
作者&投稿:夕泡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Time: arrive immediately
Nature of work: practice
Hope: advertisement, Text media/publishing, Dress/textile/leather, Film/media/art, Education/training
Target location in Shanghai
Expect salary: negotiable/month
Target function: art/design

Language: mandarin: proficient in Shanghai dialect, proficient in English, good Japanese: general
The computer level: skilled
Specialty: Photoshop, Illustrator, such drawing software Painter Corel Office software and operation

Inner link

英语教学任务和目标是在不同阶段培养相应的语言交际能力, 教学翻译与翻译教学是英语教学的有机组成部分, 是两种概念不同, 目的相异但又相互联系的教学设计类型。
English teaching task and goal is in different stages develop the corresponding language communicative ability, teaching translation and translation teaching is an organic part of English teaching, are two different concepts, the purpose which has a different but interrelated teaching design type.

教学翻译是培养或提高学生的英语水平, 翻译教学则是大量翻译实践课后的自觉体会, 概括和总结, 课堂上精简而扼要地介绍翻译理论及其原则, 重点培养能力。
Teaching translation is to cultivate students' English level or to improve, translation teaching is large translation practice session consciously experience, sum, class downsizing and briefly introduces translation theory and its principle, cultivate ability.

Say "translation teaching is teaching translation to continue."

[5] ( P24) 即存在着密切联系, 教学中可以加强二者的有益整合。
[5] (P24) that there is a close contact, in the teaching can strengthen the integration of both beneficial.

根据教学大纲, 二者的教学描述基本一致, 教学英语在基础阶段,“主要通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析, 使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力, 了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点, 扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型??”
According to the teaching outline, the combination of teaching, teaching English description is basically the same in basic stage, "mainly through language foundation training and textual interpretation analysis, enables the student to gradually improve the discourse understanding English reading comprehension, the different stylistic way of expression and characteristics, and expand their vocabulary and familiar with English some ex-pressions??"

在高级阶段,“课程通过阅读和分析内容广泛的材料??培养学生对名篇的分析和欣赏能力, 逻辑思维与独立思考的能力??”
In a higher stage, "course through reading and analyzing wide-ranging material?? Train the student to the renowned analysis and appreciation ability, logical thinking and independent thinking??"

而且每课后, 都配有大量的相关练习, 其中包括阅读理解、词汇研究、文体分析、中英互译等。
And after each, are all equipped with a large number of relevant practice, including reading comprehension, vocabulary study, style analysis, in English writing.thank etc.

翻译课程教学“通过介绍各类文体语言的特点, 汉英两种语言的对比和分析以及各种不同文件的翻译方法, 使学生掌握英汉双语翻译的基本理论, 掌握英汉词语, 长句及各种文体的翻译技巧和英汉互译的能力”教学翻译的阅读分析理解恰是翻译过程不可缺少的第一步。
Translation teaching "through the introduction of various genres language characteristic, chinese-english two languages the contrast and analysis and different document translation methods, cause the student to grasp the basic theory of chinese-english translation, mastering English words, long sentences and different stylistic translation skills and the ability of english-chinese translation teaching translation of reading and analyzing the translation process of understanding just is the indispensable first step.

理解与表达是极关键的起点, 只有透彻理解原文, 才能传达原作之意。
Understanding and the expression is a key point, only understand thoroughly the original, can convey the original meaning.

For real sense of creation.

另外, 英语课程培养学生了解内容广泛的各种文体的分析能力, 而随着国际交流不断增大和中国加入WTO, 翻译教学在传统内容的基础上增加不同文体的翻译, 二者则在内容上联系、教学环节上相互配合, 在教学效果上能够相得益彰。
In addition, English course to cultivate students understand wide-ranging different stylistic analysis ability, and with the international exchange increasing constantly and China's accession to the WTO, translation teaching in traditional based on the content increase different literary translation, they have in their contents, teaching link to coordinate with each other in the teaching effects can bring out the best in each other.

"We weren't able to teaching translation completely reject in translation teaching away."

reform and opening-up 改革开放
One country, two systems 一国两制
Thatcher 撒切尔
The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee 十一届三中全会
Cultural Revolution 文化大革命
values 或者 sense of worth 价值观
aethestic standard 审美观
Weltanschauung 世界观
Slumdog Millionaire 贫民富翁
cultural atmosphere 文化氛围

改革开放 Reform and Opening
一国两制 One Country, Two Systems
撒切尔 Thatcher
十一届三中全会 the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee
文化大革命 Cultural Revolution
价值观 Sense of Value
审美观 Aesthetic Standard
世界观 World View
贫民富翁 Slumdog Millionaire
文化氛围 Cultural Environment

改革开放 opening up
一国两制 One country, two systems
撒切尔 Mis. Thatcher
十一届三中全会 the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of CPC
文化大革命 the Cultural Revolution
价值观 values
审美观 aesthetic
世界观 world outlook
贫民富翁 millionaire of a poor country
文化氛围 cultural atmosphere

Reform and opening up
One country, two systems
撒切尔 Thatcher

Third Plenary Session
Cultural Revolution
价值观 Sense of Value
审美观 Aesthetic Standard
1. Weltanschauung
2. world view
Poor rich


the reform and open police

one country tow systems


the 11th plenary meeting

gtrat proletarian cultural revolution

value standard

aethestic standard

outlook of the world

slumdog millionaire

culture atmosphere

1:他累了 He is tired.2:好主意 Good idea.3:太糟糕了 It’s too bad,4:我认为如此 I think so.5:我觉得不太舒服 I feel bad;I feel uncomfortably.6:听到此事我很难过 I am sorry to hear this matter.7:你阴气太盛 Your yinqi is too lively. 阴气直接是中文的,翻译词典也是这么...


