
作者&投稿:易梵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
pisze 波兰语~


As the popular star image star image can be used to carry out propaganda and public relations. Publicity strategy star is on the basis of their market positioning, product positioning of the public, the public worship of the star and so on, employed at the invitation of suitable sports stars, art stars, society hero, celebrities and other public leaders to promote corporate image strategy. Because the star to the public, especially for young people with great public appeal, so the use of star publicity to raise awareness, expand sphere of influence to change the image, and so on goods of great significance, and often can create a sensation.
Modern society, products are excellent in quality and service for the protection of the premise, to recruit star publicity is a shortcut to market products, but also only adding fuel to the fire star, the product can be sold in the market. As long as the market for a little observation of modern society can be found: the well-known world-class products, often behind a world-class star. Unique star for publicity extraordinary influence of other advertising media are irreplaceable.
The role of star publicity strategy mechanism [1]
Star publicity strategy has been able to create a sensational effect of the market, its mechanism lies in the public worship of the star image. People have a "爱屋及乌" psychology of the transference. The public worship of the star's image will be transferred to favorite star recommended products. In this way, star images in the public relations campaign will have a special role.
Modern public worship for the star has a deep psychological basis. This is mainly manifested in the following four aspects:

2 star image to meet people's psychological needs for success. This has two main reasons:
1) star is able to have a higher social status and economic status is the result of their pursuit, the pursuit of each star has a success and the success of the history of the struggle, so that empathy will be able to meet the modern-style expectations of success but not the psychological desire to succeed, in this sense, star worship with "hero worship" of color.
2) It is the favorite star of the screen image of their play is often perseverance, courage, integrity, patience and kindness, rational restraint, wisdom, after the great disaster suffered typical success is the embodiment of social justice, such , star worship on the "ideal of worship," "belief in worship" is in the air.
3 star image that allows people to experience an extraordinary romantic love. In film and television works, allow the image of star posture is better, especially through the art packaging, the screen image of its extraordinary charisma more people through the theme of love, love of words (lyrics), love the rendering of the image can indirectly, the great taste of a mythical love, star and therefore prone to the illusion of an emotion. It can be said that the public worship of the young star of one of the major reasons.
4 star image to meet the modern pursuit of fashion, popular request, in line with the star image, the public seems to have a sense of the times and social dependence on a sense of pace to keep up with the times.
Star worship as people have a profound psychological basis, so that modern society is full of star worship thick atmosphere, stars and more stars and more mystery, "enthusiasts", and this is the modern society from a traditional society, one of the important features.
Star of publicity publicity strategy [1]
In public relations, publicity strategy planning star publicity, the key is to choose the right star, celebrities. In general, the enterprises engaged invited stars, celebrity publicity, mainly in the following ways:
1, to hire star, celebrities for corporate long-term employees of the special honor, the Ambassador of the image, brand spokesperson, corporate publicity, once a major task, with the consultation will be invited to star out propaganda. This long-term relationship, not only to strengthen the company's star effect, but also the establishment of enterprises and the emotional relationship between the star, thus creating the basis for a good star publicity.
2, planning, chaired celebrity star-funded activities such as clubs, which can promote the use of star image, but also to improve the business and the relationship between the star groups.
3, to employ a particular star to participate in the topic of public relations campaigns, so that they star in their own unique image to the public image of business information and referral.
4, use of the opportunities available to the stars, celebrities free products, the provision of services to enable them to use the products, promotional products imperceptibly. In such a form, stars, celebrities are customers, consumers appear, and thus more public relations effect.
检测语言—阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文 > 阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文(繁体)中文(简体) 互换

