
作者&投稿:菜风 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

本句话主语是 the sociologist
谓语部分must determine the laws
influencing human behavior in social contexts.是determine的具体内容
而____ any aspect of society 则是状语成分,
故A when explain和B to explain可以考虑,
但to explain含义将来意义,用在此不合适。答案只有A。



most families,may go together on a ski trip across the snowy countryside.
那么on a ski trip across the snowy countryside并没有修饰谁
they like to read and enjoy books from the libraries no matter what the season is.
no matter what 词组,意思是无论如何 the season is 修饰之

许多家庭会一起到郊外的雪地 (snowy countryside) 滑雪旅行 (ski trip)

不论任何季节 (no matter what the season is), 他们都喜欢看图书馆的书。

补充以下两点:1,在名词性从句或者定语从句中,如果主句、从句都表示将来,只保留一个将来时,另外一个用一般现在时代替。如:I'll do what is best for you. 对你有益的事,我就会去做。I'll give it to anybody who wishes to have it. 谁愿意要我就把它给谁。2,有些动词(...

抱歉我不是很理解”两个非谓语叠在一起“是指哪两个词,因为这看起来更像是一个短语,而不是一个完整的句子。所以我就尝试着解析一下整个短语,希望对你有所帮助。”get started with..." 这个短语,是“开始做某事”、“开始上手做某事”的意思;是“get” 后加动词过去分词,你可以把它理解为...

Oue teacher did what he could to help me out.这句话我这样划分 Oue teacher主语 did what he could 谓语 to help me out.目的状语 疑惑:did what he could 是什么结构? did谓语 what he could做什么? could后面有的说省略了do 是吗?求详细分析 答:其实你都知道了,说对了。what ...

worker as good,更不可以表达为:an as good worker。第一句的表达虽然是正确的,但是是因为在口语中不会引起误解,而且为大家所接受,所以可以用。严格意义上来说,在语法上是不正确的。这句话中的第二个as已经变成介词了。符合语法的说法应该是:he is as good a worker as she is....

three days是主语,句子用了be+adj for sb/sth to do sth,是“做…对某人或某物是怎样的”的意思。 第三句是倒装,把状语off提前了,正常语序是So I went off the cafeteria. 第四句。主要部分是He got up.后面的heads held...这一句是独立主格结构,即heads做了这一半句的主语,谓语得用...

求英语高手帮忙语法分析 (1) Similar to a lightning, an electrical a...
求英语高手帮忙语法分析 (1) Similar to a lightning, an electrical arc used for welding is also a pro 答:楼主没有打完,原句是:Similar to a lightning, an electrical arc used for welding is also a process of electricity shedding and as blazing as a lightning, but it is ...

do to help the poor old man.3. 句子成分分析:1)主句:主句主语:The students 主句谓语:decided 主句宾语(不定式短语做宾语):to do what they can (do)主句的目的状语:to help the poor old man 2)宾语从句:what they can (do),此句结构简单,恕不分析。参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

英语高手~ 是关于英语语法的问题!! 请帮我分析下吧
这句的翻译是:你看,尝起来的味道已经超过了想象的味道。更简短的说就是:超乎想象的好吃。extends way beyond,extend是延续,延伸,beyond表示超过,或在。。。之上,合起来就是:超出了flavor,而延伸到taste。flavor和taste字面上是一样,但实际不一样,下面是解释:Flavor or flavour is the ...

3. 时间状语从句分析:引导词the moment,主语she,谓语found,her lost son为宾语。一般来说,the moment就等同于连词,后面的that可加可不加,不过一般不加。名词短语做连词的有:the minute, the second, the instance, the + 序数词 + time 等。参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

即he be devoted to his research,所以用过去分词devoted.如果用A,则必须改成Devoting himslef to his reserach...即:sb devote oneself to... = sb be devoted to...最后给楼主一个诀窍:如果一个含有be动词的动词短语做非谓语时,一般只要去掉be动词即可。参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

古浪县19181565393: 英语语法问题Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West. 求高手分析这句话的语法. -
邬龙再克:[答案] 这里的 nowhere more...than 的意思 其实 是比较级的形式 最高级的含义 正常的语序是 1980 census statistics dramatize (that) the American search for spacious living nowhere more than in the Far West.句子意...

古浪县19181565393: 拜托英语高手帮忙分析一下这英文的语法及结构.The truth of the matter was that I refrained from pushing the cat off because I was afraid she `d rip my suit or ... -
邬龙再克:[答案] The truth of the matter was that I refrained from pushing the cat off because I was afraid she `d rip my suit or scratch my eyes out. 这句中,the truth of the matter是主语,was是谓语,that从句是表语.that...

古浪县19181565393: 求救!请求英语语法高手帮忙分析翻译该句子!急!谢谢! -
邬龙再克: 1.suspious activities at,or though,banks andother financial 是不是应该写成 suspicious activities at,or through,banks and other financial institutions?2.句子主干“organizations must develop,implement,and maintain programs” “Therefore,banks ...

古浪县19181565393: 请教英语高手来分析一下这个长句的语法!Technology and the division of labor have done two things:by eliminating in many fields the need for special ... -
邬龙再克:[答案] Technology and the division of labor have done two things:主句,主谓宾结构,较简单,Technology and the division of labor 作主语,have done 作谓语,two things 作宾语.by eliminating .and by increasing ...是...

古浪县19181565393: 求高手分析一下这句英语的语法!! -
邬龙再克: 这是个完整的句子吗?翻译:为的是在机会出现的时候能抓住属于自己的幸福与成功,猜测 who were able took advantage of the opportunities for success and happiness 是个定语从句, that presented themselves 里面的that只是连接句子的····

古浪县19181565393: 这句英语的语法麻烦帮忙分析一下We should give priority to efficiency with dueWe should give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness上海高口,... -
邬龙再克:[答案] 翻译:我们应该在兼顾应有的公平的基础上,坚持效率优先. due是形容词,表示应该的,应该有的. 语法很简单的,give priority to sth 优先... 后面加with 短语作状语.

古浪县19181565393: 请帮忙分析下这句英文的语法Thisanimalisnotfoun
邬龙再克: found 是 动词,find(找到、发现)的过去式 在这里是被动语态. 你可以这样理解:动物是被发现的,而不能自己发现自己,所以要用find的被动语态found. 翻译的时候,你可以把句子分成下面的形式,比较好理解: This animal is not found /[ (out of certain areas )in Africa]. 这种动物不能被发现/(在某个特定区域外)在非洲. 综合为符合中文习惯的翻译为以下几种形式: 1.这种动物除了在非洲某些特定区域外是看不到的. 2.这种动物只在非洲的某些特定区域才能看到. 注:“发现”可以释义为“看到”.

古浪县19181565393: 请英语高手帮我分析下这句英语 -
邬龙再克: There(主) are(系) so many kinds of tape-recorders(表) on sale(状) that I can't make up my mind which to buy(从句)

古浪县19181565393: 请问这句英语从语法上如何分析
邬龙再克: 这是一个强调句:It's……that …… 句子主干是:what you do makes differences what you do是强调部分

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