄他的君主的啊?”师旷回答:“我哪敢戏弄我的君主啊!我听说,年轻时喜欢学习,如同早上升起的太阳;壮年时喜欢学习,如同中午的太阳;年老时...



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