
作者&投稿:怀肢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

3.涂漆方法及其他要求按JB/T 4711的规定。

1. Headroom equipment weight is 1135kg, the weight of the equipment over water is 1285kg.

2. Paint or other coatings should be qualified to carry out hydraulic test.

3. Coating methods and other requirements in accordance with JB / T 4711 requirements.

4. In addition to control the surface of galvanized metal parts and double fin-tube, the other parts of the coating, together Antirust Paint, Antirust Paint paint dry and then heat-resistant coating 2, room temperature drying paint each of not less than 24h.

5. Painting must pre-treatment of metal surfaces to remove oil, rust, weld spatter and other debris impact on the quality, surface treatment equipment to meet SP6.

6. Film quality should be a solid film after dry adhesion in the coated metal surface, the appearance should be bright, color consistent, no bubbles, peeling, wrinkled skin, the adhesion of impurity particles, flow marks and obvious, such as brush mark defects.

7. The requirements of special anti-corrosion technology Air Heater agreement should be carried out on the surface of the corresponding control treated with preservatives.

Even if I know I am the only one you will think of when you are extremely depressed
Even though I am only the one you will call to mind when you are extremely bored.

投资是国际贸易合作当中的一个重要部分, 当公司向国外投资, 他们的原因分为几种: 获取原材料的资源, 降低成本, 开拓市场, 满足客户需求.
Investment is an essential part in international cooperation of trades and commerce. When an enterprise is making investment abroad, the reasons are: to acquire the resource of raw materials, to cut the costs, to break into new markets and to supply the demand of its customers.
从某种程度上, 这些不同的原因导致不同的投资形式。可以直接同一家国外公司合作, 进行进出口贸易, 也可以选择代理商, 特许协议, 同当地合作伙伴成立合资公司等方式。
To some extents, these various reasons have led to different investment forms.
One can choose to cooperate directly with a foreign company, to handle import and export business, to select a franchisee, or to reach a concession agreement with the local government and to establish a joint-venture company together with a local partner.

Investment in international trade cooperation is an important part of foreign investment company, when they divided into several reasons: the resources, reduce cost of raw materials, to expand the market, meet customer needs. To some extent, these different causes different forms of investments. Can directly the same foreign companies to cooperate, import and export trade, also can choose agents, charter agreement, with local partners to set up a joint venture company, etc.

Investment is an international trade co-operation among an important part, when the companies to invest abroad, and their reasons are divided into categories: access to raw materials, resources, reduce costs, develop new markets and meet customer needs. To some extent, these different reasons lead to different forms of investment. Can be directly co-operation with a foreign company to conduct import and export trade can also choose to agents, franchise agreements, with local partners, joint venture, etc ..

Investment is an important part in international trade cooperation.When companies invest abroad,their aims can be divided as follows: to get the resources of raw materials; reduce cost;
expand market and meet customers' need.
To some extent,these different reasons result in different kinds of investment.
Can cooperate directly with foreign companies,having import and export trade
or choose agents,sign charter agreements,
set up joint venture companies with local parters and so on.

1、 满城风雨【解释】:城里到处刮风下雨。原形容重阳节前的雨景。后比喻某一事件传播很广,到处议论纷纷。2、 信手拈来【解释】:信手:随手;拈:用手指捏取东西。随手拿来。3、 防患未然【解释】:患:灾祸;未然:没有这样,指尚未形成。防止事故或祸害于尚未发生之前。4、 入木三分【解释】...

方兴未艾:方:正在;兴:起始,兴起;艾:停止,完结。事物正在发展,还没有停止。多形容革命形势新生事物正在蓬勃发展。 大放厥词 : 厥:其,他的;词:文辞,言辞,或作“辞”。原指铺张词藻或畅所欲言。现用来指大发议论(今多含贬义)。 不绝如缕:绝:断;缕:细线。多形容局面危急或声音...

いつもお世话になっております。一直受你们照顾,谢谢(就一句公司间的寒暄语没什么具体意思)□本日、山寺事务所にご足労顶き、症状を一绪に确认しましたように、再现性が非常に不安定(小职の确认结果一覧で、症状再现率が50%のものが全く再现 しないとか、100%のものが数回の症状再现の后...



A(가):包别光拿着,放在船上面就可以了.B(나): 我怕稍不留神就落在这里.A(가): 等烧茶水热的功夫,先进屋跟我们聊天吧 B(나): 不行,不坚持站岗,一不留神就睡着了.A(가): 健康要在身体好的时候养好,无论何时都得注意了.B(나): 对啊,...

韩语高手进 帮忙给翻译几个韩语句子~
1.nan yier(一后面加儿化音)bu luo ha nen ge a ni ya 男 一儿 不落 哈嫩个 啊你呀!2.a ni (比较口语化,也有不是的意思)啊你 (你不要发3声,发轻声)3.yi jia xi gi (一般是年龄稍大的人对稍小的人说的,同龄之间还是不用为好,不尊敬的成分比较多。开玩笑的时候...

