
作者&投稿:邲雄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 Is Plant Layout adequate for the work performed? (provide consistent product, meet safety/environmental standards, etc)

2 How adequate are the manufacturing facilities and equipment ? (provide consistent product, meet safety/environmental standards, etc)

3 Do You have a disaster Recovery Plan?

4 Are the environmental conditions in the calibration labs and work areas adequate for the work performed?

5 Does the facility have back up power systems for critical computers and equipment?

6 Is critical data on computer systems regularly backed up and stored offsite?

7 Are backup sources of critical utilities [water, electricity, gas, communications, etc] readily available?

8 Does the disposal of waste meet all governmental regulations?

9 Does the facility employ good general housekeeping? (waste areas available, clearly marked, etc)

10 Are all employee areas (Dorms, Break-Rooms, Cafeterias, etc) clean and do they meet basic needs?

11 Do employee areas (Dorms, Break-Rooms, Cafeterias, etc) provide the minimal level of safety to prevent catastrophic injury or loss of life in the event of an emergency?

12 Is there a fire protection system installed, fire extinguishers available, charged, and in good repair?


1 Does the company quality policies meet one of the following standards: ISO 9000 (1994 or 2000), QS9000, or TL9000?
贵公司的质量方针时按照以下的哪一种标准的吗:ISO 9000 (1994 or 2000), QS9000, 还是 TL9000?

2 Does the company's have adequate resources in place to support the quality policy (personnel, skills, equipment, software, etc)?
贵公司是否拥有足够的资源来支持这个质量方针呢? (比如在人事,技术,设备,以及软件等方面)
3 Are quality control plans with critical specifications, statistical requirements, and gauging developed on new products and/or processes?
4 Does the company have a formal documentation and change control system? (new document initiation, change initiation, approval, implementation, recall of obsolete materials, etc)
5 Is there a system in place to notify customers when changes are made to products, processes, drawings or specifications which may affect the customer?
6 Does the supplier maintain documented procedures for identification, collection, access, filing, storage, maintenance, and disposition of quality records? Are they readily retrievable?

7 Is there a system to ensure that the most current customer specifications and drawings are available to the manufacturing personnel?
8 Do new documents and changes to documents go through a formal review and approval process by authorized personnel prior to issue? (Includes drawings, electronic media)?

9 Does the company have feedback mechanisms to collect supplier, customer, and employee inputs on the Quality Policy/systems?
10 Does the supplier maintain the Quality Policy with outsourced production? (subcontractors, contractors, etc)
11 Does the supplier have systems in place to regulate the quality of outsourced production?


1 Does the company quality policies meet one of the following standards: ISO 9000 (1994 or 2000), QS9000, or TL9000?
公司的质量方针符合以下标准:ISO 9000(1994或2000)、QS9000、或TL9000之一吗?
2 Does the company's have adequate resources in place to support the quality policy (personnel, skills, equipment, software, etc)?
3 Are quality control plans with critical specifications, statistical requirements, and gauging developed on new products and/or processes?
4 Does the company have a formal documentation and change control system? (new document initiation, change initiation, approval, implementation, recall of obsolete materials, etc)
公司有一次正式的文件编制和更改控制系统吗? (新文件的开始、更改开始、批准、实施、过时材料的召回,等等)
5 Is there a system in place to notify customers when changes are made to products, processes, drawings or specifications which may affect the customer?
6 Does the supplier maintain documented procedures for identification, collection, access, filing, storage, maintenance, and disposition of quality records? Are they readily retrievable?
7 Is there a system to ensure that the most current customer specifications and drawings are available to the manufacturing personnel?
8 Do new documents and changes to documents go through a formal review and approval process by authorized personnel prior to issue? (Includes drawings, electronic media)?
新的文件和对文件的更改(包括图纸、电子媒介)在发布前经过授权人员的正式评审和批准过程 吗?
9 Does the company have feedback mechanisms to collect supplier, customer, and employee inputs on the Quality Policy/systems?
10 Does the supplier maintain the Quality Policy with outsourced production? (subcontractors, contractors, etc)
11 Does the supplier have systems in place to regulate the quality of outsourced production?

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1,.This nursery rhyme will certainly impress the children more deeply than what you could expect.2. If there were no internet, the communication way among people wouldn't have transformed so much.3.This new model engine should be tried out before its sale.4. If you hadn't ...

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1.Lot of stores are selling this specialized bike designed for children 2.Also one kind of possibility puts on the thick bottom shoes easy twist ankle 3.If we can not correctly distinguish between the brake and accelerator pedal, it is prone to car accidents ...

静海县15919828180: 好心人再帮我翻译5个英语句子!1 我们相处的很好2 保持自信对成功有帮助3 最后他想出了一个好主意4 别担心,他没什么问题5 她总是经历充沛的 -
謇詹曲同:[答案] 1 We get along well 2 to help maintain the confidence of the success of 3 Finally,he came up with a good idea to 4 Do not worry,he was no problem 5 She was always abundant experience of

静海县15919828180: 请好心人给我翻译一些简单的句子吧!
謇詹曲同: 1. where is Tools ?2.Tools is in zhangsan.3.It like there are some problems, I don't know how to handle. Can you help me!.4.Zhang SAN is on the first floor5.Zhang SAN is downstairs \ upstairs6.Tools in my here7.My English is poor.8.I'm in the toilet9....

静海县15919828180: 请好心人帮忙翻译一下这段话,急用,谢谢了! -
謇詹曲同: Along with economy of development, the university students to life food of the request also immediately raises, they peacetime of living rhythm very tightly packed, who also don't wish for filling satisfied belly, but wasting more studies and working time...

静海县15919828180: 请各位好心大侠帮我翻译下英语句子
謇詹曲同: FYI! 1:他累了 He is tired. 2:好主意 Good idea. 3:太糟糕了 It's too bad, 4:我认为如此 I think so. 5:我觉得不太舒服 I feel bad;I feel uncomfortably. 6:听到此事我很难过 I am sorry to hear this matter. 7:你阴气太盛 Your yinqi is too lively. 阴...

静海县15919828180: 求好心人帮忙用英语翻译一个句子.
謇詹曲同: Like the shining sunshine day, the full of hope in the air

静海县15919828180: 请好心人帮忙翻译一下要标准的英文《我每天都在想你》 -
謇詹曲同:[答案] I miss you everyday! I think of you everyday! or every moment

静海县15919828180: 急!请帮忙翻译一个句子.在线等.谢谢好心人
謇詹曲同: “你好!梁先生有6大箱样品,请用一辆大汽车去接.”谢谢好心人的帮忙.请勿借助软件

静海县15919828180: 无法跟一个法国老沟通,请帮忙翻译一个语句多谢请好心人帮忙翻译下
謇詹曲同: 朋友,如果直接翻译:ami, 表示很友好的意思,但是在称呼里,一般不用!如果和顾客之间,你可以用monsieur( 先生)如果是女士就用madame 作为称呼.. je crois ...

静海县15919828180: 好心人帮忙翻译3句话,中译英 -
謇詹曲同: Do you condider that there will be any benefit if you send them there?Hardly the teacher entered, she found that Jonny was absent.we won't be succeed without his help eve...

静海县15919828180: 求好心人帮助翻译个短句
謇詹曲同: 他于1955年10月28日出生在美国 He was founded in 1955 October 28 was born in the United States

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