[00:02.86]Wierzy?em Tak
[00:08.19]《NOWY FOLDER》
[00:21.10]JEDEN OSIEM L
[00:40.97]Kiedy? zapomnia? o nas Bóg-niedopatrzenie
[00:43.07]min?? rok min?? tak
[00:44.71]dzi? ju? nic nie zmieni?
[00:46.12]kiedy? Ty kiedy? ja
[00:47.34]jedna ca?o??, jeden ?wiat
[00:48.79]w jeden oddech cisza zamienia?a nasze dwa
[00:51.36]nagle czas zatrzyma? si? by los móg? nam ukra??
[00:53.82]wieczno?? przyzeczon? nie by?o jutra
[00:56.71]umar?y plany, wszystko to co by?o pi?kne
[00:59.26]umar?a mi?o?? w jednej chwili niepoj?te
[01:02.24]znikn??o szcz??cie a mo?e nigdy go nie by?o
[01:04.39]by? mo?? mnie i Ciebie nigdy nic nie ??czy?o
[01:06.92]nie wiem nie wa?ne dzi? ju? nie pami?tam
[01:09.65]albo udaje tylko twardy ch?opak co nie p?ka
[01:12.24]i nowym d?wi?kiem, wersem to oddalam
[01:14.73]znów robie swoje
[01:15.82]przesz?o?? zag?uszam mlekiem ha?as
[01:17.11]z dala od wspomnień
[01:18.42]to recepta by zapomnie?
[01:19.94]czas raz na zawsze zdusi? mi?dzy nami p?omień
[01:22.85]Wierzy?em tak, wierzy?em ?e znalaz?em szcz??cie
[01:27.81]lecz tylko w snach tuli?em Ci? w nich nasze miejsce
[01:32.97]na zawsze ju? obudze si? nie zasne wi?cej
[01:37.91]nigdy wiem nie zda?y?a si? mi?o?? nam
[01:53.18] W tamtych oczach widzia?em smutek, anielski spokój
[01:55.87]g?ucha cisza wokó? mnie i tylko ona pusty pokój
[01:58.42]tylko ona, setki rozsypanych zdj??
[02:00.90]Dwie postacie, mi?o?? tylko to liczy?o si?
[02:03.60]wtedy wierzy?a bardzo, my?la?a to jest napisane
[02:06.35]ob??dna mi?o?? jak sen na jawie
[02:08.65]przysz?o??, która pozosta?a planem
[02:11.30]z?y podmuch losu zniszczy? wszystko rozsypane
[02:13.81]uciek?y gdzie?, nie wróci ju? nigdy
[02:16.51]pami?ta jak odchodzi, wszystkie marzenia prys?y
[02:19.20]modli?a sie by to by? tylko sen
[02:21.42]gdy otworzy oczy wszystko u?o?y si?
[02:23.41]lecz los nie mia? ich w swoich planach
[02:27.10]setki zdj?? wokó? niej, ona pozosta?a sama
[02:29.17]pozosta?y marzenia, tysi?ce wspomnień
[02:31.87]cudowne chwile o których dzis musi zapomnie?

[02:34.99]Ref.) Wierzy?em tak, wierzy?em ?e znalaz?em szcz??cie
[02:40.13]lecz tylko w snach tuli?em Ci? w nich nasze miejsce
[02:45.39]na zawsze ju? obudze si? nie zasne wi?cej
[02:50.07]nigdy wiem nie zda?y?a si? mi?o?? nam
[03:05.79] Czas mnie zmieni? wiara w mi?o?? mi obrzyd?a
[03:08.18]sam na ziemi przyekrane? musze przyzna?
[03:10.62]czas mnie zmieni? w jednej chwili podci?? skrzyd?a
[03:13.36]kradn?c jutro przekó? serce niczym ig?a
[03:15.91]wiem, rozumiem, kocham prosz? dumnie
[03:18.51]wracaj, teskni?, ?y? bez Ciebie ju? nie umiem
[03:21.11]Ty na zawsze dobrze wiesz przeciesh znasz mnie
[03:23.81]Nic nie wa?ne bo ramionach Twoich zasn?
[03:26.21]zgas?o wszystko, blady ?wit odebra? przysz?o??
[03:28.78]jednym ruchem fikcj? zmieni? w rzeczywisto??
[03:31.49]zabra? wszystko z naszych marzeń nic nie wysz?o
[03:34.01]bez pami?ci na tym ?wiecie ?y? mi przysz?o
[03:36.49]lepiej tak na ?adn? ju? tak nie popatrz?
[03:39.06]dobrze wiem raz obudzony ju? nie zasn?
[03:41.53]tylko sen w nim pozostaniesh ju? na zawsz?
[03:44.31]pirwszy dzień dzisiaj na nowo wszystko zaczn?
[03:56.85]Ref.) Wierzy?em tak, wierzy?em ?e znalaz?em szcz??cie
[04:02.52]lecz tylko w snach tuli?em Ci? w nich nasze miejsce
[04:07.45]na zawsze ju? obudze si? nie zasne wi?cej
[04:12.28]nigdy wiem nie zda?y?a si? mi?o?? nam





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