在星期五 on Friday 2.严重感冒 have a bad cold 3.每周 every week 4.很忙 very busy 5.我的阿姨 my aunt \/ aunts 6.在学校 at school 7.一个小城镇 a mall town 8.从周一到周六 from Monday to Saturday 9.一节体育课 a PE lesson 10.一张邮票 a stamp 11.去购物 go ...

求一位好心人帮我把这段话翻译成汉语,不要用百度翻译,百度翻译出来的语 ...
1775年,当美国独立战争开始的时候,乔治 华盛顿被选作美军统帅。华盛顿深知任重道远,美军也并非一帆风顺。士兵们久疏战阵,武器匮乏。英军不仅队伍庞大,而且实力强劲、训练有素。早期的战斗验证了华盛顿的顾虑。在纽约城一战中,美军被轻易击败。不久后,华盛顿想出了一个计划。在1776年的圣诞节之夜, ...


Il me demande pourquoi je ne suis pas venu hier.或者主句如果是过去时:Il m'a demandé pourquoi je n'étais pas venu la veille.4.别让我参观这些名胜古迹,我感兴趣的是风景。Ne me fais pas visiter ces monuments historiques, car c'est le paysage qui m'intéresse.5.北京的春天很...

1.首先,老外一般都不理解中国人拜师的概念,没有那种仪式。他们是去当徒弟,学徒或追随者。所以直接拼音 Zhangliang Baihi 这个名词,让他们自己去想就是了,你把故事说好就是了。2.根据这个故事灵活变动,实际上这个故事主要说的是张良尊敬师长,这个师长后来被证明是个了不得的大师,给了张良一本...

Participate in the planning of organized basketball 参与策划举办学院运动会:Involved in the planning institute organized Games 对外拉赞助:Seeking external sponorship 图书馆:Library 外借部:Lending Department 信息部:Information Department 管理员:Administrator 希望这些可以帮助到你 ...


His idea about joint venture is completely opposite from ours.20.报告接踵而来,都认为下半年货源紧张,价格会有所上涨。The reports come one after another, all of which believe the price will be rising because of goods supply tension in the second half.真累人啊!

宜黄县13891013362: 哪位好心人能帮我翻译一下下面这些啊 -
暨凭益肾: 1. Electrified railway track system group products company2. Ministry of quality engineering and technical supervisors Assistant Engineer3. Primarily responsible for product quality control, production supervision, and provide technical services. ...

宜黄县13891013362: 求求哪位好心的大哥哥姐姐,帮我解释一下这五个词语的意思,谢谢! -
暨凭益肾: 1如痴如醉 :形容神态失常,失去自制.2刻骨铭心 :形容记忆深刻,永远不忘.多用于对别人的感激.3璀璨 :意为形容光彩夺目,非常绚丽.4笑靥 :本意指面颊上的微涡. 5娓娓道来 :不紧不慢,慢条斯理的讲述.

宜黄县13891013362: 那位好心的人帮我翻译以下阿!谢谢阿!! -
暨凭益肾: 他久立在高楼上微风拂面一丝丝一细细,望不尽的春日离愁,黯黯然地升起从遥远无边的天际.碧绿的草色,迷蒙的烟光掩映在落日余晖里,默默无言什么人会理解他独自凭栏的深沉含义?打算让这疏懒放纵的心情喝得醉醉,可是对着美酒要纵情高歌,勉强取得欢乐反而觉得毫无意味.衣衫丝带渐渐觉得松宽了,可他始终不感到懊悔,宁愿为她消瘦得精神萎靡颜色憔悴. 听一曲以新词谱成的歌,饮一杯酒.去年这时节的天气、旧亭台依然存在.但眼前的夕阳西下了,不知何时会再回来.无可奈何之中,春花正在凋落.而去年似曾见过的燕子,如今又飞回到旧巢来了.(自己不禁)在小花园中落花遍地的小径上惆怅地徘徊起来

宜黄县13891013362: 哪位好心人帮我用英语翻译下这几个句子?!
暨凭益肾: 我想我也不必多说什么了 I think that I need not say more时间会证明一切 Time will prove everything就算没有完美的结局 Even if there is no perfect ending也留下了一段我们的插曲 Still have something left for us别忘了我 Don't forget me这是我仅希望的 This is my only wish下次见 See you next time

宜黄县13891013362: 哪位好心人帮我把下面的英语翻译成英语?
暨凭益肾: The little girl Tao Li wire (also translated the "multi-Luoqian") and the adoption because her aunt talk back, go out alone, the result was a tornado Guadao blooming flowers of Lilliput. In fairies and people's help, she along the Yellow Brick Road to ...

宜黄县13891013362: 那位好心人帮我翻译这几道英语题
暨凭益肾: proved;take highly of;to find;a series of;common;categrorize 最后一个单词我写错了,应该是categorize

宜黄县13891013362: 哪位好心人能帮我翻译一下这是什么意思??? -
暨凭益肾: 翻译如下: Half-time is a 20-minute period for the player to rest. 半场休息时间为20分钟的时间段,用于球员休息.

宜黄县13891013362: 有哪位好心人可帮忙翻译一下,两句啦! -
暨凭益肾: 但他依然希望能对知识做点贡献,希望后来的人在这方面不再那么困难是我们的个人差别和缺乏共同的背景让人们分道扬镳common ground共同背景或阅历

宜黄县13891013362: 那位好心的人帮我翻译下 -
暨凭益肾: 永恒你相不相信? 我不相信,但不论发生什么.我们应该充分利用每一天,每一分钟.快乐每一天 你也许说我说错了,但是老实说,我甚至不知道我在说什么.我很遗憾地告诉你.也许我误解了你的意思.

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