[00:47.27]yi dae lo nol bo nael su nen ob da go [00:47.27]pa mel sae wuo kan jo-li ki do hae ji man [00:54.41]do yi sang nol sa lang hal su ob da mion [01:01.18]cha la li na do dae lio ka [01:08.73]nae ma ji mak so wuo-nen ha ne-li [01:17...

冰城=얼음 시티 [eol eum si ti]世界音乐之城=월드 뮤직 시티 [wol deu myu jik si ti ]太阳岛=태양도 [tae yang do ]某大街=중앙 거리 [jung ...

Dear teachers and students, today, I have a great news for you all.随着社会的发展与进步,英语作为一门非常重要的世界语言,已经逐渐地渗入了我们的学习和生活当中了。As our society is developing, English becomes a very important language in the world.所以,为了丰富我们的校园文化生活,...

镇宁布依族苗族自治县17610445948: 金融财经方面的英语高手请帮忙请帮翻译.US 2yr( 美国2年期国债)3MO LIBR 3M T - BILL?Crude Oil(原油) -
谭连浦列:[答案] 2 Year U.S. Treasury Notes 2年期美国国债 3 MO LIBR:3个月期伦敦同业拆放利率(3 Month London InterBank Offered Rate) 3M T-Bill:3个月期美国国库券(3 Month Treasury bill) Crude Oild:原油 CRB:美国商品调查局(Commodity Research ...

镇宁布依族苗族自治县17610445948: 英语高手们帮帮忙啊,这句怎么翻译啊~看不懂啊~1. The primary issue worthy of further exploration in terms of cognitive presence relates to the progressive ... -
谭连浦列:[答案] 在认知方面值得进一步探讨的首要问题涉及网上学习环境调查的不断发展.认知方面被定义在一实际调查循环周期,参加者通过探索,整体化并实际应用来摆脱了解的问题或事.这个问题透露在研究成果中显示,调查总是很难超过探索阶段.

镇宁布依族苗族自治县17610445948: 英语高手帮帮忙忙:汉语翻译成英语
谭连浦列: 1. Yesterday's bad weather. In fact the weather had been bad the past few days 2. She has been in this office for years. 3. Last year I visited the Great Wall, but especially fun Playing 4. Since the last quarrel, we will never spoken with each other 5. I screw the TV sound small. Weather has not yet begun it.

镇宁布依族苗族自治县17610445948: 本人英语知识有限,请高手帮帮忙翻译.This refers to your application for Permanent Residence in Canada.A review of your application taking into account ... -
谭连浦列:[答案] 这指的就是您对于加拿大长期居住(永久居住)的申请书.请确保您已再一次阅览您的申请书,申请书中与以下几大因素相关,您求爱时期时长,您介绍的周边环境,您的一名历史记录以及您随后的感情关系发展.基于您的申请书内容...

镇宁布依族苗族自治县17610445948: 帮帮忙啊 英语高手 翻译下面的一段话Two monkeys come to a fruit shop. They want to get some banana.Byt they can only get some apples and oronges. So ... -
谭连浦列:[答案] 两只猴子来到了一个水果店,他们想买一些香蕉,但是他们只买到了一些水果和句子,所以他们很不高兴.正在这时,两个孩子进来了.他们有一个大盒子,里面有香蕉,猴子们见到了就很高兴!

镇宁布依族苗族自治县17610445948: 英语高手帮帮忙 翻译下
谭连浦列: 1: breakfast time really interesting 2: after breakfast, and then go to play guitar. 3:4: his PALS at seven o 'clock he home five: thank you for your letter 6: he wants to know about my morning time? 7: please write and tell me you in the morning

镇宁布依族苗族自治县17610445948: 英语高手来帮帮忙翻译...
谭连浦列: 1. Whenever i have any matter, I will talk to it. 2. I hope to talk to you instead. 3. I hope it will accompany us forever.

镇宁布依族苗族自治县17610445948: 英语高手帮帮忙翻译!!
谭连浦列: 20th, August, 2009 Sunny In this evening, I went to Yi Feng supermarket with my mother to buy something. We bought a lot of delicious food such as biscuits,patato chips,chocolate,and coke ect.

镇宁布依族苗族自治县17610445948: 英语高手的帮帮忙帮翻译一下
谭连浦列: 1、你们要集中精力学习. You have to concentrate on learning. 2. 她喜欢同朋友们分享快乐. She likes sharing happiness with friends 3. 只有在知道主人喝酒的情况下,你才能送给他一瓶酒. Only under the condition of knowing the host drinks,...

镇宁布依族苗族自治县17610445948: 财经英语翻译 有翻译器的译文,翻译成标准的中文文章 -
谭连浦列: 从您的提问就可证明机器翻译的局限性还是挺大的!!Figure 4-5 also shows the money raised from initial public offerings of common stock (IPOs) from 1970 through 1997.从1970年至1997年的首次公开发行普通股所募集到的资金也显示在图4-5...

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