
作者&投稿:载童 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
这个计划大大缩减我们的成本 ----英文~

This plan can reduce our prime cost to a great extent.

四)铸件处理工艺。 热处理工艺合理成熟、表面处理合理。

First, the absolute quality of
An enterprise, if the quality of compliance, such enterprises will never be able to be based on the industry in which companies.
Second, high-quality service
Now enterprises have two points to note, one quality, one is service.
If an enterprise, the quality of doing good, but the service can not do bit, and that such enterprises are really doing a good failure.
In today's standard of living, it is no longer Zhiqiu the quality of people, and they pay more attention to service, service is good, and they will accept!
Is greater than the quality of service, and is equivalent services, and even less than the service!
3, first-class salesman
Master the business, the enterprise's products in order to better enter the market and then dominate the market.
Master the business is that companies have a better salesman.
4, bold but cautious
Enterprises to develop business leaders should be courageous, which can act, will not give up the opportunity to occupy the market.
Courageous leadership in the enterprise, while also cautious, not cautious would lose the market!
5, the suspect not, employers do not suspect
Company employees choose this company to develop, it is because this business would give him the opportunity to develop. To this end, the enterprise employees will be better to contribute to the company. As a result, as the company's leadership should be hands-off to make their employees do, rather than to suspect his loyalty to the company employees.
If so, who will work for the enterprise? Who will work hard for the development of enterprises? Employees are human beings, he also has its own dignity.
6, could not bear silver sets do not live the wolf
Clerk the money spent on the company's interests, not to care about, because it is the company's interests, but maybe later date, the salesman would get the money with this in a benefit (this benefit is the capital fear a few times) to earn back.
7, non-discriminatory
An enterprise customer-facing should be applied equally, simply because one is a fellow and to the price is low, one is a stranger to the price will be high.
The development of enterprises does not depend on the villagers, but by a strange man!
8, business, customer profitability pairs
Enterprises in the same place, to do business, customers are profitable is the company's most important.
Is located in the same place as an agent point, if necessary, to two, but the gap between the two for more than two blocks must be met, otherwise unable to meet pairs of profit, the customer can not make any money, ask who will sell their products for the enterprise ?
9, local protectionism
In one place, the people of sales is better than outsiders. Locals at the local level has many advantages, so that local agency the company's products can make use of local advantages, the company's products can locally developed rapidly.
10, puerile
The development of enterprises but not the present moment the development of long-term. Not because the development will be completely sealed after the development of the road.
Will have fewer sales to earn a little better, so that some time down the long-term interests of enterprises also taken into account, the money has earned more than before.
11, all for the sake of customers
Clients in the development of enterprises, decided the fate of the enterprise. So to all for the customer, the customer's interests first!
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咎芝小儿:[答案] 论文题目: 浅谈降低企业成本的途径 摘 要abstact在企业增加利润的各项措施中,降低成本应是一种最行之有效的办法.降低成本是企业在市场经济中必须认真思考的,只有通过一系列的策略才能达到目的.进而实现企业价值...

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咎芝小儿: Brief Discussion on approaches reducing business cost

东莞市15340365963: 最大程度减低成本 请求英文翻译 用比较地道的翻译 '最大程度地“如何翻译 -
咎芝小儿: 最大程度减低成本 maximize cost这样的东西手册、广告上到处是了./.....

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咎芝小儿: 1. The layoffs are the effective ways to reduce costs. 2. Mary know how to try to his talents.

东莞市15340365963: “降低成本”的英文单词
咎芝小儿: 降低成本 cut the cost; cost down; cost reduction; lower [reduce] production costs; reduce cost

东莞市15340365963: "缩减开支"英语正确的说法是cut还是cut down? -
咎芝小儿: 均可,但有固定用法. cut down expenditure/ expense They cut down unnecessary expenditure . 他们削减了不必要的开支. They had to cut down expense . 他们不得不减少开支. 或 cut spending What would have happened if governments had decided to cut spending and raise taxes ? 如果政府当初决定削减开支并提高税收,会出现怎样的情况呢?

东莞市15340365963: 翻译成英语: 尽管我们提出了降低成本的建议,董事会的成员们似乎没有认真考虑.
咎芝小儿: Although we made for cost reduction proposals, the board members seem to have no serious consideration.

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咎芝小儿:[答案] I suggest that we should track the air situation regularly, if it is not an emergency parts ,we can change air freight into shipping, it can reduce the transportation costs.

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