
作者&投稿:野米 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have one aunt.
Do you have any uncles?
yes,I have two aunts.
how many aunts............
yes,i have tuo uncles
2。joe,do.....any brothers?yes,i have four brothers
how many brothers do you have ,jill?
i don`t have amy brothers.
do you have any cousins?
yes,i have three cousins

a survey
peter 2 2 1 2
joe 2 1 4 3
jill 1 1 0 1


I have one aunt.
Do you have any uncles?
yes,I have two aunts.
how many aunts............
yes,i have tuo uncles
2。joe,do.....any brothers?yes,i have four brothers
how many brothers do you have ,jill?
i don`t have amy brothers.
do you have any cousins?
yes,i have three cousins

a survey
peter 2 2 1 2
joe 2 1 4 3
jill 1 1 0 1


1 My classmates lent me a dictionary two weeks ago.I__borrowed_a dictionary _from__ my classmates two weeka ago.注意:时态为过去时。另外lend sb sth=lend sth to sb, 而borrow sth from,介词搭配注意。2 People use knives for cutting things.People_cut__things_by__knives.注意:by...

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manager 经纪人 instructor 教练,技术指导 guide 领队 trainer 助理教练 referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判 linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判 contestant, competitor, player 运动员 professional 职业运动员 amateur 业余运动员,爱好者 enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者 favourite 可望取胜者 ...

牛津初中英语 七年级上 7A unit3 integrated skills 听力原文 是什么...
And now we have some announcements(通告) about Chinese New Year Celebrations in New York this coming Sunday.Celebrations will start at 1 p.m. with the Chinese lion dance. This will take place in Peel Street---that’s P,e,e,l; Street.You can try some traditional Chinese ...

1、Car Museum (汽车博物馆)2、underground (地铁)3、Saturday afternoon (周六下午)4、1 o'clock (下午一点)5、4 o'clock (下午四点)6、4 the trip on the underground (地铁4元) 18 the ticket for Car Museum (汽车博物馆门票18元)

1、Car Museum (汽车博物馆)2、underground (地铁)3、Saturday afternoon (周六下午)4、1 o'clock (下午一点)5、4 o'clock (下午四点)6、4 the trip on the underground (地铁4元) 18 the ticket for Car Museum (汽车博物馆门票18元)

急求牛津版英语上册选择练习题100道,各位大姐大哥帮帮忙!时间不等人!!!十分感谢!!... 急求牛津版英语上册选择练习题100道,各位大姐大哥帮帮忙!时间不等人!!!十分感谢!! 展开 2个回答 #热议# 为什么现在情景喜剧越来越少了?百度网友64a98ed 2011-12-24 · TA获得超过1545个赞 知道答主 回答量:145 ...

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[00:00.00]Unit 1 Friends [00:05.98]Integrated skills [00:08.28]A Future plans [00:13.03]A1 Millie is talking to Amy [00:16.28]about her future plane.[00:18.40]Listen to their conversation.[00:20.54]Put a tick(√)in the correct boxes [00:22.37]in the table ...

直接上翻译啦啊:放学后,我们举行了一个会议,Pansy,Tony,Joyce,Millie和我参加了这个会议.首先,我们决定选举一名主编.Tony建议选择Joyce,他说:"Joyce 有经验,去年她是她们班版报组的 编辑.然后我们都投了她,我们将她选为 主编.然后Joyce服起了本次会议的责任.她说:"接下来我们要选举以为秘书."Millie...

Tom and Jerry are two of the most popular cartoon characters in the world. the short cartoons are full of fun -- Tom, the cat, alway tries to catch Jerry, the mouse. The cartoons also have a long history.Tom 和Jerry是世界上两个最有名的卡通人物。这些短篇的卡通片非常有趣—...

册亨县17878979998: 六年级上牛津英语(上海版)练习册听力答案Uint1上海六年级牛津英语练习册听力第5页 -
谢养敏立:[答案] 1.peter,do. I have one aunt. Do you have any uncles? yes,I have two aunts. how many aunts. yes,i have tuo uncles 2.joe,do.any brothers?yes,i have four brothers how many brothers do you have ,jill? i don`t have amy brothers. do you have any cousins? yes...

册亨县17878979998: 六年级上牛津英语(上海版)练习册听力答案Uint1 -
谢养敏立: 1.peter,do.......I have one aunt.Do you have any uncles?yes,I have two aunts.how many aunts............yes,i have tuo uncles2.joe,do.....any brothers?yes,i have four brothers how many brothers do you have ,jill?i don`t have amy brothers.do you have ...

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谢养敏立: 1.f t f f t 2.father mark amy anna brother cousin jeff david emma 3.t f f f f

册亨县17878979998: 小学六年级牛津英语练习册第四单元作文 -
谢养敏立: 第一大题BBAAC.第二大题ABBBB.第三大题date,the,third,of,July,birthday,let us(缩写),birthday,present,for.笔试卷:第四大题BBBCAACBCA.第五大题were,was,watches,gets,is sleeping,do not walk,funny,excited,exciting,watched,was,...

册亨县17878979998: 我孩子六年级,学的是上海版牛津英语,听力水平不好,怎么办?该买什 -
谢养敏立: 听力水平不好首先是积累的不够,课本上的单词、句子是必须要背熟的,这是进一步学习的基础,基础掌握好了就可以开始做题.牛津上海版的英语,你是深圳市民吗?如果是,深圳的孩子手里都有政府发的《知识与能力训练》,或者学校另外配套的《课堂跟踪》《第一课堂》之类的,利用好手中的资料书,多练听力,错题重新听一次、看看为什么做错、哪里没听清,这样听力水平提高很快的.万变不离其宗,课本是关键,课文的光碟一定要坚持每天听,跟读录音,模仿语音语调,练好口语,语感才回来,听力自然而然就会提高上去

册亨县17878979998: 上海版小学六年级牛津英语听力 -
谢养敏立: 自已用“创新文字朗读精灵”生成吧,这是一个专业软件,能生成课文,单词MP3,效果同播音员,跟光盘差不多.真人语音.还能进行中英文互译.你可以试一试

册亨县17878979998: 牛津上海版六年级上册英语期末我要题 -
谢养敏立:[答案] 建议做一下《实验班》,真的超级好! 题目精简,实用.

册亨县17878979998: 小学六年级牛津英语练习册第三单元作文下册 -
谢养敏立: My bedroomI have a lovely bedroom. there is a bed in my bedroom. there is a desk near my bed. there is a pink doll on my bed.I sleep with it every night. there is a big window in my bedroom. the yellow lamp is on my desk .Every evening, I do my ...

册亨县17878979998: 小学牛津上海版英语1 -- 6年级语法 到底讲了几个时态呢? 不知道到底有没有完成时?有很多参考书里都有
谢养敏立: 不同的地区不一样.上海这边是一般现在时,现在进行时,过去时,少量的一般将来时,到六年级(上海这边叫预备班,算初中)教了现在完成时.我看其他地方的讲义,一般不会超过现在完成时.学了肯定不为过.现在完成时在上海版的教材里是有的,不过学得不深,基本停留在already,yet,have been to,have gone to的阶段.不涉及到短暂性动词的用法和since,for的用法.

册亨县17878979998: 六年级上册牛津版英语 听读空间 Unit4 答案 急啊 真心急 -
谢养敏立: P40 A. DAGBFCH B.my from same is find watch was just there under C. TFTFF D.ACBBC E.略 阅读A.FTTTTF B.CABAB 2A.TFTFF B.thirsty flew look water bottle couldnot looked stones idea picked dropped 3.A BACAA B.略


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